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Be Yonr On Doctor. It won't cost you one half as much. D ' not delay. Send three 2 cent stamp tor poetage, and we will sei.d you Dr. Kauf mann's great work, fine colorad plates from life, on diseae, it cau-ea, and home cure. Address A. P. ürdvvay & Oo., Boston, Mass. Miraculous powers are mppoaed to te pO88eP8ed by the spventh dnughter, bat, as usual in the case of woman, it has an occult power. Nine grains of wheat luid on a four-ltaved dover enflble one to see ihc tairies. -yjf . wnald eDJoy your dinner V "' andarepreventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Tlier are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee tliem. 25 and 50 cents. John Moorr. Druggist. The nuraber 3 wa a pertect rutnber of the Pythagoreans, who aid it represented the beginning, middle and eud. ■■- - - - = - - OH I MY HE AD. The pain from Neuralgia and ita companion disease Rheumatism is excruciating. Thousands who could be quickly cured are needlessly suffering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for othera what it díd for the following partí es WUliamsport. Ind., Oot. 8. 1887. Haring been attlictod witb neuralgia for tte part fouryeare, and tryin(?almoBteTery. SinVbut in vain. I ftnallí henrd of AtUo$S&. Afterukinf one botUe I found rt to be helping me, &f Wdnir toar botlee of AihlophoroB and one of Pul. I Jouna thit I was entirely weU. I thinlt the mediiae is podtively Mre enre ___„„_ Chauhckt B. Reddick. Mt. Carmel. 111.. Dc X 1887. I hae nsed Athlophoros in my fmu and Jlnd 6 cents for the beautiful colored picture, " Moorish Malden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St N Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALKX. W. HAMILTON A lliirmj at I.h . WiU praetice in both State and United 8tatei Coarta OflBee Booms, one and two, lst flooroi the new brick block. corner of Hurón and Fourtb Streets.AnnArbor, Michigan. ___ IDE,. H. IR. -A-KOSrrDT(Office over First National Bank.) Hoürs: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to3:30 p.m. Can be reached atresidcnce, West Huron-st.,a the "Prof. Nichol place"; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. f R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at, Hilan, Mich. MoneylPoaned for outeide partics. All legal business given prompt attention. O. HOWELL., M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Teleptoone Connectlons, Aun Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. tRTJFTTTRK ! EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRUS9. Spirid Spring with gradea pre sure 1 to 6 pounds. Wora day am nieht by au Intaut a week oln adultotso fJ8? Testtaoïntti of Cure. mesu mtntó, EGAN'S IMPERIA' TRUSS CO.. Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.Mlch. . WM. BIGGS. Contractor I Bulder And all fclnrts of work In oonnectlon with the bve proinptly exrcuted. -81iop Cor. of Church-st and üniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box Iü48. _1_ ■ IJ ü_ FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. SOKti'S, DKAI.ER IN All Painter'8 Supplies 70 s. n ain SI. Plans for Frescwng furnished on appilcaiion. MME sS The Regular Old-Estalllsbed 4vÜPHYSICIAH AND SURCEOM V Hf' I stlll Treatlng w!th the Greatwt Chronïc, Herróos and Private Diseases. Dreams.Head and Back Acfie and alltWffec teading to early decay and perhaps Consumption oj lnsanity, treated scientifically by new methods witb SJnf&SBMd all bad BlOOd and SUa DU. 'E;ilÍEYÍ&üENAllYrljWf.atoa Goiorrhoea, Strictu , Varicocele and , aï I dl of the Genito-Urinary Orgara cured prompUy rltllOUt itvury to Stomach, Kidneys or olher Organ. No experiments. Age and experience lmportant. Consultation free and Bacd. - Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Workt 00 Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. -Those contemplating Mamaee send for Df. CaTke's lebrated guide Male and Female, each iTeSl, both cents (stamps). Consult th . old Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay save nJturesuffer. "S and shame, and add golden years to Ufa. "" "Life-s (Secret) Errors,"5cents(sumps). Med.c andwritings sent everyhere, secure from expOUW. Hjurs, 8to8. Sundayï9toi2. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D., IV 3rrii DETROIT. WI1OM.'.


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Ann Arbor Register