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1880 SPRINGT =OPENING Mondayjuesday % Wednesday APRIL 8th, 9th and IOth - OF- ifitfic TTthf 6optT5 - AND - Millinery Goods. H. RANDALL, 30 KHNt Hurón SI.. Ann Arbor, Mioll. REMEMBER ! REMEMBER that WAHR has received an immense stock of New SpriDg WALL PAPER. REMEMBER that we eau fhow beautiful papers for 4c, 6c, 8c and lCc a roll. REMEMBER that our stock of Ceiling Decoraties is the best. REMEMBER that we ask only 10c, 12c, 15c and 20c a roll for the best Gilt Papers. REMEMBER Ihe best Imbossed Gold Paper we feil at 50c, 25c and SCc a roll. REMEMBER that our papers are all full length and the standard quality. REMEMBER that we can furnish experienced Paper Hangers. REMEMBER that we sell and hang Window Phades. REMEMBER that we carry a full stock o Room Molding Curtain Poles, etc. REM EMBER that we shall be pleased to have you cali and examine our stock before making yonr purchases. GBO. WAHR. To-Morrow Night T University Hall! Daniel H. Chamberlain! New York ! 25 Cents ! GRAND OPERA HOUSE! ONE N1GHT ONLY. Saturday, April 6, '89 The Dramatic Event of the Season! AM ERICA'S GEEATEST CHAEACTER ACTQR, DORE DATTIDSOXT, And the Young and Beautiful American Aclress, Miss Ramie Austen, Supported by a Powerfut Company of New York Artists, in .OOI (.IW I'VII., Düekyll antHVIr. Hyde Dore Davidson's entire new versión. An original adaptation of Robert Ivouis Stevenhou'a wondvrful story. t The Strange Case of Dr. Jukylland Mr. Hyile. Received by ihe I'ress and Public with enthusiasm. A Drama of Pnrity and SlretiRth. The only version possesíing a Strong iJramatic Interest with a happv and peaeeful endiug. Positiveiy the on'y Legitímate Productlou of this irreat bucoess now in America. special Scenery, üevt Mut-ic, Mechanical Effects. PRICES, - 75, 50 and 35 N. No extra charge, for Reserved Peats now on tale at Wahr's Bookstore. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday, April 8. KENDALL'S XDS, FOURTH YEAR. The Natual Eccentric Comedian, EZRA F. EENDALL in the Funny Three Act Musical Comedy, A PAIR l KIDS Supported by hl own cotnpany of comedians and vocalista, augmeuted by full Brass Band and Orchestra. WATCH FOR BAND PARADE. BKOULAR PKICES. 6ECURK 8EAT8 EARLY. THE LARGEST DRY GOODS Establishment. In Michigan AT THE SIMI1 RIK Now Occupied For Three Weeks Longer By SGHAIHER & MILI EN Thousands of ladies from the city, country and towns around have paid U8 a visit durinif the past week. More sales people have been employed. Still Greater Rednctions made on the entire stock. Another mark-down from last week's prices. Goods sellins so Low ihat 8oon the entire stook will be gone. Hundreds of people w ill come from 30 to 50 miles to altend this sale and no one will go away disappointed. Do you notice that we are in earnest in regard to this sale? Here's what we offer! Here's what you getü We shall give you during this salo choice of our high grade colored Silks, comprisinggros-grains, Faille Francaise, Doublé Warp Surah, Rhadaraes and Moires, worth $1 to $1.25, at 75 ets. per yard. One lot colored Dress Silks. plain and fancy, marked down from 65c, 75c and 85c to 37J ets. per yard. Big bargains in Black Silks at 75 ets. $1 and $1.25 per yard. One lot of over 500 yards colored Dress Goods marked down from 25c to 15c per yard. 27 pieces 52 inch Ladies Cloths and Spring Suiting8 were 65c and 65c, marked down to 45c per One case beautiful Dres Challies at 6o per yard. 15 pieoes Blaok Silk Warp Henriettas at 90c, $1 and $1.25 per yard. 20 pieces black all wool Henriettas, wide, rich jet blacks at 35c, 40c, 45c, 50c, and 75c per yard. 17 pieces new spring Broadcloths [at 50c and 75c per yard. 50 pieces 10c and 12Jc Ginghams and Seersuckers marked down to 8c per yd. 100 pieces new spring Dress Goode, doublé fold, marked down to 12}c per yd. It Doesn't Matter What the Goods Oost They Must Be Sold. 3 bales good yard wide Fine Sheeting at 5c per yard. 4 bales good heavy sheeting at 6c and 7c per yard. 5 pieces faRt color Tnrkey Red Table Damask at 25c per yard. 8 pieces eream Table Linens at 25c, 40c and 50c per yard. Best qnality White Carpet Warp 18}c per pouud. One case best 7c Dress Prints at 5c per yard. One case best Shirting Prints at 5c per yard. 10 pieces good Bed Tiek at 10c and 12Jc per yard. One case "Toile Du Nord" Ginghams at 10c per yard. 50 White Crochet Bed Spreads at 75c each. 75 pair Nottinoham Lace Cnrtains marked down to $1, $1.2ö, $1.50 and $2 a pair. 19 pieces Wide Curtain Laces at 15c to 25c per yard. Fine Walnut, Ash, and Cherry Draperv Polt's, with Ends, Rings and Brackets at 29c each. 18 pieees 24 inch Silk Piush, $1.50 quality at $1 per yard. Big Drive in a lot of 65c Plushes it 45c per yard. SILSDXBtfLUS: ULS UmSUAS ! 200 Fine Silk Umbrellas with Gold Mountings worth $1.75 and $2.25, our price $1.35 and $1.50 each. 100 Silk Coaching Parasols at $1 each. Big Deal in Corsets. One case, 25 doz., $1 Corsets marked down to 50c each. One big lot 50c and 65c Corsets marked down to 39c each. One case, 40 doz.,. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests 25c quality now 15c each. One big lot Muslin Underwear at 25c. One big lot Muslin Underwear at 39c. One big lot Muslin Underwear at 50c. Special Sale Fine Night Kobes at 75c and $1 each. Increased Attractions in Drapery, Nets and Lace Flouncings. 45 inch Black Chantilla and Spanish Guipare Flouncings at 75c, $1 to $4 per yard. 10 pieces 45 inch Oriental Lace Flouncings 50c and 75c quality now 2óc per yard. In our cloak department we are making Low Prices in Cloth and Jersey Jackew, Jelted Wraps and Capes. All you Require is the Cash. We Save you More Money than any Pirm in Ana Arbor. Schairer & Millen


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