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Elmer Needham, of York, was at the inanguration. Mrs. Grosslians, of Lodi, was found dead in bed this lorenoon. A two weeks-old boy makes music ih i the home of John Stebb, of Lodi. E. R. Aldrich recently deposited 10,000 brook trout in the Btreams about Saline. Tobias Sntherland, of Pittsfield, was the happy ownerof a 625 pound dressed hog, which he raised. Lena, daughter of George and Mary Gale, of Superior, died on Monday, at the age of ten weeks. The Ypsilanti Commercial, edited and pubüshed heretofore by the Coe Brothers, is now the sole property of Henry Mrs. Dflos Townsend and two children, of Saline, who have had scarlet fever, were reported to be recovering last Friday. Philander Rouse, east of Saline, while usingabuzz saw in cutting wood, had an ugly cut made in his arm and the bone wa8splintered. The Ypsilanti papercompany is building a $20,000 addition to its Superior mili for the purpose of manufanturing sulphite wood pulp under a process invented by Mr. Clark Cornwell, a member of the company. - Frte hress. The Macomber Brothers' fiilure in Manchester may be setlled so that the creditors will receive 35 cents on the dollar, which the Enterprise thinks is good considering the chattel mortgages. Spencer Rogers has sold the old hotnestead farra he has occnoied to Jacob Fesel and will move on his 40-acre farm on the town line, opposite the brick schoolhouse, where he will the coming snmmer build a new house. - Saline Observer. TheDextercharterPlPction resulted as follows: President, John Costello; recorder, Jay Keith ; treasurer, Herbert A Williams; trustees, Peter Eieder, Samuel L. Jenney, Deforest Litchfield ; assessors, Marcus S. Cook, Byron C Whitaker. The Saline sheep breeders association met last week Tnesday nrid lislened to a paper by J. S. YVood. It was voW to hold the annual shearing festival April 9. Ttie followingr nflieers were e'ected : President, J. S. Wood ; vice-president, E. P. Harper; tsecretary and treasurer, WC. R. Parsons; executive board, A. A. fl Wood, R. W. Mills aud F. Ottinar. Ypsllantl. Fire destroyed the lióme of Mr. Gaines, colored, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mra. Jno. Pa'ohin, of Manchester, made our city a short cali Tuesday. Mrs. John Van Cleve has purchased Mrs. MtKinstry's property oo Hamilton st. Edwin Rorison has gone north to Traverse City to work on a new bank building. Wm. Robbins has purchased M. Daly's residence on corner of Adams and Michigan-st. A8 soon aa the frost is out of the ground enough, the Jenness estáte will begin the ereclion of a new brick block on Huron-st. Fire was discovered at theSanitarium Sunday morning about five o'clock, and before it cotild be subdued about Í6,300 damage had been done. Thewhole part of the building containing the bath rooms and the entine rooms was totally destroyed. Temporary facilities for giving baths have been arranged to last until the damaged part can be rebuilt. Insurance covers the loss. Pittsfleld. Cari Schlenker was theguest of Alfred Hntzel last week. The friends of Clinton Allrnendinger gave him one of the jolliest surprises of the season last Wednesday evening. Miss Eunice Parker and Miss Genevieve Kittredge spent last Friday and Saturday with Miss AJdie Wilsey. Miss Lydia Hurd, a former resident of this town, hut who for several years has been teaching at Marqnette, is attending fchool at the Nirmal. The "Modoc club.' a üterary circle which meet8 every 8 iturday, is well attended, more than a hundred being present at the reoent meeting held at . the residence of Mrs. Armbruster. JMrs. M. L. Healy, who carne here last November from Charlevoix county to have her eyes trnated, has been and still in a great sufferer, though hopes are entertained that her sight will ultimately be restored. She is staying with her aunt, Mrs. David Wilsey. About fifty ladies and gentlemen gathered under the hospitable roof of Joseph Wilsey, on Friday evenlng last, to tender him a birthday surprise, which was very happy in every respect. This is one of the few residencesyet remainingin the town that can date its erertion back to pioneer days. Built in 1831 by the father of the present owner, an'd the home for more than fifty years of the aged mother, who died a few years since, at the age of 94, shel tering in its turn infancy and youth, to see them pass through its portals to enter those not "made with hands," truly have its walls witnessed the tragedy and poetry of life. Longfellow wrote All homes wherein men have lived and died are haunted houses;" haunted by sad, sweet memories this doubtless is, but truly pleasant ones are those whieh the assembled guests will henceforth carry with them, of the agreeable, graceful hostess, and the cheerful, thoughtful host. r Saline. [ Frank Clark is on the sick list. _ Miss Lillie Mills is visiting her sister in Detroit. Mrs. O. Parsons has q nite recovered trom the effects of her late accident. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Gauntlett will go to house-keeping in the village, soon. Several of our young ladiea attended teachers' examination at Ann Arbor, last week. Mrs. Charles Connell died very sudlenly Sunday inorning, at her home at Lodi Center. Miss Mary Schafer was surprised by her scholars, who came in a boJy to see her Monday evening. G. B. Masón, H. Nichols, Mrs. Marsh, and others who attended the iuauguraüon ceremonies have returned. ÍTt is said thata new furniture and uiirtaking establishment will soon be a rmanent thing in Saline, everal Salineites atteaded the cana of Qaeen Esther, at Ann Arbor, iday and Saturday evenings. The Presbyterian Sunday school has orchestra now, which adds much to 'Qe attractiveness of the Sunday school. The second afternoon social given by the Peslyterian ladieti was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of N. H. Isbell. D A. Bennett was away several days the Jalter part of last eek, and H. Á. Leisemer, of Somerset Centre, took Lis place. A large number of onr young people attended the hop at Milan last Friday evenins;, remming home intime fora gonil break fast. Mrs, A R. Rouse hus returned from a vihit to her htisband, at Elkhart, Ind. Artliur hasjust recovered Irooi an attack of measles. The Farmer's club held their last meetirijr at the home of Ebert Harper, last Friday. The nexr. meeting of the club will be at George Woods. Chelse. Esquire Morris, of Ann Arbor, was in town on Monday. Miss Blodgelt went to Ypsilanti, Monday, to spend a few days with lier sister, Mrs. Ainsworth. Rbv. Rohert Ctiamhers, recently from Erzroom, Turkey, where he has spent about ten years as a missionary, gave two most interesting, instructive and proötable diacour.-es on mission work, at the Congregational churuh last Sunday, also one at Lima Center. James D.ividson, an early pioneer of Washtenaw county, who came to Ann Arbor from Muntgomery county, N. Y., in 1832, and with his broiher Robert, erected nearly all the early brick structures in the city, hut sinue 1868 has been a rebident óf Chelsea, died at his re8idenee on Rail Road treet, Sunday, March 10, 1889, aged 86 years, 1 month, 10 days. At the village election, on Monday, political party lines were iftnored. The tickets in the field were, " The People's Ticket," and "The Ami-Tax Ticket." Majonties in favor of the People's cand dates ranieil from 101 for W. J. Knapp, president of the village hoard, lo 79. Miinifestly the people of Chelsea believe that the trustees will know what to do with the surplus. Henry F. Chandler, of Walpole, N. H., falher of Ed. Chandler, and Mra. Graves, of the same place, mother of Ed. Chandler's wife, siiinmoned by telegraph on account of the d merous illness of Ed. as repTted last week, reached Chelsea last Tlmrsd iy nigllt, and were r joiced to find Ed.'s symptoms slitrhtly improved. Symptoms are 8till iniproving and strong tiopes are now entertained of his rerovery. Wliiimore l.iikc. An 8J pouiu) girl arrived at C. A. Pray's last Sunday. John Hildebrant and wife were at Owosso over Suuday. Mrs. F. M. Dodtce is visiting relatives and friends at Liingibiirg. Rev. S. W. Bird, of Dentón, visited friends al. the Lake, Monday. Mrs. R. D. RobiriHon visited her daughter Ellen, at Ypsilanti, recently. The Excelsior lyceum will present its cloHing program un Sauirday eveningof next week. F. M. Dodge is negoliating with Mr. Courtney for 300 acres of heavy tiniber near Strawberry lake. The boa of tb is section of the T. & A. A. will have his headquarters at VVhiinaore Lake hereafter iiiütead of at Haiaburg. Hanv of ourcitizens are talking quite fnvorably of drawing Horsesiioe lake into our lake. There is no doubt that Whitmore lake can be raised several feet in tliis way. Emery. E. E. Leland's family is afHicted with the mumps. The ladies' aid society will hold a social at the residence of Geo. Naylor. March 15. Rev. O. H. Ramsdell and wife retnrned lo their home in Deerfield, last Thursday. Our winter school closed last Thursday. Il has been very Hiiccessful under the guidance of Mis Carrie Renwick. Stoiiy ('ri'i'k. Social at Win. Vandynes Friday eveninj, March 15. The school in the town-line district closed last Friday. Mrs Harper has returned to her old home at. Stonv Creek. Mrs. F red. Sal-bury, of Marquette, U. P., is visiting at R. Salsbury's. Deacon O. E. Gooding has a sale of personal property Thursday, May 4. R. Salsbury was taken viole. tly ill on Saturday last. At last accounts he was much better. Lee Salsbury was home frotn Ann Arbor last Saturday and Sunday to see bis father, who was stek. Delbert Wayne hasrented H. Thompson's farm and has hired bis brother Eugene for the coming season. The estáte of Mrs. Wm. Gooding, which was ndvertiHed, was sold last Wednesday at anction, to Wm. Kelsey. Dcxter. New luraber yard at depot by Wm. Warner and D. M:Laine. John Chnstium-y has sold hia house and lot lo Mrs. Bcker, and moved into ihe Dr. Tav lor house. Sheldon Beach was 94 years old last June. He attends to his own finalices, appears perfectly healthy, and is about as spry as most of the younger ones. At regular meeting of Farmers' club, held at Win. Latsou's last S,uurday, it was decided to postpone "public" 'till Saturday evening, the 23J, at Webster Congregational church. nimn. Some of our cit'zens who are said to have larne pecunfnry interest in the Friend-Howard muddie seem to have lost sigh tof those inlerestsin their overwhelming sympathy for the accused. Charter election on Monday found three tickets in the fieM.all made S iturday evtning. The fillowintf were elected: Burt, president; Kelly, Znti merman; Jackson and Putnarn.council; Blaukner, clerk ; Marble, assessor ; Gauntlett, constable. C. H. Wilson had a cow fall into the Saline river at this place on Tuseday morning, but she was rescued without much trouble. The county prosecator has got two of our citizens under arrest for keeping places for gamblin:. Upon the return day in one of the cases the prosecutor failed to put in an appearance, very much to the disgust of the marshal. The much talked about removal of the Bayltis stve fartory is a certainty. The worK of dismntling and reiaoval has commenced. Lt gues north soinewhere. The remoyal haa been reportad so ofcen that bat little attention has been paid to it.


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