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Lost In A Storm

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MANY 8AH.0B3 DEOWNED. Aucklanü, Jtfarch 31.- Dispatehes from Samoa say that the American men-ofwar Trenton, Vandalia and Nipsie, and the Germán men-of-war Adler, Olga and Eber were driven on a reef during a violent Btorm and totally wrecked. Of the American crews four oitioers and forty-six men were drowned, and of the Germán crews nine ofticers and eightyseven men lost their lives. New Yobk, March 30.- Dennis W. Mullan, the Commander of the Nipsic, was ordered tothat duty October 1, 1887. He entered the service September 20, 18B0; was a native of Massachusetts and was of Irish parentagn. The executive officer of the Nipsic was R'chard G. Da venport, or, as he is better knoivn in the service, "Dick" Davenport The other oflicers were Lieutenant John li. Khearman. of New York, EnBigus William P. White, John L, Purcell, Hurry Field aud Harry Jones, Passed Assistant Surgeon E. Z. Dorr, Passed Assistant Paymaster John Corwine, ChiefEnglneer George W. Hall, Pasaed Assistant Engineer Horace E. Frick aud First Lieutenant of Marines D. Glover Fillette. The complement of the Nipsic was 174 marines and blue jackets. The Nipsic was a wooden vessel, was built in 1873, and was rebuilt ia 1879. The Trenton and Vandalia were larger than the Nipsic. The Trenton was a sniprigged wooden cruiser of ten guns with!5,9ÜO tons displacement. The Vandalia was also a bark-rlggod wooden cruiser of 2,100 tons, wlth a battory of eightrains, mostly snioothbores. As far as knoirn the Olga was the most formidable of the Germán vessels at Apia. Her principal battary cousisted of etght 6inch Krupp rifles and a number of tho Hotchkiss revolving cannon. The Adler and the Eber were not as large or as strong as the Olga, the Adler carrying fotir and the Eber three Krupp rifles. Washington, April l.-A dispatch from Samoa contirins the report of the loss of the American ships of war Vandalia, Nlpsic and Trenton, and the Germán naval vessels Eber, Adler and Olga in a reeent hurricane. The Vandalia lost tour ofiicers and tkirtymne men, and the Nipsic lost seven men. All on board the Trenton were saved. Ninety-six Germán offlcers and cailors were drowned. Admiral Kimberly sends the folio wing: "Vandalia lost four offlcers and thirty-nlne men, numely: Captain Schoonmaker, Paymaster Anus, Lieulenanl of Marines Sutton, Pay Clcrb John Roach, Henry Baker, Frank Jones, George Jordán, M. H. Joseph, John Kelly, Thomas Kelly, N. Kinsella, W. Brisbane, Willfam Brown, Quartermaster Michael Cashen, M. Cragin, B. F. Davis, TG. Downey, M. Er eson, S. C. Ghring, Adolph Goldner. George Gorman, U. B. Green, Joseph Ur ffln, E. M. Hammeur, John Hanchett, C. H. Hawkins, W. Howatt, C. V. Krutzor, Charles Crans, Fr. L,e8sman, Geerde Merrage. Aylmer Montgomery, Thomas Riley. H. P. Stallman. C. G. Stanford, John S mi, C, H. Wells, John Millford, Henry Wixter, Ah Kow, Ah Peck, PendanR, Trecho r. "The Nipsio lost seven man, namely: George W. Callan, John Giíl, Josuah Heah, Thomas Johnson, David Kellolier, Henry Poutsell, Willlam Watson. "Germán ships AJlor und Olga total losses. uigaoeacncd: ínay be saved. Germán losses, a nety-6 x." The news of the disaster created a profound sensation at the Navy Departinent, anU everybody irom the Secretury down freely expressed his regret Secretary Tracy could not see cause to conderan any one. The oflieers in cominand of the Bhiife wero competent men aud had doubtless adopted all proper precautions ag-ainst disaster; but these hurricaues, which assumed cyclonic proportions, were siuiply Irresist ible. Beklim, April 2.- The crniser Sperl)er and the corvet Alexandrine have left for Samoa to replace the Germán war-ships wrecked at Apia.


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