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Easter April 21. Charles Tessmer w:ll erect a new house on l'ackard gt. State encampment of Michigam militiamen, Aug. 8-13. Bishop Gillespie is expected in Ann Arbor about Mp.y 6. Sheriff Wallace, of Saline, was in Ann Arbor, yesterday. T. D. Kearney will probably be reappointed as city attorney. Letitia F. Downing asks for a di?orce from Henry C. Downing. R. Kratzert, of the Washtenaw Post composing room, is very eick. John Johnson, April 6, belore Justice FrueaufiF for drunkenness; county jail 30 days. Michael Klais, assaultand battery, April !), before JuBtice Frueauff. Paid $8.88 costi. Mr?. Howley will Boon have a new house on E. Ann st., near 13'.h gt. Mack & Sohmid's store now presenta a very handsome appearance on the interior. Dívís Leavenwortb, a formar resident of Ann Arbor, died in Grand Rapids last week. Ex-Sheriff Walsh is a candidate for the position of city marshal in case Fred Sipley can't get it. Alexander Bayer died in Toledo, last Wednesday, and bis funeral took place in Ann Arbor Sunday. Charlee Binder, preseman in the Argug office, feil last Thursday and a dislocation of the shoulder resulted. W. C. T. U. will have Mrs. Helen M. Gougar speak on woman 's suffrage in the Unitarian church this evening. O'Hara, Boyles & Co. is the name of a new grocery firm at No. 1. Broadway that promises to do a good business. Robert Rayer will bring his subscription book agt'ncyio Ann Arbor, having purcbased Louis Rominger's interest. Evening services at the Unitarian church closed with last Sunday evening. Morning services will continue as uual. The representation of Gen. Custer at the Dime Museum is exceedingly life-like. Don't fail to see it. 24 Washington-gt. M-s. Thomas F. Loonard died Tuesday morning, agd 59 yearg. Funeral this sfternoon at 3 o'clock at St An Jrew's church. Cari Klager, of Lodi, was bound over on Tuesöay by Justice Frueauff to answer in the circuit court the charge of bastardy. Mrs. Rachel Shelmire, sister of J. C. and B. F. Watts, of Ann Arbor, died at her home in Minneapolis, Minn., one week ago. George Wahr will make improvements in his book store, among which will be a cash desk and office in the center fitted up in oak. The hearing before the commission of the Luther James tax case, which was fixed for last Tuesday, has been postponed just one week. Prosecuting Attorney Lehman spends every day except Saturday in Ann Arbor. M. J. Cavanaugh doív has his office iu Ann Arbor. B. G. Cooper, son of Wm. Cooper of the Fuurth ward, died at Omaha, Nebraska, April 4, and the remains were brought toAnn Arbor April 7. J. H. Clough has solcl his fine fruit farm on West Huroc-3t to J. L. Schaffer for $10,000. This probably means that Mr. Clough will remove to California. In last Saturday's Detroit Tribune Rev. Samuel Earp andex-Prosecuting Attorney Norris were reported as favoring the death penalty for murder, and Secretary Wade ag against it. The new pump for the water works is expected this week. About 5,100 feet of new pipe has been ordered, and the new mains ordered by the common council will be laid soon. High School vacation next week. The senior class-day exercises will be held at Whitmore Lake. Miss Harwood has resigned as class poet, and Miss Nellie Allen chosen in her place. A love least service will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock, and a sacramental service at 10:30. Preaching in the evening at 7:30 by Rev. Dr. Studley. Mrs. Louisa Richards, of Willard-st., began a euit on April 8 agaioBtNelsonSutherland for slander, and asks for $10,000 damagee. C. H. Kline is her attorney, and Sawyer & Enowhon the counsel. The Germania Lodge, No. 476, celebrated the 42d anniversary of the society in their hall on Wednesday last. John Mayer delivered an oration and L. J. Liesemer read a poem espeoially written for the occasion. James W. Ving, of Ann Arbor, advertises that on April 19 he will geil one Imndred acres of land south of Delhi Mills, known as the Norman Dwight farm. Mr. Wing acts as adminigtrator of the estáte of Notman Dwight. The Glee Club boys have a new ditty, "Romeo and Juliet," in which tall Fred Crane is Juliet, and hort Ed W alter is Romeo, and all the club sing. The manager declares that it will " break up" every audience that hears it. Some rowdies tried te be funny on Ann street Tuesday nigbt A sign, worth $3, belonging to Mrs. E. A. Hoyt, the milliner, was taken, and the iron frame-work of tlie awnings belonging to W. F. Stirnson and J. W. Maynard, were bent. Leo Camp, an old resident of Ann Arbor, for many years the sexton of the Catholic cemetery, died on Sunday, aged 64. The funeral was held at St. Thomas church. A son, Norman Camp, of Fort Wayne, Ind., was in attendance, with his wife. Seventeen trampa were having a good time on Tuesday in a gravel pit not far from tbe Northern brewery. With the two trampa who were in jail, and others who were suspected of being around the city, there were probably 24 of the gentry in these parts. The mayor announces that hereafter he will be at the city clerk's office between tbe hours of 11 and 12 a. m. daily, for the transacción of city business, and he hopes the people will give him a rest on that business at other times. As bis salary is only one dollar per year it is a reasonable request. Heinzmann & Laubengayer have purchased a strip of land from 'the ground on which their new elevator stands to Huron st., which gives them plenty of room on the T. & A. A. track for shipping purposes. The land was purchased of Mr. Wei!, of Chicogo, who was in Ann Arbor yeaterday. It's a fact not eenerally known that the township of Ann Arbor claims to own the old cemetery ia Ann Arbor. The townehip now have proceedings pending in the chancery court to define its righta in regard to that property. The township wants to remove the remains still in the old cemetery, and then get Ann Arbor city to buy the land for a park or site for a hospital. Four trampa, the youngest about 18 years old and the oldest not older than 25, with dirtyclothes and sullen laces, 6at in Justices Pond's office Tuesday. They had been guilty of begging. The justice let them oflF on their promising to gei out of Ann Arbor as soon as their legs could carry them. C. W. Wagner received on Tuesday a Columbia tandem pafety bicycle which he purcha8ed for the pleasure of himself and family. It cost f 200. It can be used by a lady and gentleman, or by two gentlemen. It is eight feet long, and is a handsome machine. It is the first tandem bieycle Ann Arbor has seen. At the last regular meeting of Ch atham Lodge, Order Sons of St. George, it was decided to attend St. Andrew's church in a body on Sunday, April 28, when Rev. S. Earp will give them adiscouree. All Eaglishmen are cordially invited toaccompany them. Space in the body of the church will be reservad for the order. Last Thursday evening the common council voted to allow J. T. Jacobs to place a stairway on the outside of his business block. Monday evening, the council voted to reconsider the motion, and referred it to a committee. Mr. Jacobs had, in the meantime, however, let the job of building the stairway, and had secured the iron. Miss Franc N. Crosby, sister of Mrs. A. E. Jennings, of Ann Arbor, died of heart disease in Bicorne, Indian Territory, yesterday morning. She was a member of the U. of M. graduating class of this year, but was obliged to leave for her health. She was teaching in a Baptist Indian school. The remains will be brought to Ann Arbor and then taken to New York. Ann Arbor commandary No. 13, K. T., elected officers last week ss follows: Chas. E. Hiscock, E. C ; B. F. Watts, G.; C. S. Fall, C. G; S. W. Clarkson, prelate; L. C. Goodrich, 8. W.; J. L. Stone, J. W.; D. C. Fall, treaurer; John R. Miner, recorder; G. W. Millen, St. B ; A. C. Nichols, sword bearer; W. W, Watts, warder; T. Taylor, sentinel. The Easter party of ihe commandery will be given on Friday, April 26. Aid. Allmendinge.' was appointed chairman of the ordinance comtnittee Monday night, and it was an excellent selection. The ordinances need as thorough an overhauling as the charter had. Sjme of them are ludicrous, and don't fit the new charter. No member of the council knows more about the charter than does Al?. Allmendinger, and he isas well acquainted with the intricacies of the old ordinances as anyone can be without prolonged study. The annnal meeting oL the Ladies' Library association was held on Monday, April 8. The annual reports of cecretary and treasurer were presented. The election resulted as follows : Board of directora, Mrs. Alfred Hunt, Mrs. A. B. Palmer, Mrs. C. A. Jaycox, Mrs. J. C. Knowlton, Mrs. The8. Eoyer, Miss Parker. Officers : Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, president; Mrs. A. B. Palmer, vice president; Mrs. W. W. Beman, 8ecretary; Mrs. C. A Jaycox, treasurer. Charler E. Barnes, of Linsing, formerly at the head of the knights of labor of Michigan, and now deputy commissioner of the State bureau of labor statistics, is in Ann Arbor. His bureau will devote its next report to statistics relativa to the condition of the workers in the furniture industry, which employs great many men in the state. Ann Arbor has 80 men engaged in niaking furniture. Mr. Barnes wiU engage some one ta gather statistics for Ann Arbor. Gov.Luce's proclamation fixes Saturday, May 20, as Arbor Day for all that porti, n of the state lying south of the north line "f Masón, Lake, O.-ceola, Clare, Grladwin, and Arenac counties, and Saturday, May 4, lor all that portion ot the state lying north of such line. The governor says: "Or. the Arbor Days appointed, let the tree planting be in such appropriate spot or place as the judgnient may select, but more especially would I urge that this year our roadsides and tboroughfares be remembered." Ottmar Eberbach and H. J. Brown, of Arm Arbor, were among the 10 prominent druggists of Michigan who met in Lansing last week to look after the Daxon liquor bill. The Laneing Republican says: "ï'hey prepared an amendment to the bill, which was presented to the House committee on the liquor traffic. The intention of the amendment is to compel druggists who are selling liquors for illegitimate purposes to pay the liquor dealer's taz, and at the same time to relieve honest druggists of unnecessary burdens and responsibilities." At the last meeting of the Germán - American Landwbhr-Verein - ran aid organization of the former soldiers of the Germán empire, out who are now ready at a moment's notice to defend the honor of the stars and stripes against all corners - a number of new names were enrolled. Editor Liesemer, of the Post, was enrolled as an honorary member, in appreciation of the services rendered the society at its organization. In response to repeated calis, he made a rattling twenty minutes speech. The Landwehr-Verein will soon become one of the strongest bocieties in the county. J. Q. A. Sessioos attended the grand council of the Royal Arcanum for this State which held its annual session in Detroit this week. Sixty-eight councils were represented from the cities and villages of the State. This fraternal and cooperative associaiion has 5,000 members in the State, and 90,000 in all the States, and is in a flourishing condition. On Tuesday evening an entertainment was given by the Detroit councils in the Detroit opera house, which was packed witli the intelligent people of the city. The entertainment consisted of addresses upon the benefits and objects of the association, and music. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held in Hobart hall, April 3. After tbe usual devotional services, and reporta of secretary, treasurer, superintendent of Industrial school and jail work, the following officers were elected for tbe coming year: Mrs. D. Clements, president; Mrs. H. M. Doig, recording secretary; Mrs. A. Butts, corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. Dygett, treaeurer; vice-presidents from each church as follows: Presbyterian, Mrs. L. D. Parker; Baptist, Mrs. M. Snuble; Episcopal, Mrs. J. Fisher; Ucitarian, Mrs. White; Methodist, Mrs. C. Worden; Congregational, Mrs. Walker. Officers for Industria' school: Superintendent, Miss M. Brown; vioe-president, Mrs. H. M. Doig; secretary, Miss A. Henning, treasurer; Mis Anne Wilsey. Yesterdny's Deiroit Free Press, in its account of the Philharmonic concert in Detroit Tuesday evening, said: " Miss Katie Jacob?, of Ann Arbir, sang an aria from Handel, ' How Beautiful are the Feet.' The young lady's voice is an alto of rare quality and range, and she sang with much feeling and expression. Her singing of Faet ut portem, from Rossini's Stabat Mater, was so artistically done as to recieve a hearty encoré. Prof A. A. Stanley, of the University of Michigan, who played a fugue in D major from Bach, and an andante and allegro from Sonate No. 9 op. 183, by Merkei, showed himseli to be a master of that grand insirutnent, the organ. His technique snd his registration were those ota real ariist, and his playing with the strings in the Mozart composition also showed that he is a fine easemble player." Ann Arborcommandery No.13 K.T.,sent 39 of its members to visit the Northville commandery, Tuesday evecing, and they returned at about three o'clock Wednesday morning. The following members went : Chas. E. Hiscock, B. F. Watts, C. S. Fall, S. W. fílarkson, John R. Miner, W. G. Daty, W. W. Nichols, L. C. Gondrich, J. L. Stone, D C. F -11, G. W. Millen, A. C. Nicholg, W. W. Watts, T. Taylor, Nelon S. Garlinghouse, R. C. Cu'hbert, E. W. Moore, J. E. Beal, A. D. Graves, N. E. Sutton, J. M. Wilcoxson, F. A. Latson, Dr. D. A. McLacblan, W. F. Mills, L. H. Clement, W. F. Stimson, T. F. Hill, L D. Wines, E. H. Eberbac'.i, N. J. Kyer, A W. Rasser, A. P. Ferguaoo, P. N. Stim son, II. T. Morton, J. W. Morton, C. W. Wagcer, F. A. Howlett, J. W. Bennett, John Wetzel. There were also of the party, W. H. Whitmarsh and O. A. Kley, of Milan; R. S. Armstrong and G. H. Kempf of Chelsea; E. P. Allen, Martin Cremer, J. C Bemis, Prof. C. F. R. BelIowp, H. R. Scoville, Dr. F. K. Owen and Dr. F. M. Oaklev, Geo. N. Flowers, Chas. E. Samson, P. W. Carpenter, C. M. Norton, of Ypsilanti. At the banquet T. F. Hill made the speech of the evening. J. W. Doty and Ctins. E. Hiscock also spoke.


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