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OI7R 83 CEJÏT COU'SIN. Advcitisements, such as To Ilent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be lnserted three weeks lor 25 cruis. WAMED. WANTKD.- A girl to wash dishesand do other light work. Ioquire at 26 Williams-it. WANTED.- Suite of two or three rooms for gentleman and wlfe, unfuruished preferred Address P. O. box UI. WANTED.- A girl for general house work Inquire at No. 12 Paekard. WANTED-iípPRENTICE 8ALKSLADY in larga retall store. Must be willing, quick and brignt. Address (with Referenee) "ir B" Care of Carrier No. 1. City. WANTED -To rent a house and pay rent in board, or rosition aa mation ot society house Leave word at Reuister office. AGENT WANTËD.-J5. per day made with little effort in delightful employment. Cali lor Mr. Bayley at 81 East Uhcrty-st. FOR SAI.E. FOR SALE.- Four ye&r old colt. Bo 1M6. oso. L. Loomis. ïT?R?,ALE-As l have no ue f"r 'wo horeea t} SlclieSp my 8ix years old Hambletonian gelding, -aeorge," sired by Waverly; dam, a Black Hawk and Messenger mare; or my bay dnving horse even years old. Also feveral loada of good manure. Earth lilling free. A M Clark, 47 S. División gtreet. tf IpOR SALE.-Frnit and Stock Farm, 67 acres 1 mile east of Campus on Geddes-ave. O R L. Crozier. I10R 8ALE.-113 Acre (arm, will take part payment iu city property. Jobn W. ThompsoS, y F2R SA pHEAP.-A team of Horses, wagon, A Hay and Vood Rack. Will exchange then! lor Ilay.VVüOd or (rain. Tar walks made and repaired. J. P. Judson. FOR SALE.-Four or five young horses. Two miles north of the city. James C. Allen. F'OR Evergreen tree for Hedge and other purposes; Peach and Pear tree-TGrape white and black varieiies. All kinds of small fruit planta, and nice lot of elm and other shade trees at my place on W. Huron st. , J. H. Allmand. H" OR SALE- Two Stacks of good Clover Hay containiog about teven tons each J T Jacobs. TfOR SALE - Horae,7 yeara old. suitable for H. afmeental38bHS'5aSnOsrtdrÍVlng FOR SALE- Or exchange forAnu Arbor city property, tile factory, pleasant location, t-est of material and goo.l demand for tile. Fine chance to make money. Register Office. FOR SALE.- A cheap covered carriage nearlv new. No. 2 Brookht, near Millerave E Ludluin. F'OR 8ALE.-Sewing Machines. Pricea reduced. No agents. Come to the store and select your machine, brand-new and pay no canvassing expeue8,orcommission;ave your money Try the "Siandard." See our offer of premiums Cali at Wilsey's piano, organ and sewiug machine ware rooms, 6 South h-st, Ai;n Aibor, Mich. IOR SALE - To Hinkt' room for planos a fine Alvfnrt i? Organs' closed out at vry low prices. Ihave had a hoi:e placed in my hands for sale atagnat bargain. lt is large, well located, suitable for roomers and boarders, or uicely arranged for two families. W. W. Whedon. Ki OCSE AND LOT FOR SALE- House new, six 1 rooms and pantry; good Well.Cistern .Cellar and Wooduouse. Pleasaiit location on Brooks st one lot from Miller Ave. Terms reasouable. Address P. O. box 103, Ann Arbor, Mioh. fTOR SALE OR EXOHANUE FOR FARM - fetSeArnVrbnrCÍtyI-APP'y 8 SoUth FARM FOK SALE- Tno farm known as the Grant T. Perry farm of 200 Acres of flrst-class land, situated in the township of Lodi. Inquire of Comstock F. Hill, Administrator. __ FOR SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Wsshingtonst Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 Nortti 4th6t. LARtíE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots. for sale or exehange for smaller property If not sold, will be for jent. J. P. Judson, South tniverslty Ave; also 4 Acres on same sin et. FOR KENT. I7"OR RENT. - House on Hnron-st opposite Ladles' iJbrary. Inquire of E. D. Kinne. FOK RENT -Rooms in the HamiHnn Block, Suitable for light house keeping. Water and steam heating lncluded. Apply to A. W. llamilton. TO Eh.NT.- Story and one half house and also a cottage well looated for work in berry flelcls. Enquire ot J. D. Baldwin. I70R RENT.- Deslrable house on E. University Ave, uear Campus at reasonable rate to good tenant. Inquire at Register O ;hce. 1?OR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for ouions, four miles south of Ann Arbor, township of Pittkfield, twenty acres ready for spring work. For lunher Information address Miss i. Phillips. PitU-fleld P. O., Mich., or cali at Squiret' farm, (jood onion crlb. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesand lotsvalued from Í1.000 to6,u0üand contalnlug from one-flfth of an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limitó. Houses rcmed un reasonable term in central localities. Karma exchanged ior city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION9, 32tf Attorney and Real Estaie Agent Office over Eiptess Office, Main 8t., Ann Arbor. W1SCEM.AKEOPW. FOUND- A POOKET-BOOK containing money. supposed to belong to sume lady in Ann Arbor. The owner may ad'lress me at 109 Ellzabeth treet. East, Detroit, Mlch. Rufus Cale. TREáS-MAKERS of Aun Arbor to know that XJ one of Mme. Kellogg's inost experienced teachers from the Dttroit School of Ladies' French -Tailoring is stopping at No. 25 8. Fifth St., to teaoh Mme. Kellojïg's Fiench Tailor System of Dress Cutting. Kemember, you pay noihing for system or instructlons until you can cut and baste your dresses In the latest Frenen styles. l'ositlvely do refittiDg. Cali for Fashlon Journalfree. Mrs. Miller, teacher. I? RUIT and Evergreen Trees, ürape Vines, 3 Berry Planta, now ready for transplanting. At my Nureery, at head of Springst. Jacob Uanzhorn. UL O A A reward for the return allve of White 3Pt.VU feniale ,'Spiiz" dog. antwcrinic the name of "Honey." Inqulre at keuister Office. "DART Y Flowers, Brldal and Cnnflrmatlon X Wreaths a speclalty, at Mrs. Hoyt's Millinerv Store, at 7 Ann-st. ALL LADIES invlted to attend the Ea-ster Opeuing at Mrs. Hoyt's Milliuery tjtore. at 7 Ann-st. April 18. CISTERNS built and repalred. Leave orders at Wood Yard, 36 Eabt Huroust EC.GS for sale from three of tha best varieties of pure bred poultry, Wyandottes. White Uorkingsand Silver tipangled Uamburgs. Arm Arbor Pouttry Yards, 90 Broadway. Price oue dollar for 13. J. C. Taylor. PURE grape wine from the best sorted grapes for tale, 90 Broadway, Aun Arbor. J. C. Taylor. LAIRVOYANT. - Mrs. Mary A. Charter, of J Boston, Mass., can be consulted at 59 East Liberty. MKS E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of French. Thor ough instruction given iu priyató lessons No, 5 N. State St.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register