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Michigan Legislature

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Senate-A long discuss-.on took place on tÜ9 h upon a joint resolution uuthonzinu the setlement by the Board ol State Audltors o 1 eera "claims for damages by part.e Torced out of bus.nessby the passage ot the OloomargaHno act of 188. It flnallï passed, alter amendiñg to cut off all possbiHty of construct, damages. The amount of actual damages is to be appraised by ■ commissioner, created by both partios, to be under the supervisión of the Attorney General. A joint resolutlor i to amend the constituf.on as to enable eIÏ tions whose charters have expired by Hm it.ition to reorganize was defeated. and B Ml to repeal the law minority stockholders representation on directing boards of Corporation was Uilled. Bills veré passed authorizing water-works in the city of Alpena; to ■ KUlate the employment of womei and child.ea m faetones ol the State; to Incorpórate Ü16 olty óf Cheboygan. A bilí for aa addltion.1 judge ta the Sagiuaw crcuit was killed a motion I to reconsider it lost. Senate-A House joint resolution to fix the .„m nf the Governor at ï ,OIX) w passed on the 6th, and it now requ res the lgnature ol ihe Governor, when it wlll be subm tted to the people at the spring election. An auempl was made to include othcr State oftlces. Dut it failed A joint resolution was also passed to eubmit to a popular vote th! spring a nstitutional ameniment permitting the Leg.sUture to legalíze the reorganization of corporaUons whose charters bave expired by tbe thirty vears limit prescribed by the constitution. It has alrpaciy passed the House. D.lls vvere passed to meorporutc the city of Cheboygan, and making prov.sion for prevention of dangerous communicable disea6es. HOUSE-Bills were passed incorporanng iuo cityot FortGratot; to amena the charter ot PortHuron: to amend the charter ot the city of Cadilac; to prohiMt catching of flsh in Lescheneux channel. Upper Península: to secunty for costs in cases of stay of proceedinirs in circuit courts; the Appropriation biU for the School for the Blind. An adverse report was made oo the bilt to repeal the Pharmacy law. Petitions were presented for toe extens'on of the terms of county clerks to four years; lor and aeainst local optioa, and m fiivor of ornan municipal suff rage. SENATE-Bills were passed onthe7th authorizine Saginaw Cnunty to issue bonds to the „..„, i,mixï! to build stne iind gravel roads; to amend the charter of P.irt Huron; U incorpórate tne city oí Fort Gratiot; to auihorizethe Auditor-General to balance accounts ot the Blind School by the transfer of funds. Hoi'SE- Bills were passed to prevent the fraudulent removal of property held by chattel mortgage; autbonzmg the townsnips of HUI man and Asseneke in Montmorency County to issue bonds to pay outstanding debts. A reso lution was adopted provlding for a specia committee of three from each house to investí gate the cause of the death of two inmates o the Pontiac Asylum recently, and the charge ot crueltv made against the keepers. A reso lution was adopten to prirn, mie t,uuu..." -....- oopies of the bill proh bltinj; the sale and manufacture of liquors tor general distribuida. &ENATE-The bill incorporating the public schools of Muskegon was passed, and the House bill for the preventing of commumcable, dange ou? diseases was called and referred it to the Comm ttee on Public Healtb Notice was received of the approval by the Governor of the joint resolution with reference to placlng the custody of the Ule R yale County safe wilh the Auditor General. A special committee appointed to investígate the claim that Senator Rentz (Dem.) was elected by purchased votes reported in favor of Rentz. AdI journed to the llth. House- Bills were passed to amend the charter of the city of Detroit, allowing women snfTraire in school elections, and making them ellgible as school inspectors (by a vote of a to to provide for the transfer of caus-s in Justice courts; to provide for the publication and distnbution of public documents and forreplacing those lost or destroyed by flre; to give the nght of way at crossings ot street railway companies to the company who first laid tracks; to provide for the improvement of rivers and streams that form the boundary between Michigan and othor State; flxing the time when levys by exeoution on real estáte shaU expire at üve years. Aüjourned to the SÊSATE-On the llth bil'.s were passcd proI vlding for two justices ot the peace at Grand Rapids at a salary of Í1.400 eaclr, to prevent. Junk dealers trom purchasing gooda from minors; amending the luw with referenco to garnishments; appropriaiing 1185 trom the general fund for ear.h of the vears 18St-9 tor publisbing re: orts of superintendents of the poor; appropriatinR Í3.00D for the vears 1888 to 1890 for the purchase of books for the State Library. A large number of petttions were I presented favorinp; woman suffrage, and a remonstrance against the township district sys1 tem of schools. HODSE- No business of importance was I transacted. _


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