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OtR 35 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisement, such as To Rent, For Sale, ani Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks lor 25 cents. WAfcTED. WANTED.- Every iady in Washtenaw county, to cali at my Mili nery Store and see the large and elegant line of Infant's Cloaks and Kobes. ( beapest place in the city to trade. Mrs. E. L. Muuyon, 16 East Washington St. ANTED IMMEDIATEI.Y-A whom nigh wages will be given; also a capble Women, for general Uousework. Apply at H Lawrence St. AGENT WANTED.- Í5. per day made wlth little cflbrt in del.ghtful employment. Cali íor Mr. Hay ley at 31 East Liberty-st. WANTED. 5,000 people to come and see the Plano, Organ, .vewing Machine, and other articles we are going to give away. Alvln Wilsey, '25 South Fourth-st. WaNTRD. A (ïirl to do general house-work. Apply at 12 Pa.'kard-st. WANTED. A fltstelass stareher and gnodshirt iioner at Excelsior Laundry, 20 E. Hurón. WANTED. Dishwasher and cook. Inqulre at ■2 E. Wilüam-st. WAN I ED- Place to work lor board and go to school by a steady young man. Address box 546 FOK FOR 8ALE- All the Householi property of 83 Ann St. Can be seen irom 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily. ÍT"OR SALE. - An outside show-case. Cali at Toledo Steam Laundry office, corner State and Williams Sis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Two StalHons, lor any kind of Property. Euquire or address Register Office. KOR SALE.- Cive or six octave Estey organs - T good, second hand, 125. and J;ió. ho new orguns at 84. Priccs 't. See our Elegant premiums- 25 South 4th St. Alvin Wilaey. tOR SALE.- Farm of 40 acres. i% miles from city on Dixftoro road. Inquire at E. B. Nonis, or Mrs. Holland, No. 5 N. State St. If ARM FOR SALE. 60 acres, good eoil buildi V ings, wells-, orchnrd and email Iruits etc , Vi milis from Ann Arbor city on Ypsilanti road. Terms easy. J. D. Williams. FOR SALE. Two Pianos In good repair. Price of one 8 .40.00, the other Ï8J.00. Address, Box J612. Ihave had a house placed In my hands for sale at a gr. at bargain. It is luw, well located, suitable for roomers and boarders, or nicely arrangcd for two families. W. W. Whedon. MILLINERY AND FANCY G00D3 FOR SALE. Extra bargain& if sold soun. Address M. E. Munyon, Kalkaska, Mich., Box 74. Kci.t reasonable. ÍfOR SALE,- THe ):arton House and Bern. A ' Thomas Phillips, ïpsilanti. Mich. HOUSE AND LOT FORS VLE- House new, six rooms and pantry; good Well.C'istern .('ellar, and Wondhouse. Pleasant location on Brúoks st, one lot from Miller Ave. Terms rea'.ouable. Address P. O. box lwO3. Ann Arbor, Mich. H'OR SALE OR EXCHANOE FOR FARM.- House and 24 City Lote.- Apply 48 South Main St, Ann Arbor. tfARMT FOR SALE- A firstclass farm of L5 1 acres, 2% miles south ot Ann Arbor. Buildings and feneei in good tondiüon. For further inlormation inquire on the premUes. L. H. Mose&. BEACH BLOCK S'ove Wood, Í2.00 per cord (Green); 16-in. Drop postal. Box 1420, city IARM FOR SALE- The farm known as the ' Grant ï. Perry farm of 200 Acres of firstclass land, situated in the township of Lodi. Inquire of Comstoct F. Hill, Administrator. FOR SALE- Kruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Arnor. Michigan, for salo at a bargaiu. Only reason for selling is unable to tend to ït. Choicest land, higbest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries ; 4 in grapes, pearH andpeaches; 2 ín grove pla itation two years old. Cash sales this ycar 81GO0. Abundant water; House cost Ï5,'.00. Elegant lawn, hedges and shade. One mile from Court-house. Teimseasy. J. H. Clougn l?OR SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Washingtonr 8t. Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 Nonti 4thst. LARGE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for lent. J. P. Judson, Suuth Dniversity Ave ; '.mi 1 Acid on same fob Ri:xr. TO RENT - Elegantly furnished Parlor, on srouud Hoor, at 8t S. Main St„ vtry cbeap. GOOD ROOMS and board for laboring men at No. 18 South Univers'ty ave. 17OR RENT.- Desirable house on E. Cnivereüy Ave, near Campus at reasonable rate to good tenaut. Inquire at KeglsterOSice. ONION AND CELERY land for reut, or sale or exchange for house and lot in Ann Arbor, 12% acres, with house and barn. Apply to J. L. P. McAlhter, 65 Miller Ave. FOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for onlons. four miles south of Ann Arbor, township of Pittsfleld, twenty acres ready for spring work. For further Information address Miss K. Phillips, Pittsfleld P. O., Mich., or cali at Squires' farm. Good onion crib. FOR RENT.- Furnished rooms for llght housekeeping, or the whole house. No. 11 S. lngalls Street. rpHE new house, No. 37 Monroe street, (near E X Univ. Ave.) for rent Xnquire at 44 East University Ave. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesand lots valued from tl. 000 to$6,u0üand containlug from one-fifth of an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limitó. Houses reiaecl un reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION9, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. MlMCEía-AMior. f-tLAIRVOYANT. - Mrs. Mary A. Charter, of J Boston, Mass., can be coniulted at 69 East jiberty. I) RE and unfermented Juice of the Círape, for invalids aud others.on saleatBrowu S Cady's, tate t. Ir. - A gold ring hearing the imcriptton J -June 19, 1886." Finder wül pleaso leave at lie KxoiSTZB Office. IOST. From E. Orleansst, a young bnll pup, j olear white. Finder will he rewarded byreuriñüg same to Richard Jewell ÍjXCELLENT FURN ACE, water up stairs and 'j down. house ntw, warm. light, cheerful. au uonomic house for unall laraily. 37 Munroe-st., ear E. UniverMty ave. RS. E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of Frenen. Thor ough instructioa givea iu prívate lessous. Kn, ft N. State St. MONEY TO LOAN- Good cecurity. Addrtss, A. D., bo 1127, Aun Arbor. QUBíCRll'TIOXS fnr American and Foreigu j Periodtcals handled with aecuracy and despatch, at lo w ratea. W. W. Beman, 1S 8. 5th at.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register