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Atfvlce lo Mothers. Mr Winslow'9 Soothing Syrup hould alwsvs be nsed for childreu teethms. It sooufes the ch.ld, gof.en. the gum, alla8 „U pain, oares wiüd oohs, and w the best remdy tor di.rrhoe. WttU botile. They never ned fear a full who never scale the heighus. LEGALS. t'ominilne's' tice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, j mmmm adjust said claims. HoSlS UTCWTBLD { (MntatoMB. JOHN L. SMITH i _ " „r Atvertieinenl. Be it Ordalned by the MyjKf'rtM and "aSSto?. This ordinance sball takc effect fTd after It. 3&LW?XKeoorder. S W. BEAKKS, Mayor. Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAK.1 S8_ COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. 1 In the matter of the estáte of Norman Dwight, IlïiïÉ ■n one-huudredAtresmoieoMe. Administrator of Said Estáte. Dated March h, 1889. Probate Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN,] gg, of WaThtenaw, holden at the Pn.bate Office in the CiU of Ann Arbor, on Fnday. the _ hret day of February, in the year one thousand eight hun&ÏÜ?dje$ÏLri Babbitt, Judge of Probate. ín the liauer of the Eswte of Lorenzo M. LTn1n1dflUngtl.eptóonlyvSriflea. ,,f ïiunipl Ivon DraviuB that Admiimtrauon oí i Lidtatema7b?Kra..ted to Arthur 8. Lyon or some other Buitable person. v„nH„v the tJfS 'iarSatooIñ'thl End all other persons interested m said estat are And it is fuither ordered, that said petitioiier give notice to the persons ii terested in said estáte o the pende.,cy of sa!d petit.on and the hearing thereof by causiug a copj of this order to be r, nhlished in the Ann ArW Register, a newsap ï 'prii. ëd ïnd eirculated in sid cuniy, ,three ?ucPce,sPive weeks prevsaafeanng. [ATrueCopy.] ' , Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. An OrfHnnnce Relative to IIik or Omnibus Drlver. [Passed February 5th. 1889.] Be it Ordaïned by the 'ayor. Recorder, aud Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor: SECTiOHl. ThatitshaUbeunlawfulforany hack carriage or omnibus driver. or any other pWon wlicïting passengere or travele at the Michieau Central depot, in the city of Ann mbor Bolicit passenge or traveler. except a he steps of thelr re.,pective vehicles, located at the South side of the Michigan Central depot at such p"ace as fhall be designated by the station age ntof Vaid depot, at whicl locat ion all persons I so soliciling are hereby required to be at their retuve hacks.carr.ages ot omnibuses on the arrival of passenger trains, and there to remain SÍTrlmí the tav of said passenger trains at said oëpot and for the perid of two minutes alt-r the departure of said passenger trains from taid depot No person Bhall act or engage in the business of a public porter or runner for any hotel in the city of Ann Arbor, nor sball any omn bus agent, ör any omnibus, hack orcarriage driver, or drivers of bagage wagons act as porter or runner for any hotel In said city. Sec 2 Itshall be unlawful for any person or persons driving a baggage wagon, or anyone aucompanying the same, U solicit passengere or travelers when at said passenger depot, or where nasseneer trains may be standing. P Sec. 3. Itshall be unlawful for any person or persons snll iting patsengers or travelers to do so in a boisterous or uoisy manner, or treat them in any other way than civilly and gentlemanly. sec 4. Any person or persons violating any of the provislons 01 lins oruiiwuuc "; ■■"" i vith tiie provisions and requirements of the fcame, shall, on conviction, be puuished by a I fine not exceediug twenty-flve dollars, tobu I covéred beiore any justice of the peace of the city I of Ann Arbor.and in the imposition of any sucfi j fine the justice of the peace may make a further order that in default of the payment of said fine I within the time to be fiied y ihe justice n his sentence, the offender Bhall be committed to the I county jail of Washtenaw couuty, for a period of time not exceeding thirty days. I Sec 5. An ordinauce of said city entitled "an ordinance relative to hack or omnibus drivere r made and passed September 20th, 18i5, I I 'lV'T'hísordinanceshan take effect from JAS. E. BACH. Mavor. Reorder. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, j „g COUNTY 01' WASHTENAW. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday,the 28tn day of January in the year one theusand ight hTSSSwïÈS5ID BABBITT. Jndge of I bain' the matter of the estáte of George Sutlon, 2nd. incompetent. . Sedgwick Dean, the Guardian of said ward, comes Into court aid represent, that ne is now prepared to render his 19th annual account as 6UThereupon it is ordered, Üiat Monday, the 25th day of Kebruary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examiniug and allowing such account, an5 that the next of 'kTn ol 'said ward and all other persons mteresiea in stuu eataw, mu iequired to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at theiProbate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county.aud show cause, if any there be why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that Baid Guardian give notice to the persons intere-ted in said estáte, of the pendcncy of said account, and the hearing theréof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and circulating in said couuty, three successiveweeks lUi [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm.G. üoty, Probate Register.


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Ann Arbor Register