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Tate Springs, Tenn., Jah J8S. The Swift Specific Co., Atlani, During the spring of 1871, v ! rking In the field at my home in Moi; , tounty, Ga., I pulled off my shoes to gi ■ ly leet a rest. Unfortunately, I walleed inti) a clump of poison oak, and n a few d s my f eet were in a terrible condition, and 1 could not put on a shce because of the soreness and welling. I was treated as poison oak cases usually are, and everything was hcaled up. About the same time the following spring, 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the disease, only each time it became more distressing, because I began to think it was a Mfetime trouble. Finally, I was induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles, and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, and no evidence of the distase remains. I shall take plcasure in testifying as to its curative properties. It is the greatest blood purifier in existence. Yours truly, J. L. Morgan. The foregoing certifícate is taken at random from thousands of letters in possession of the Swift Specific Co., and presented simply as a sample. It is a voluntary statement, giving facts and results of the case. lts accuracy and genuiiwness are beyond question. A valuable Treatise on Blootl and Skin Diseases maik-d free. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Dmrcr 3 Atlanta, G. The man who said venison was der a', any was nol 1 ire-arlv a punsle'. It i even so if you d.m't know liow to cook it. Irtie Greatest Blood Purifier L KNOWN. Hl ThU Grcat Germán Medicine ia the#. Hl oheaiKïst and best. 128dosesof SUL- III PHURBITTEUSfortl.OO.lessthan 5 III one cent a dose. It will cure theM L UI rn worst cubcs of ekin disease, tromm vl tila common pimple on the iacem f gj ITIto tlmt awful (lisoase Scrofula. Ö IIJSULPHUR BITTEKS is the# III best medicine to use in nll# III cases o( Buch Btubborn andyollr Kid III Illdecp soated diseases. DoMDeyB are out III UI not ever take #of order. Use UI BLUE PILLS itejSg in or mercury.they are deadW1 1 cr' lil ■II Placo your trust ln#",,': V?"J .{ui I sULPIlUEBlTTEItS,#t"vüutaUB III the purest and be6t#yaU8e Hmedlclne ever made. ïïfahhï BltUfS ! 1] SjsIayourTongneOoatedJT ' ra K3 with a yel lowst?cky#Don't walt nntll yoti U Isulistance? Isyour#aro unabletowalk.orlli breath foul andJfare flat on your back, III offensivc? Your#but get some at once, it III stomnch is out#will cure you. Sulphurlll of order. üse#Bitters is SUI-PHUR #rhp Tnvaliri'a UVIpni SS EdlmmeiHaU'lyTheyoung.thoagPflancI ES H Is your lrr-#tering are soon made well by III lil ine thlck,its use. Kcmember what you 111 III ropy, clo-iread here, it may save your III III udy, OTMWfe, it has savea L5. #Dou't wait until to-mon-ow, Q ?Try a Bottle To-day! E 18 m I M Are yon low -eptrited and weak . S Mor suffeVingr irom the excesses ofi 2#youth? If so, SULPHUK BITTKtol ■ywill cure you. Send 3 2cent stamps to A. P. Onlway A Co., Boston, Mass., for beat medical -ork )ubllslnHl ? The only knowa tptdjlc for Eplleptic Fits.- a-AlBO for Spasms and Falling Sickness.'S Nervous Weakness qnlckly relieved ond cured. Eqnalled by none in delirium of fever.-e jrNentralizes germs of disease and eickness. CoreB ugiy blotcbes and Btnbborn blood sores. Cleansca blood, qnlckcns Bluggish circnlaüon. Elimlnates Boils, Carbunclos and Scalds.-e a-Permanently and promptly cures paralyeia. ï es, It is a caarming and healtbiul Áperient. KillB Scrofula and Kings Bvil, twin brothen. Chances bad breath to good, removlng canse. fSKouts biliousness and clears complexión. Charmlng resolved and matchleB laxativo.-O It drives Slck, Eeadache liko the wind.-g f ffContai ns no drastlc cathartic or oplatoi. Promptly cures líhcumatism by routing it.-fe Restores lifo-giving propertlcs to the blood.-a Is gnarantced to euro all nervooí d sordera. -S t riieliablo when all oplates fail.-i Eefreshea themlnd and invigorates the body. Cnres dyspepsiaormoney refunded."S I-Endorecd in writing by over flfty thotuand Lcading physicians in Ü. 8. and Europe.-e Lcading clergymen ia V. S. and Europe."S r i jeasce of the blood om it a conqueror.-fïll For sale byaUleuüngdmsgUts. $1.50.- Ihe DR. S. A. BICEIOM) NEBYI.N'E E0„ St. Jostpl, !o. Correspondenee f reely answercd hy Physicians. . For testimoniáis and circulara send atauip. D. .. DBWD'S " HO UK EXE'IKR." ■■■■■m J'. -i liram-Worhers and Seden HpSH tary Petpk : JU I Gentlemen, and Y U0U; ■ -tB ■ the Athleteor Inralid. A comIfViiH ■ pleit' gymnasium. Tuke.s up V'JSK hut .ix inrhea tquare floor'Fr-' i'trifi rooui ; tomethinK ne, sclcngggggjMM tifiCi jUrable, eomprehensive. ■"■ cheap. Iudorsed by twenty thousand Physiciiuis. I.awyers, Clergymen. Editors anci others iinw usu.g it. Send lor illuslrated circular, forty enttravlngs. no cha'gú. Prof. D. L. Iiowd. Pbysical and Vocal Culture, 9 E. lUh Stnet. New-ork. AGESTS WAMTED. Corporal'SI.KLEGG $? AJSD HI8 PABD. j 5Sj It beats them all. No book JmiJj LTxi, likei t Everybody wants it ' WBt EfSGCJcP aJOillustrations.Humorous, %U W(k:. v3SB Pathetic.FascinaunK vHAJBlJVÍCv dreds of dollars to hustlcrs. JulfBs ffiSiAïSjk Old and young buy, also Affilfma HBfT3 thousands of G. A. R, andfei(WsKWV-i3-J Sons of Veterans. One can-X .Wt " vasser with 3 helpers has ta-tHTmFVjKt A iV C ken 1100 orders; anotherj&fi''JHrTBl'!;J Jl. made83int days another Jwñm.!MX & Í l took 15 orders in 30 m.inutesKCTOn (W territoryatonce. 24 ïttr:lc"litKSJrl f 'J IP ) tive illustrations free withlM B. pA d kw7.1!' circulars and terms Vrite&g4AMOr Tg ,11 N.G.HAMlLTONiCo. G-CPÖg5J' 349 SuperiorSt , Cleveland. O. Si. A Shorty. Fairbanks' Scales, WIND MILLS, HAY PRESSES. Superior Goods! Favorable Pricesf FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., CHICAOO.


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