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luit Am ITo Do? The tymptoins of Biliousness "'are ui happily nut too well known. They differ in diflferent individuals to some extent. A bilious man is 6eWom a breakfast ealer. Too frequently, ala, he has nti excellent appctite for lquors, but none IBf polids, of a morning. His totigue will Lardly bear ins-pection at any time; if it ia not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The dicestive systcm is wholly out of order and Dmrrhea or Constipalion may be a sypmtom, or the two may altérnale. Tliere are of'en Bemorrhoidi or even bss of blood. Thire my ba giddiness and of ten hendaobe and oinicy or flaiulence acd tenderne-s in the pit of the stomach. To correct all ttaie, if not effect ft cure, try Green's August Flower; it cosis but a trifle and thousanrls attest t efficacj. Thurough and lrequent bathing is the best cosjietic for preserving the complexion. An Imperative Neeeatilty. What pure air is to an uuhealthy looility, what spring clearing is to the neat house -keeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla 10 everybody, at this feason. The body needB to be thoroughly renovated, tho blood puriñed and vitalized, the geruis of disease destroyed. Soroula, Salt Rheum, and all other b'.ood disorders are cured bv Ilood's Sarsapsrill, the most popular ai d sueees-ful pprin? medicine. Trv a small brush, not too ítiff, fcr cleauing pota'oes and other root5, ar.d save your hands. CROUP, WHOUPING COÜGH and BroochilM immediately relieved by Snil u's Care. SoM by Eberbach fc S.m. 8o:ne hoüsekeepers thiuk that tl e v.rtue of cloves as moth preventivas 3 not fully appreoiaffd. YVvvv trifle with any Throat or Aj5v V Lung Digease. If yon have a Cougli or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Congh, use Acker's English Bemedy and prevent fnxther trouble. It is a positivo cure and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 60c 1 Johk Moorf, Druggist. A poultice ot stal bread soaked in vinegar, app'ied on ritiring, i said to be a mire cure for cornR. J. M. Loof.e Red Clover Co. - Gentr-: I have been a sufferer for the last five years from Rheumatism across the shoulders, and by usinc your Fluid Extract Red Clover, am entirely rel'eved ; believe it has driven it frem my system, and wou't hu a weather barometer any longer. Yours Truly, F. D. Dibble, Palmer House Chiceg"". EbcrhHch & Son. Dry buckwheatflour, repeatedlyapplnd, will remove obstinate grease spot trom carpets, woolens or sillf. Woulrt you know the keen deüght Of a wholesome appelitc, Unrettaini d by colic's dire. Headaebe's curse or fever'i tire. ïhoughis moróse, or ley chillé.' ïhen use Dr. Pierce's pills. Dr. P.erce'8 Purgativa Pe'lets - the original and only genuine Little Liver Pilis; 'b cents a vial. Indian deal will not keep sj well as flour. Buy it in small quantitie?, and keep it dry, cool, and well covereij, WHY WILL YÜU üaögh hen Shiloh'a Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cis., 50 cti., and $1. Ssld by Eberbach & Son. The most l'requented court-room in the United States is the front parlor. Mo.t divorce cases are beifun there. That tired feehng and loss of appetite are entirely overeóme by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. Try it and Bee. A diamond robín, perched iipon a bra ch of pearls, is a conspicuous huir ornament. f A and reliable Medicines are the best "" todependupon. Acker's Blood El-t ixir has been prescribed for years f or all im puritlesoftbeBlood. IneveryformpfScrofulous, Sypliilitic or Mercurial diseases, it s invaluable. For Kheumatism, has no equaL JOHN MOOBE, Druggist. Three parts of resin, one part of caustic Büda and Bve parts ot water make a gocd cement for glass and china. THAT HAOKING CO OCH can be so quickly cured by Sliiloh'a Cure. We guarantee it. Snld by Eberbach & Son. A remedy suggested for red snts is to keep a emall bag of s-ulphur in the drawer or cloget Dfested witb thein. Advice to Mother. Mrs. Wiríbw'g Soothing Syrup should alw&ys be used for childrea teething. It soothes the child, eoftons the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-üve cents bottle. A latinares advises making gtarch wiih soapy water as tbe beet way to produce a gloss and prevent the ron from etickiog. Kciema, Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. The 6mple application of "Swayne's Oixtmknt," whithout any internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly, Itohy Skin Bruptionp, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective. ond costR but a trifle. Sbawnee county, Kansas, claiming a population of 60,000 has not one criminal case on her court docket, it ia gaid. SHILOH 8 COUGH and Oonsumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Eberbach Sc Son. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Peara and Grapevines a Specialty. Syrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrup of Eaupberry ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandellon and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs forLiver and Kidney troulles; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Wines, espccially prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Plante carly, aa we get most of thcm from the best Nurseries east R.'R, MVest Ilnroll St.


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