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. i. IMIWn-S " 1IOMK KXERCISER." ■nWM For Brain-Worlters and Sedentary Pettplc; m .Jfiá I Gentlemen, I.adies and YouthsWjfjÈi ■ the Athleteor Invalid. A comiJyxM I P'cte gymnasium. Taki up rYC? H but six inhes square tloormbbSw room; Fomething new, seien■ tifie, durable, compreheiistve, "" cheap. Indorsed by twenty Üiousttud hhj-MClans, I.awyers, Clergvmen, Eduors and others now usi. g lt. Send fór illustrated circular, forty rharge. vTO,f; DowD' 'fysica! and Vocal Culture, 9 E. 14th Street, New-York. For Colds. For Croup. For Neuralgia. For Rheumatism. Doctor Thomas' Eckctric OU. 12 " Spent Pi rtr Dollars In doctonnjr foc rheumatism, before I tried Tktntas' Ecltclric OH. Uscd a so-ceut bottle oí Ihis medicine, and gol out ir. une week. For buras plbrokrÑ.'V? "CeUen'-" Jl$ Durhm' EM 64 Yon Can Depend On It. "For severe Toothache ud Neuralgia of tha head, I used Tktmt' Ecltctric Oil. ThU i certamly the best thing I ever knevr for the re. hef of pain of ny kind. The house is never with. Buffaïo NY M' F"nkt '" TuPPCr StrNt' 106 ,.„ .Speak Rlght Up. Have tned rhoma,' EtUctric Oil for croup and colds, and find it the best remedy I have êZ&SE&f?' Wm-Kiy 5loflymouth 30 „„ . Worked Wonder. My daEhter was very bad off on account of a cold.and pam in her lungs. Dr. Tiomas' Ec. v ? in t-wenty-feur hours. One of the boys wa cured of sore throat. This medicine has worked wonder n our fimily." Alvah Pinckney, Lake Mahopac, N. Y. ! TTivr. x. .l8lDg AgPP'-y of Monsra. w. W.AYEK A8ON. our sutbürlzed aKent JL_ ook s l'minn Root rompouní.- OomífíSíD. posed of ( otton Knot. Tiiimy and Penny■ UfftgSjl royal. Nwcmftilly wvl monthhj. Safe, ■ McA LfFerhiftl. Plensnnt. M n'ail, ordrugMfP f irlsts. Se.-iirw' r"-ti(-i-irHstan,nfl_ i.adles 7 V artdrf FOM! II. CCMPANV, Sold in Aun Arbor by all drugulsts. Is the oldest and most populnr nplpntïflf anri paper putillshSfl and bm the líríSÍ ully illuMrated. Best clas of Wood EnnraTeonv P?i M6d "enO íor specimen ARCHITECTS & BÜILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A rrcat success. Each Issue contalna colorea iLí 'iïi'ï'i pLat-f5.' "■""-' and city residen1 Public buildlnus. enKraTingi and fulT „lans and speciücatiuns for the urn o uch as contemijliite buil dlntr. Prlc 2 50 a lear S et, a copy. M CNN_C0., Pubi ishe8' ■ ilLiJC? 'xpenence and have made orei H iiiü.ikju applications for Amerlonn and For. "iiSifSVlSft t'" TRADE MARKS. n,nme TOUr niark 'ï nnt re?''ered In the Pa. ent Office, apply to Munn 4 Co., and procar Immedlate prutectiun. Send for Uandbook. COl'YRICIITS for books, charta, mapa etc., quickly procured. Addres MUNN di CO., Pntrnt Sol iel tora. GïSEKAL OrriCE: 361 BKOADWAT. N. T Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured Bï ADMINISTERINQ DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. Itcanbegiven in a cup ol coffee or tea. orinarlíeles 01 food. itliout the knowledpe of the pcr8D11 taking it; it is absolutely liarmles anil will effert a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker oran alc.oholic wreek it NEVER FAILS. WeGUARANTEE a complete cure in every nsiaii.c. 4s pane buok FREE. Address In confldenoe, 60LDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race SI., Cincinnatl. 0


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