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Dolph Heyliger

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ÍCONTINUED.J As Dolph's companion passed 011 he received a tranquil nod from tho burgers, ind a f riendly word from their wives, all calling liim familiarly by the ríame of of Antony; for it was the custom in this stronghold of the patriarchs, where they had tul grown up together from childhood, to cali every one by the Christian Tho Heer did not pause to have his usual jokes with thom, for he waa impatient to reach his hom-i. At length they arrived at his mansion. It was of some magnitude, in the Dutch style, with large iron figures on tho gables that gave the date of its erection and showed that it had been built in the earliest times of the settlement. The newsof Heer Antony 's arrival had preceded him, and the wholc household was on the lookout. A crew of negroes, large and small, had collected in front of tho house to receive him. The old, white headed ones, who had grown gray in his service, grinned for joy and made many awkward bows and grimaces, and the little ones ca]Xred about his knees. But tho most happy being in the houseliold was a little, plump, blooming lass, his only child and the darling of his heart. She carne bounding out of tho house, but the sight of a strange young man with her father callod up, for a moment, all the bashfulness of a homebred damsel. Dolph gazed at her with wondor and delight; never had lic Been, as he thought, ;inything s coniely in the shapo of woman. She was dressed in the good old Dutch tasto, with long stavs and full, short petticoats, SO admiiably adapted to show and set olï the female form. Her hair, turned up under a small round cap, displayed the faimess of her forehead; she had line, blue, laughing eyes, a trim, slender wait, and soft swell - but, üi a word, she was a little Dutch divinity, and Dolph, who never stopped hall way in a new impulse, feil desperately in love with her. Dolph was now ushere 1 toto the house with a hearty welcome. In tho interior was a minglod display of Heer Antony's taste and habita and of tho opulcnco of his predecessors. The chambers were furnished with good old mahogany, the beaufets and cupboards glittered with embossed silver and painted china. Over the parlor fireplace was, as usual, the famÜy coat of arms, painted and framed, above which was a long duck fowling piece, flauked by an Indian pouch and a powder hom. Tho room was decorated with many Indian articles, such as pipe1 of peaco, tomahawks, scalpmg knives, hunting pouches and belts of wampum; and there were various kinds of fkhing tackle and two or three fowling pieces in tho corners. The household affairs seemed to bo conducted, in some measure, after tho master's humors, corrected, perhaps, by a littlo quiet management of tho daughter's. Tliero was a degree of patriarchal Bimplicity and good humored indulgenco. Tho negroes camo into the room without being called, merely to look at thcir master and haar of his adventures; they would stand listening at tho door until he liad tinished a story, and then go oír on a broad grin to repeat it in tho kitchen. A couplo of pet negro childrcn were playing about the floor with tho dogs, and sharing with them their bread and butter. All tho domestica looked hearty and happy, and when tho tablo was set for the evening reppst, the variety and abundance of good household luxuries Iwro testknony to the open handed liberality of the Heer and tho notable housewifery of i ds daughter. In tho evoning there di-opped in several of tho worthies of the place - tho Van Rennsellai rs and tho Gansevoorts and tho Rosebooms and others of Antony Vander Heyden's intimates, to hear an account of Iris expedition; for he was tho Sindbad of Albany, and his exploits and adventures were favorito topics of conversation aruong the inhabitants. While theso sat gosaiping together about the door of the hall, and telling long twilight stories, Dolph was cozily seated entertaining the daughter on a window bench. He had aheady got on intímate tonus, for those wero not times of falso reservo and idlo ceremony; and, besides, there ia something wouderfully propitious to a lover's suit in the delightful dusk of a long sumuier evening; it gives courage to the most timid tongue and liides tho blushes of t!io bashful. The stars alone twinkled briglitly, and now and then a iirefly streamed lüs transient light bef oro the window, or, wandering into the room, flew glcauiing about theceiling. What Dolph whispered in hor ear that long slimmer evening it is impossiblc to Bay; his words were so low and indistinct that they never reached the oar of tho historiaxi. It ia probable, however, that they wero to tho purpose; for he had a nutunil tíi'our at jileasing tho sex, and was never long in company with a petticoat without paying proper courttoit. In the meantime, the visitorsone by one departed; Antony Vauder Heyden, who had fairly talked himself silent, sat nodding alone in his chair hy the door, when ho was suddenly aroused by a hearty salute with which Dolph Heyliger liad unguardedly rounded off one of his jieriods, and whicli echoed through the still chamber liko the report of a pistol. The Heer 6tarted up, rubbed his eyes, called for lights, and observed that it was high time to go to bed; though, on parting for the night, he squeezed Dolph heartily by Üie hand, looked kindly in his face, and shook his head knowingly; for tho Heer well reuiembered what he himself liad been at the youngster's age. The chamber in which our hero was lodged was spacious, and paneled with oak. It was furnished with clothea presses and mighty chests of drawers, well waxed and glittering with brass ornamcnts. Tliese contained ampie stock of family linen; forthe Dutch housewives had always a laudable pride in showing off their household treasures to strangers. Dolph's mind, however, was too full to take particular note of the objects around him; y et he could not help continually comparing the free, open hearted cheeriness of this establishment with the starveling. sordid, joyless housekeeping at Dr. Knipperhausen's. Still there was something that marred the enjoyment - the idea that he must take leave of his hearty host and pretty hostess and cast himself once more adiift upon the world. To linger here would be folly; he ehoukl only get deeper in love: and for a poor varlet like himself to aspire to the daughter of the great Heer Vander Heyden - it was madness to think of such a thing! The very kindness that the girl liad shown towards him prompted him, on reflection, to basten nis departure; it would be a poor return for the frank hospitality of his host to entanglo his daughter's heart in an injudicious attachment. In a word, Dolph was like many other young reasoners, of exceeding good hearts and giddy heads, who think after they act, and act düferently f rom what they think; who mak e excellent determinations over night and forget to keep them the next morning. "This is a hne conclusión, truly, of my voyage," said he, as he alinost buried himself in a snmptuous feather bed and drew the fresh white sheets up to his chin. "Here am I, instead of rinding a bag of money to carry home, launched in a strange place, with scarcely a stiver in his pocket; and, what is worse, have jumped ashore up to my ears in lovo into the bargain. However," added he, after some pause, stretching himself and turning himself in bed, "I'm in good quarters for the present, at least; so 111 e'cnenjoy the present moment and let the next take care of itself; I dare say all will work out, 'somehow or other,' for the bost." As he said these words he reached out his hand to extinguish the candle, when he was euddenly struck with astonishment and dismay, for he thought he beheld the phantom of the haunted house staring on him from a dusky part of the chamber. A second look reassured him, as he perceived that what he had taken for the specter was, in fact, nothing but a Flemish portrait that hung in a shadowy corner just behind a clothes press. It was, however, the precise representation of liis nightly visitor - the samo cloak and belted jerkin, the same grizzled board and fixed eye, tho same broad, slouched hut, with a íeather hangmg over ono side. Dolph now called to mind the resemblanco he had frequently remarked between his host and the old man of the haunted house; and was fully convinced that they were in some way connected, and that some especial destiny had goveroed his voyage. Ho lay gazing on the portrait with alinost as much awe as he had gazed on tho ghostly original, until tho shrill house clock warned him of tho lateness of tho hour. Ho put out tho light; but remainod for a long time turning over theso curious circumstancos and coincidences in his mind, until ho feil asleep. His dreams partook of tho nature of his waking thoughts. Ho fancied that ho still lay ffazing on the picture, until, by degrees, it becamo animated; that the iigure descended from the wall and walked out of the room; that ho followed it and found himself by the well, to which tho old man pointed, smilod on him, and disappeared. In the morning when Dolpli waked he found his host standing by his bedside, who gave him a hearty morning's salutation, and askod him how he bed slept. Dolph anewered cheerily, but took occasion to inquire about tho portrait 'that hung against the wall. "Ali," said Heer Antony, "that's a portrait of old Killian Vander Spiegel, once a lmrgomaster of Amsterdam, who, on some popular troublea, abandoned Holland and came over to the province during tho government of Peter Stuy vesant. He was my ancestor hy tho mother's side, and an old miserly curmudgeon ho was. When the English took possession of New Amsterdam in 1664 he rctired into the country. He feil inti) a melanchofy-, apprehending that his wealth would bo taken from ldm and that ho would como to beggary. He turned all his property into cash, and used to liido it away. He was for a year or two concealed in vaiious places, fancying himself sought after by tho Knglish, to strip liim of his wealth.; and finally was found dead in hits bed one morning, without any one being able to discover whero he had coneealod the greater part of lds money." Wheu h8 host had left tho room, Dolph rtmaincd for gomo timo lost in thought. His wholo mind was occupied by what ho had heard. Vander Spiegel was lus uiother'a family name; and ho recollected to liavo heard her speak of this very Killian Vander Spiegel as ono of her ancestors. Ho had heard, her say, too, tliat lier father was Külian's rightful heir, only that tho old man died without leaving anything to bo inherited. It now appcared tnat Heer Antony was likewiso :i descendant, and perhaps an heir also, of this poor rich man; and that thus tho Heyhgers and tlio Vander Heydens wero remotely connected. "Vhat,M thought he, "if, after all, this is the interpretation of my dream, that this is the way I am to niako my fortuno by this voyako to Albany, and that I am to flnd tho old man's hidden wealth in tho bottoin of that well? But wliat an odd, rouud-alxut mode of commituicating tho niatter! Why tho plague could not the old goblin liave told me about tho well at once, without sending me all tha way to Albany to hear a story that was to send mo all tlio way back againï"' Theso tlumghts passed through his mind v.hilo ho was dressing, lio descended tho stairs, full of perplexity, when tho bright faco of Marie Vander Heyden suddenly beamed in smiles upon liim, and seeined to givo him a clew to the whole mystery. "After all," thought he, "the old goblin is in the right. If I am to get lita wealth, ho meaus that I' shall marry his pretty descendant; thus both brajiches of the family v.Ul be again unlted, end the property go on in the proper chatmeL" No sooner did this idea enter his head than it carried conviction with it. Ho was now UI impatience to hurry back and Becuro tlw treasure, which. he did not donbt. lay at the bottom cf the well, and which he feared every moment might bo discovered by some other person. "Who knows," thought he, "but this night walking old fellow of the haunted house may be in the habit of haunting every visitor, and may give a hint to some shrewder fellow than rayself , who will take a shorter cut to the well than by the way of Albany?" He wished a theusand times that the babbling old gho&t was laid in the lied sea, and his rambling portrait with him. He was in a perfect fever to depart. Two or three days elapsed before any opportunity presented for returning down the riyer. They were ages to Dolph, notwithstanding that he was basking in the smiles of the pretty Marie, and daily getting more and more enamored. At length the very sloop f rom which he had been knocked overboard prepared to make sail. Dolph made an awkward apology to his host for hls sudden departure. Antony Vander Heyden was sorely astonished. He had eoncerted half a dozen excursions into the wilderness; and his Indians were actually preparing for a grand expedition to one of the lakes. He took Dolph aaide, and exerted his eloquence to get him to abandon all thoughts of business, and to remain with him - but in vain; and he at length gave up the attempt, observing "that it was a thousand pities bo fine a young man should throw himself away." Heer Antony, however, gave him a hearty shake by the hand at parting, with a favorite fowling piece, and an invitation to come to his house whenever he revisited Albany. The pretty little Marie said notliing; but as he gave her a farewell kiss, her dimpled cheek turned palé and a tear stood in her eye. Dolph sprang lightly on board of the vesBel. , They hojsted sail; the wind was fair; they soon lost sight of Albany, and its green hilis and emboweredislands. They were wafted gayly past the Kaatskill mountains, whose fairy huights were bright and cloudless. They passed prosperously through the highlands, without any niolestation from the Dunderberg goblin and his crew; they swept on across Haverstraw bay, and by Crotón Point,, and through the Tappaan Zee, and under the Palisadoes, until in the afternoon of the third day, they saw the promonU ïy of Hoboken, hanging like a cloud in tïie air; and, shortly after, the roofs of the Manhattoes rising out of tlie water. Dolph's íírst care was to repair to his mother's house; for he was continually goaded by the idea of the uneasiness she must experienee on his account. He was puzzling his bi"ains, as he went along, to think how he should account for hi3 absence, without betraying the secrets of the haunted house. In the midst of these cogitations, he entered tho 6treet in which his mother's house was situated, when he was thunderstruck at beholding it a heap of ruins. There had evidently been a great fire, which had destroyed .several largo houces and the humbie dweiling of poor Dame Heyliger had been involved in the eonilagraüon. Tho walls wero not so completely destroyed but tliat Dolpli could distinguish some traces of the scène of his childhood. Tho fireplace, about which he had often played, still remained ornamented with Dutch tiles, illustrating jassages in Bible history, on which he had many a time gazed with admiration. Among the rubbish lay t!e wreek of the gooddame's elbow chalr, trom which she had given him so many a wholesome precept, and hard by it was the family Bible, with brass Claspa; now, alas! reduced almost to a einder. For a mounent Dolph was overeóme by this dismal sight. for he was seized witii the fear that his mother had perished in the flames. He was relieved, however, from this horrible apprehension by one of the neighbors who hap[ened to come by, and who informed him that his mother was yet alive. Tho good "woman had, indeed, lost everything by this unlooked for calamity; for the populace had been so intent upou saving the fine furniture of her rich neighbors, that the little tenement, and the üttle all of poor Dame Heyliger, had been suffered to consume without interruption ; nay, had it not been for the gallant ussistanee of her old crony, Peter de Groodt, the worthy dame and her cat might have shared she fate of their habitation. As it was, she had been overeóme with frigbt and aiïliction, and lay ill in body and sick at lieart. The public, however, had showed her its wonted kindness. The fumiture of her rich neighbors being, as f ar as possible, rescued from the flames, themselves duly and ceremoniously visited and condoled with on the in jury of their px'operty, and their ludios commiserated on the agitation of their ñervos; the public, at length, began to recollect something about poor Dumo Heyliger. She forthwith becamo again a subject of universal syinpathy; overybody pitied more than ever, and if pity could but have been coined into cash - good Lord ! how rich nho would have been ! It was now determined, in good earnest, that Ëomething ought to be dono for her without delay. The dominio, therefore, put up prayers for her on Sunday, in which all tho coagregation joined most hcartily. Even Cobus Groesbeck, the alderman, and Mynheer Milledollar, tho great Dutch merchant, stood up in their pews, and did not spare their voices on the occasion; and it was thought the prayers of such great men could not but have their duo weight. Dr. Knipperhausen, too, visited her professionally, and gave lier abundanco of advico gratis, and was universally lauded for his charity. As to her old friend, Peter do Groodt, he was a poor man, whose pity and prayers and advice could be of but little aVaü, so ho gavo her all that was in his power - he gave her shelter. To tho hurnblo dweUing of Peter de Groodt, then, did Dolph turn his steps. On his way thither, he recalled all the tenderness and kindnesa of lüs simple hearted parent, her indulgence of his errors, her blindness to his taults; and then he bethought himself of his ovrn idle, harum-scarum Ufe. 'Tve been a sad scapegrace," said Dolph, shaking his head Borrowfully. "I'vo Deen a complete Bink pocket, that'B the truth of it!- But," addecl he briskly, and clasping his hands, "only let her live - only let her live - and I'llshow nu self indeed a son!" As Dolph approached tho house, he met Peter do Groodt coming out of it. The old man fctarted back aghast, doubting whether it was not a ghost that stood beforo liim. It being bright daylight, however, Peter soon plucked up heart, satisüed that no ghost dare show his face in such clear sunshine. Dolph now leainod irom the worthy Bexton tho and rumor to which his tprious dísa ppearance haa givon riso. It liad been universally believcd that ho had been spirited away by thoso hobgoblin gentry that infested the hauntet house: and old Abraham Vandozer, who lived by the great buttonwood trees, a' the three-milo stone. affirmed. that he had heard a terrible noise in the air, as he was going home late at night, which seemed just aj if a flight of wild geese were overhead, passing off towards the northward. The haunted house was, in consequence, looked upon with ten times moro awe than ever; nobody would ven ture to pass a night in it for the world and even the doctor had ceased to malie his expeditions to it in the daytime. It required some preparation before Dolph's return could be made known to his mother, the peor soul having bewailed him as lost; and her spirits hav ing been sorely broken down by a num ber of comforters, who daily cheered her with stories of ghosts, and of people car ried away by the devil He found her confined to her bed, with the other mem ber of the Heyliger family, the gocx dame's cat, purring beside her, but sadh singed, and utterly despoiled of thosi whiskers which were the glory of her physiognorny. The poor woman threw her arms about Dolph's necï: "My boy my boy! art thou still alive?" For a time she seemed to have forgotten all her losses and troubles, in her joy at his return. Even the sage grimalkin showec indubitable signs of joy at the return o: the youngster. Sho saw, perhaps, tha they were a forlom and undone family and feit a touch of that kindliness which fellow sufferersonly know. But, in trut h cata are a slandered people; they hav( more affection in thern than the work commonly gives them credit for. The goöd dame's eyes glistened as she saw one being, at least, beside herself rejoiced at her son's returu. "Tib knowa thee! poor dumb beastl" said she smoothing down the mottled coat of her favorite; then recollecting hersolf, witl a melancholy shake of the head, "Ah my poor Dolph!" exclaimed she, "thy mother can help thee no longer! Sho can no longer help herself! What wil become of thee, my poor boy?' "Mother," said Dolph, "don't talk in that Btrain; I've been too long a charge upon y ou ; it's no w my part to take care of you in your old days. Como! be o: good heart! you, and I, and Tib, will al see better days. I'm here, you see young, and sound, and hearty; then don't let us despair. I dare say things will all, somehow, turn out for the best.' While this scène was going on witl the Heyliger family, the news was car ried to Dr. Knipperhausen of the safe return of his disciple. The little doctor scarcely knew whether to rejoice or be sorry at the tidings. Ho was mansión thus disproved; but he grieved a "happy at having tho foul reports which had prevailed concerning his countrj having his disciple, of whom ho hac supposed himself fairly disencunibered thus drifting back, a heavy charge upon his hands. Whilo he was balancing be tween these two feelings, he was deter mined by the counsela of Frau Ilsy, who advised him to take advantage of the truant absence of the youngster, anc shut the door upon liim forever. At the hour of bed time, therefore svhen it was supposed the recreant dis ciple would seek his old quarters, every thing was prepared for his reception Dolph, having talked his mother into a state of tranquillity, sought the mansion of his quondam master, and raised the knocker with a faltering hand. Scarcely, however, had it given a dubious rap when the doctor's head, in a red nigh cap, popped out of one window, and the housekeeper's, in a white night cap, ou of another. He was now greeted with a tremendous vol ley of hard names anc hard language, mingled with invaluable pieces of advice, such as are seldom ven tured to lx given excepting to a frient in distress, or a culprit at the bar. In i few moments, not a window in tho streei but had ita particular night cap, listening to the shrill treble of Frau Ilsy, anc the guttural oroaking of Dr. Knipperhausen; and the word went om window to window, "Ah! here's Dolpl Heyliger come back, and at his olc pranks again." In short, poor Dolph found ho was likely to get nothing from the doctor but good advice - a commodity so abundant as even to bo thrown out of the window; so ho was fain to beat a retreat, and take up Iiis quarters for the night undcr the lowly roof ol honest Peter de Groodt. Tho next uiorning, bright and early, Dolph was at the haunted house. Every - thing looked just as he had lelt it. The iields were grass grown and mattod, and it appeared as if nobody liad traversed them eiuce his deportare. With palpitating heart he hastened to the well. He looked down into it, and saw that it was of great depth, with water at tho bottom. He had providcd himself with a strong line, such as the flshennen use on the bonkfl of Newfoundland. At tho end was a heavy plunmiet and a large fisli hook. With this he began to sound the bottom of tho well, and to angle about in the water. He found that tho water was of Kome depth; there appeared also to be much rubbish, stones ï'rom the top having lallen in. Several timês lus hook got entangled, and he carne near breaking his line. Now and then, too, he hauled up more trash, such as the skull of a horse, an iron hoop, and a shattered, iron bound bucket. He liad nov been several hours employed without finding anything to ropa y his trouble, or to encourago him to proceed. Ho began to think lümself a great fooi, to be thus decoyed into a wild goose chase by mero dreams, and was on tho point of throwing line and all iuto the well, and giving up all further angling. "One more cast of tho line," said he, "and that hall bo the last." As ho sounded, ho feit the plummet slip, as it were, through the interstices of looso stones; and as he drew back the line, he feit that tho hook had taken hold of Bomething heavy. Ho had to manage his Uno with great caution, lest t should be broken by the strain upon it. By degrees the rubbiih that lay upon the article which he had hooked gave way; ho drew it to the surface of tho water, and ■wbat was lúa rapture at seeing somothing like silver glittering at tho end of hialine! Almost breathless with anxiety, he drew it up to the mouth of the well, Burprised at xts great weight, and f earing every instant that his hook would slip from its hold, and his prize tuinble again to tho bottom. At length ho landed it safe beside tho well. It was a great silver porringer, of an ancient form, richly embossed, and with armorial bearings, similar to thoso over his mother's rnantelpiece, engraved on its sido. Tho lid was fastened down by several twists of wire; Dolpli loosened them with a trembling hand, and on h'fting tho lid, beholdl the vessel was filled with broad golden pieces, of a coinage which he had never Been before 1 It was evident he had lit on the place whcro Kiilian Vinder Spiegel had concoaled his treasiiiv. Fearfui of being seen by some tragglor, he cautmusly retired and burieii bis pot of money ui a secrot place. He now spread tembló stories about the haunted houso. ai: J detened every one from approaching it, whilo lio tnade quent visits to it on stormy days, when no one was stirring in the neighborin fields; tliough, to teil the truth, he dia not care to venture there in the dark. For once in his life he was diligent and industrious, and followed up nis new trade of angling with such perseverance and success, that in a little while he had hooked up wealth enough to make him, in those moderato days, a rich burgber for life. It would be tedious to detail minutely tho rest of this sto.y - to teil how he gradually rnanaged to bring his property into use without exciting surprise and inquiry - how he satisfied all scruples with regard to retaiaing the property, and at the same time gratitied his own feelings by marrying the pretty Marie Vander Heyden - and how he and Heer Antony liad many a merry and roving expedition together. I must not omit to say, however, that Dolph took his mother home to live with hün, and cherished her in her old days. The good dame, too, had the satisfaction of no longcr hearing her son made the theme of censure; on the contrary, he grew daily in public esteem; everybody spoko well of him and his wines, and the lordliest burgomaster was never known to decline bis invitation to dinnor. Dolph often related, at hisown table, the wicked pranks which had once been the abhorrence of the town; but they were now considered excellent jokes, and the gravest dignitary was fain to hold his sides when listening to them. No one was more struck with Dolph's increasing merit than his old master, the doctor; and so forgiving was Dolph that he actually employed the doctor a3 his famUy phvsician, only taking care that his prescriptions should be alway3 thrown out of üh.8 wüldow. His mother had often her junto of old cronies to take a 6nug cup of tea with her in her comfortablo littlo parlor, and Peter do Groodt, as he sat by the fireside, with one of her grandchildren on his knee, would many a time congratúlate her upon her son turning out so great a man; upon which the good old soul would wag her head with exultation, and exclaim: "Ah, neighbor, neighborl did I not say that Dolph would one day or other hold up his head witli the best of them'r" Thus did Dolph Heiliger go on, cheerily and prosperously, growing merrier as he grew older and wiser, and completely i'alsif ying tlie old proverb about money got over tho devil's back; for he made good uso of his wealth and became a distinguished citizen and a valuablo member of the community. Ho was a great promotor of public institutions, such as beef steak societies and catch clubs. He nesided at all public dinners, and was the lirEt that introduced turtlo f rom the West Indies. He improved tho breed of race horses and game cocks, and was bo great a patrón of modest merit, that any one who could sing a good song, or teil a good story, was sure to tind a place at liis table. He was a member, too, of tho corporation; made several laws for the protection of game and oysters and bequeathed to tho board a largo dlver punch bowi made out of the identieal pjorringei before mentioned, and which is in tho possession of iho Corporation to this very day. Finally, he dicd, in a florid old age, of an apoplexy, at a Corporation feast, and was buried with great honors in tho yard of the littlo Dutch church in Garden street whero his tombstono may still be seen, with a modest epitaph in Dutch, by his friend Mynheer Justus Benson, an ancient and excellent poet of the province. The foregoing tale rests on better authoritv than most tales of Ihe kind, as I havo it at seoond hand f rom thelipsof Dolph Heyliger lümseh. He never related it tili towards tho latter part of his life, and then in great confidenco (for ho was very discreet), to a few of bis particular cronies at his own tablo over a supemumerary bowl of punch, and, strango as the hobgoblin parts of the story may seem, thero nover was a singlo doubt expressed on tho subject by any of his gnosis. It may not be amiss, beforo concluding, to observo that, in addition to his other accomplishinents, Dolph Heyliger was noted lor being the ablest drawer of tho long bow In the whole province.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register