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A Terrible Misfortuin'. It s a calamity of the direst kiud to feel tbat one's pbysical energies are failing in the prime ot life - to feel more nervelss, more dispiiited, weaker every dy. Fet thig s the unhappy lot of hundreds who surround us. A souree of renewed strength which soience approves, in behalf of whioh multitudes of the debilitati-d have and are testifying, and which, in countless nstances, has built up constitutiong sapped by wpakness and infirmity and long unbenefitted by other means, surely commends itself to all who i.eed a tonic. Hostetter's Stornach Bitters is euch a medicine - pure, botanie, soothiag to the nerves, promotive of digestión and a fertilizer of tho blood. Dyspepsia Biid nervousness - the Srst a cause, the second a conscqi;euce of lack of stamina - depart w-hen a oourws'ftf the Bitters is tried. All form of malarial diseaee, rheumitiR-ï', kidnev and bladder trouble, coastipation and biliousness are annihllated by this standard lamily medicine. The country will maintain its equil - brium. Oa lie sanie day the Vauderbilt car weut east Jay Gouiti and bis party starled ior the west. llou'l et that C!)ld of yours run on. You thiuk it is a ligbt thing. But it may run into oatarrh. Or inta pneumonía. O coasumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneunoonia is daogerous. Consumption is death itseif. The breathine; apparntus must be kept healihy and ulear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Olherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diea9es of' these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchal tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's Germán Syrup. If you don't know th's already, thoutands and thousands of people can teil you. They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselve.'' Bottle only 75 cents. A-k any draggUt. If suddenly submerged the stiffest hat at once beoomes ducked-tile. Lasters in a shoe factory at Roohester have struc-k. Thtrre ÍB danger, one would csuse think, that this would repetition ot "Ttie Long S'rike." Beware I I mi lat ion. We find tbat in various parts of the country unscrupulous diuggists for thepurpose of making a large proflt, are palming off on a tooconfldine public a worthless counterfeit of Pomeroy's Petroliue Piasters, uuder the plea that it is" just as Rood, and in some cases that it ís Pomeroy's Piaster. Trust no druggist who makes any such represeniaüons. Bewaie of a'l such imposition. Insist upon getting the genuine article, take nothiiiKi'lse and see that the words " Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster" are upon each envelope. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. A New York reporter has been arrested for 1 heling O'Donovan Rossa. Is there anything ihat a newspaper man can do with safety? Advice i Motliers. Mrs. Wil gl )w's Soothing Syrup ghould olw&ys be used for children teetbing. It sootbes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wiad colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrhcea. Twenty-five cents bottle. _________ True or false, the reported Saraoan encounter will resuk in an appreciation of possibilitits that cannot tail to result in advantage to the navy of the United States. I suffered for two weeks witli neuralgia of the face, and procured itnmediate relief by using Salvation Oil. Mrs. Wm. C. Bald, 433 N. Carey St. Balto., Md. Eiliott F. Shepard has given a dinner t Seeretary Tracy. Ir. is said that the " olden text" of the evening was from Epicurus. "ÏNftïvH trifle witk any Throat or AJV3V x Lung Disease. If you have & Congh or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Ck)Ugh, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure,' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c .Tohk Moore. DruggisL AJgentleman named C. Josfe Kiss. of Sandwich, DL, was taken )11 in a Buffulo theater on Thursday night. A kiss should never be taken ill. (m)ïk J used UI .y according to II PlRECTlDNS witl Eacl Bami FOR BURWS ANDSCALDS. It ia only on true principies that nature U helped in its atruggle, and only through ignoranee that pain is intensified or provea fatal where itcould be relieved. St. Jacobs Oil Cures Permanently. Daily Wlishaps.-Scorosofpeoplcdaily broughi in contact with heat, steam, boiling water and combustibles are hourly injured bv ■ome mishap in the nature of a bura or scald, and thousauds have been cured of such by thia best known remedy for the cure of pain. Promptlv, Perfectly, Surely. How It ActS.-It acts as a counterIrritant on Itie suriace injured, gently drawmfc out the heat caused by the lurn, while it soothes the pain, helping nature in the healing proces and a cure follow-a. It is a specifle for pains of this kind and should be kept handy whero ure and steam are used. EVERV BOTTLE CONTAINS A CuRE. Precautlon.- Butasaprecaution to it use where serïous burns and scalds occur, and that Buffering may not be intensifled through ignorance, rcad carefully direotionB for iU usa accompanying every bottle of St. Jacobs OiL EVERY APPLICATION RELIEVES. Soïd by Dntggisls and Dealers Everywhert. Ii.ï CHARLES . VOGELER CO., Baltimor, Md. LEGALS. Commlnlonen' Aotico. State or Michigan, ( COUNTY OF WaüIITESAW. ( The undersigned having boen appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commiieioners to reccive, examine and adjuet all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Lorenzo M.Lyon, late of said ccunty, deceased, bereby give notice that six inonths from date are allovred, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deeeased. and that ihey will meet stthe residence of ArthurS. Lyon, in the townshlp of Scio, in said County, on Friday, the seventh day of June, and on Saturday, the seventh day of September next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of aid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated March 7th, 1889. FO9TER LITCHFIELD ) „ , , JOHN L. SMITH CommiMioner?.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register