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Michigan Legislature

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Senatü - H lis were p;ssedon the 4th amendlng me luw witu reference to r ghts and liabilites of ralroad compan es. comDelling railroad companies ín the Upper Península lo charge but three cents per m Ie, except ior distances less than flve miles, for which the rale of Hvc cents per inile may be charged: to re-incorporute the village of Clio, Genesee County; prohibiting th i purchusc ot roods from minors by junk dealers. Tbe Senate sub stitute for the House bill Incorporating the oty of Ironwood was also pussed and Riven immediate effect. The Abbott Capital Punishment bill was reported from the Jud ciary Committoe and amended to admit o! the sentence only upon written recommendation of the jury, it to be in the d:scretion of the Judxe, however, who can not impose deatb sentence in the absence of such recommendation. Hocsk- The amendmont increaslng the Goternor'8 saiary from ll.ixw lo (4,UO a year was adopted, and the bilí authonzing Detroit to Issue bonds for t500,000 to improvc the boulerards.was passed. The cattleonlhc-hoof inspection blll was discussed for the tifth time in the'Commlttee ol Agriculturi'. The argument to-day rested on the averment that protection of the publ o health demanded inspection ol cattle provious to slaughter. Sksatb- The Keniz-Dickerson oontested election case was settled on the 5th by retalnin(f Rentz (Dem.) by a vote of 19 to 10. Many petitions were received in favor of the bill to inspeel alive all beef cattle intended to tx slaughtered. The farmers of the Siate appoar to be mainly in favor of the bill. They believ thatthcre Is a combination among the great beef-slaughtering firms to reduce the value of cattle and are therefore anious to depriv these firms of their market in Michigan. House- The opponents of the proposed h'gh1 cense law increaslng the retail liquor tax from IMO to J6W scored a decided victory by succeedmg in having the bill bundled off into the hands of a joint committee, and in all probability this will so del.iy the bill that it can not become operattve before May 1, when the liquor tuxes are required to be paid.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register