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MR 25 CENT COLVSS. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exeeeding three lines, can be Inscrted three weeks íor 35 cents. WAMED. WANTED.- A girl for general house work. Inquire at No. 12 Packard. WANTED- APPRENTICE SALESLADY in large retail Store. Must be willing. qulck and bright. Address (with Keference) "J. B." Care of Carrier No. 1. City. WANTED- To rent a house and pay rent lu board, or positlon as matron oí society house. Leave word at Register office. AGENT WANTED.- Í5. per day made with little effort in delightful employinent. Cali (or Mr. Hayley at 31 East Libertyst. FOB SALE, FOR SALE.- 113 Acre arm, will take part pay. ment in city property. John W. Thompson. FOR SALE CHEAP.- A team of Horees, wagon, Hay aud Wood Rack. Will exchange them for Hay, Wood or Grain. lar walks made and repaired. J. P. Judson. FOR SALE.- Fouror flve young horses. Two miles north of the city. Jamea C. Alien. 1?OR SALE.- Evergreen tree for Hedge and otber purposes ; Peaeh and Pear trees, Grape Tines, itd. white and blank varieiies. All kinds of small fruit plants, and nlce lot of elm and other shade trees at my place on W. Huron st. J. H. Ai.lmakd. Ij OR SALE- Two Stacks of good Clover Hay. " uontaining about teven tons eacb. J. T. Jacobs. FOR SALE - Horse, 7 years old. suitable for general business or driving purposes. Lew H, Clement, 38 9. Main st. TT'OR SALE- Or exchange for Anu Arbor city S? property, tile factory, pleasant location, hest of mai erial and good (iemand for tile. Fine chance to make money. Register Office. FOR SALE.- A cheap covered carriage nearlv new. No. 2 BrooVst, near Miller-ave. Ë. Lndlnm, FOR SALE.- Sewlng Machines. Prices reduced. No agents. Come to the store and select your machine, brand-new, and pay no canvassing expeuf.e8,orcommission;save your money. Try the "Standard." See our offer of premiums. Cali at Wilsey's piano, organ and sewlng machine ware rooms, & South 4th-st. Ann Arbor, Mlch. IfOR SALE- To make room for planos, a fine stock of orgaus, closed out at very low prices. Alvin WiUey. FOR SALE.- Two good work horses for sale. O. E. Godfrey,46 N. Fonrth. FOR SALE.- One of the best, if not the best new milch cow in Washtenaw Co. Will produce with good feed 60 to 63 los, of rich milk per day. Inquire of B. E. Nichols. I hare had a house placed In my hands for sale at a great bargain. It is large, well located, suitable for roomers and boarders, or nicely arranged lor two families. W. W. Whedon. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE- House new, six rooms and pantry; good Well.Cistern ,Cellar, and Woodnouse. Pleasant location on Brooks st, one lot from Miller Ave. Terms reasonable. Address P. O. box r03. Ann Arbor, Mieh. I TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.- 1 House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main St.. Ann Arbor. ÍPARM FOR SALE- A flrst class farm of 85 ' acres, 2 miles south of Ann Arbor. Buildings and fences in good condition. For further iniorinatlon inquire on the premises. L. H. Mosca. FARM FOR SALE- The farm known as the Grant T. Pcrry farm of 200 Acres of flrst-classland, situated In the township of Lodi. Inquire of Comatock F. HUÍ. Adminlstrator. 170R SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Wsshington-T st. Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4th8t. LARUE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for ient. J. P. Judson, South Universlty Ave ; also 4 Acres on same strtet. FOR BEXT. FOR RENT- Rooms in the Hamllton Block, Suitable for light house keeping. Water and steam heating included. Apply to A. W. Hamllton. TO RBNT.- Story and one half houae and also X a cottage well located for work in berry fields. Enquire ot J. D. Baldwln. rpo RENT- Part of a large, convenient, well 1 locatcd house, 21 S. Divisionst. TO RENT - Elegantly furnished Parlor, on ground floor, at 81 8. Main 8t„ very cheap. FOR RENT.- Desirable house on E. l'niversity Ave, near Campus at reasonable rate to good tenant. Inquire at Register Office. FOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for onlons, four miles south of Ann Arbor, township of Pittsfield, twenty acres ready for spring work. For lurther Information address Miss lï. Phillip9. Pittsfield P. O., Mich., or cali at Squiree1 farm. Good onlon crib, REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from (1.000 to S6.U00 nnd containlog from oue-fifth of an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limita. Hoiues rented un reasonable terms in central looalities. Farms exchaugeil lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.8ESSION8, 632H Attorney and Real Estáte Agent Office over Expresa Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. M1S1 EI.l.AMEOrW. ÏpOUND- A POCKET-BOOK containing money, upposed to belong to some lady in Ann Arbor. The owner may address me at 109 Ellzabeth street, East, Detroit, Mich. Rufus Cate. T"REJS-MAKERSof Ann Arbor to know that IJ one of Mme. Kellogg's moft experienced :eaehers from the Detroit School of Ladies' Freneh Taüoring is stopping at No. 25 8. Flfth St, to teaeh Mme. Kellogg s French Tailor System of Dress-Cutting. Rcmember, you pay nothing 'or system or instructions until you can cut and )aste your dresses in the latest French etyles. ositively no refitting. Cali for Fashion Journal; 'ree. Mrs. Miller, teacher. IPRUIT and Evergreen Trees, Grape Vines, ' Berry Planta, now ready for trausplanting. At my Nursery, at head Springst. Jacob anzhorD. dfeQ AA reward for tbe return alive of White nTOi'U female 'Spitz" dog, answtrinr the name of "Honey." Inquire at keüistee OfBce. PARI Y Flowers, Bridal and Confirmation Wreathsa spccialty, at Mrs. Hoyt's Millinery toru,at7 Annst. A LL LADIES invitcd to attend the Easter jf Opening at Mrs. Hojt's Millinery Store, at Ann-Bt. April 18. IISTERNS built and repaired. Iiave orders at Wood Yard, 86 East Huron-st EGGS for sale from threc of tha best varieties of pure bred poultry, Wyandottes, White Dorkngsand Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Ann Arbor Poultry Yards, 9U Broadway. Pnce one dollar br 13. J. C. Taylor. PVREgrape wlne from the best sorted grapes for ea'.e, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor. J. C. 'aylor. LAIRVOYANT. - Mrs. Mary A. Charter, of J Boston, Mass., cun be consulted at 59 East Liberty. MRS. E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of French. Thor ough lnstruc'.lon given in private lessons. fo. 5 JÍ! State 8t.


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Ann Arbor Register