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Wells, Richardson & Co.

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It Makes You Hungry " I have useü l'alne's Celery C'ompounti md lt ' , has h:id ji salutíiry ' m k It lnvlgoratl Js? ed the system and I ywlfi 7 man. It lmproves Sfí'l fo-SÁ lle appetlte and V y ' VJ--. l'icllltates dlges5 S tiOD." J. T. COPEi.ANu. Primus, S. C. Paine's Celery Compound ls a unique tonlc and appetlzer. Pleasant to the taste, qtück In lts actlon, and wltliout any lnjurlous effect, it glves tliat rusged healtli whicli makes everythlng taste sooü. lt cures dyspepsia and ktndred disorders, l'hyslclans prescribe lt. $i.ou. stx lor 5.uo. Drogglata. Burimgton, vi. KV Sjirüig medicine meara inore now-a-days thaoit dld ten , rars ateo. The wlnterol 1S8S-89 hasieit the nerves all fatjgal out. The nerves must be Btrengthened, the Wood purlfled. llver and bowels regulated. Palne's Celery Compound- the Sprltig medicine vfto-day- does all thls. as nothing else can. Prexcribed by Phyrician, Recammeixded by Druggiste, Eiulweed by Minuten, Gnamntfcd by the ilarwfucturere to Ie The Best Spring Medicine. 'In the spring of 1SS7 I was all run down. I would getuplnthp mornliiir wllh so Ured a íeellnír, and was so weak I liat. I could bardly get around. 1 boughta liottle of Palnt'sCcltry Compound, and bi'rcin: 1 had taken lt a week I ielt TOiy much better. I enn oneetully recominend ü to all wtio ncrtl t buiUlingupaudstreimthening medicine." Mra n. a. dow. Durllngton, Vt. UIAHIUHU Urti Alw yssure! -Ab I Hl t U t UUU ■u. i'htjxiciun' t JavoriteT


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