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HUMPHREYS' VETERINARÏ SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Logs, Hogs, AND POULTEY. 500 Page Book on Treatment of Animal and C'hart 8ent Freo. cohes j Fevern, ("ntetlons. Inflammntion A.A. ! Spinnl nioninicil U, Milk I'ever. II. n. -Struin, LamenesH, Rbouinatism. '.(.-- DiNtemprr, Nasal DÏMrliurgcN. J.I.--HotH or (.ruli-. Worm. i:. K.--('oiikIi, Honren, Pnenmonia. F.F.-Colicor Gripe, Bellyache. ■.(-. - .lijr-n r ri ie Hemorrhnires. Ii. II - rriimry and Kidney Diaeases. ï. f .■- Ernpr ivo T)ÍHpní, Hange. J.K.- Discnses of Digestión. Stable Case with Speclflcs, Manual, Wltch Hal OU and Mcdicator, 87. 00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), .0 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt oí Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. K36 HIJ-MPHSEYS' RSW HOMECFATEIC f% ffr ijSFEClFIONo.úH In use 30 years. The only Pucceasfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other caases. $1 per vial, oro vial and Jaree vial powder, for $5. Boldby Diiuggists, orBentpoptpaid on receiptoi price.- Jiumilu-f jn'atHklneCu., Hit ulu SU, V. ï. CATARRO CÜRED, health snd sweet breatli secii'-ed, bv Sniloh's Uatnrrh Remedv. Price 50 cent. Nisal I: j -ctor fre . SuiJ by Eh-rh .fh & Son " Wliat ti pity it is," pays a ci'.v eierpjman, ihnt th re aie o inany Dwaet finners and suur snin's " D i vi u h.ive dvipp'ic tronbles? Tke Hood's SarsHparlli, whlch ha re'i Vfd ttioiiía-ds Riid will uure yon. S i by druifis ts. A p creed s,lv-r bo bon box in tlie shiDf ut a hil! u ':oanti' is anotia thfl lutest o mier-. b ■warranted, is beiure it is the best Blood I'reparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Disenses, purifies the whole system, and thoronghly bailds nr tlconstitution. lieiuembor. Wf sruarautcc ! John Mooiik. Daifjpist A Lady In Koiith Carolina irrlteai My lab-ir as shor'cr and le8 painful ihati cir. two f -mixt o ; physicians a-itoriiiihe'1 ; 1 thunk yon lor Uother'a Frind. !t i WTth tn wcilit in gold. A';drc. The rlrai6eld R({ulator Co., Atlanta G-i Sold bv all drueif'MS, OregoiiV debt is only $29,411. LEGALS. IHortgnKC Sale. Whereas. Willlam Warner and Helen A. Warner, h is wife, of ihe village of Dexttr. in the County of Washtenaw, auo State oí Michigan, on the fourteenth uay of October. in the year A. D. 1885, exeeuted a mortgnge to Lucy W. ei. Morgan, of Aun Arbor, in Raid County, to secure the paymentof certain principal and interest money therein meuiiontd; which mortsage was reeorded on the 17ih day of October. A. D. 1885, in the ofllcc of the Register or Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, in liber 69 ol mortgages, on page 60; and whereas. default has heen made for more than Sixiy days in the payment of an installment of interest which feil dueon the Hihday of October. 1886, as well as in the two followiiig ammal inHailments of interest: By reason whereof, and purtuant to the tercos of said mortgige, the whole principal sum unpaid on said mortgage, of Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Seventv Dollar-, with all arrearages of interest therein a"t the opt on of i-ald mortgagee, her executors or as6igns, became due and pyable immediately thereafier, and the power of sale contained in satd mortgaee be(ame operativo; and whereas, the executors of said mortgagee do hereby declare it their option, and do hereby elect to have the priucipal sum of said mortgage, witb all arrearage of interes-t therein, become now due and payable; and whereas, there sclaimed to be now due and payable as aforesald upon said mort gage and the note accompanyine the same, at the date of thisnotlce. the sum of Nine Thousaud One Hundred and Sixty Dollars and Seventyone cenU in addition to all other costa, including an Attorney fee of thlrty fivc dollars; and nosuitor proeedings having been inttituted either at law or in equity, torecover the atoresaid sum orany part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby giveu that tald mortgage will be foreclosed on Friday thu twenty first day of June. A. D. 1889, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auction at the South front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House belng the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw) of the premisos described in said niortgage or so much thereof, as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of principal and imerest due and unpaid upon said morigage. togetherwith reasonable costs and expenses, including an Atturney lee of Thirtvfive Pollars, which premisos are described in said monga ;e as follows, AU those certain pieces on aroels of land, sltnate and belng in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as follows: towit: All of the followiug described land, situated in the township of Dexter, in said County viz: The North West Quarter of the North East Qnarter and the West Half of the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter, and the Eavt Half of the North West Quarter; and the Soulh West Quarter of the Nortn West Quarter, and the West Half of the North wout Quarter of the áouth East Quarter; and the North Half of the Soulh West Quarter; all of ttie above lands being on Section Number Twenty in township number One South in range number Four East. Also all of the foilowing described land situated iu the towuship of Lima, in said County .viz: The West Half of the South West Quarter and the South East Quarter of the South West Quarter and the West Half of the South East Quarter, all upon Sectlon Four; and the East Balf of the North West Quarter of ieUion number Kine (9) all in township uumber two South in Kange number Four East. Said roortgage conveved an undivlded twotbirds interest in the premises above named, situated in the towiwhip of Dexter atoresaid. and an entire interest in the lands situated In the township of Lima aforesaid and will be thus sold. Otis O. Johnson, Franklin L. Parkkh, Edward D. Kinnk. Executors of the Will of Lucy W. S. Morgan Dated, Maren 25, 188!). iu. l'robate Order. STATE OK MICHIGAN, 1„ COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. j " At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the eighteenth day of Maren in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Esuto of John G. Hotfttetter, deceased. On readiug and fi'ing the petitton, duly verifled of Philippina Hoflstetter, praylng that a certain instrument now on file in thls court purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceasefl may be admitteü to probate, and that Leonhard' Gruner may be appointed executor thereof Thercupon fa Ordered, That Monday tho flfteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assigned for tho hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legateed and heire at law of said dreeased. and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer' of the petiüoner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puulished iu the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three succussA'e weeks prevjous to said dav of hearing. ' J. WILLARü BABBITT wLA LL%% JTobat.RegisterJUdge ' 1'rbatCConimlMsloncrit' cotice. Statkof Michigan, ( County of Wasiitknaw. The undeisigned having been apnointed by the Probate Court for said County, Couimlstioneft to recelve, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estale of Lorenzo M. Lyon, late of said c-unty. deceased bereby gire uotice thut six momha from date ar allowtd oy order of said Hrubite (Juurt, lo Creditors to present tbeir claims agaiust th esiate ot' said deceased. and that ihey will mee at Ihe residence of Arthur S. Lyon, in the town shlp of Scio, in said Counly, on Friday, th seventh day of Ju'ie. and on Saturday, th sevenih day of September next, at ten o'eiock A M. of each of Baid days, to receivd, examine and adjut i-aid claims. Dated Maren 7th, 1889. IS7t SlSSf"1 { Oomml-lo.. Iteal Ksi He For Sale. 8TATB OK MICHIGAN,! COUNT Y OK WASHT SN A W. f In ihe matter of the estáte of Norman Dwight deceased. Noiice is hereby given, That in pursuanee of an order granted to tho undur-inned dmlDl8tratoi of the Estáte of said dece .sed liy the Hin. Jud e of Probare for the County of Washienaw. on the fourth day of february, A, D. 1889. there will be soldat the highest biddrr, at the la'e residence of said deceased on the premises bt-low described, in the lownshipof Seio, in the :ou 'ty of Washtenuw in said State, on Friday. the nineteenth (lth) day of April A. D. 1889 at ten o'clock in the furenonn of ihat day (subject to all encumberances by mortitage or ot erwise exivting at the time of the death of said deceased. thefollowingdescribed Real Estáte, towit: A certain pieoe or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Scio, Wahtenaw i ounty, Michigan, described as follows: Beginnlngatlhe Quarter post, standing in the centre of the South line of S-ction Eleven, in said township, running thence North through the center of faid Section Eleven, tno hundred rods, thence West to a line running Norlh and SuUth throuüh the centre of the West half of said Section. thenre üouth along the said line running through the West half of 6aid Sectton to the Sourh line of said Section. thence East along the 8outh line of said Section to the place of beginning, containing one huadred Acres more or less, J4.MES W. WING. Admin8trator of aaid Estáte. Dated Maren 4th, 1889. Michigan (Tentrai; " The Niágara Falte Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. STATION". 3 .L . . M i -;J ? ?fl 5 SPtJ 5 Zwl A M A. M P. M. A. M. P M P. M. Chicaeo Lv. 5 0' 9 0(i 3 in 10 10 9 10 Kaïamazo ,o 10 2' 1 33 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 P. M. Jackson Ar. 1 kO 4 lf 8 49 9 3S -6 15 4 45 Aun ArlHir... 2 IS 5 3" 9 41 10 40 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 4 10 6 4-' 10 45 11 50 9 20 7 30 Búrlalo... Ar. 2 3'i 3 35 fi 15 6 25 4 5'. 9 05 GOING WEST. I . o. ■ 'S STATIONS. -■ .Ê SS L " 's L S9 l !f êÈ II h laA. M P. M A. M. A. M. A. M. P M. Buffalo Lv. ; 11 30 6 05 5 3 9 00 100 p. M. Detroit Lv. 7 30 9 10 4 00 1 20 8 00 10 15 Ann ArlMir.... 8 51) 10 4" 5 30 2 V4 9 16 11 35 Jackson Ar. 10 13 11 45 7 In 8 il 10 55 12 54 Kalaruazoo 12 5H 2 04 9 45 5 15 1 20 3 07 Chicago Ar. 6 10 6 40 10.20 9 30 7 00 7 45 Sunday excepted. iSaturlay and Sunday excepted. tüaily. H. W. IIAYJ5S U. W. RÜÜGLK8. Ag't. Ann Arbor. G. f. &T. A., Chicago


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Ann Arbor Register