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Wells, Richardson & Co.

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THE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT Paine's Gelery Gompound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like t ■' Last spring, betng very much run down and debllHated, I procured someof Palne's Celory Compound. The use ot twoDottles made me teel Uke a new man. As a general tonlc and Bprtng medicine, I do not know lta equaL" W. L. Greenlkaf, Brigadier General V. N. G., Burlington, Vt $1.00. Slx for $s.oo. At Drugglsts. Use It Now! " llavlng used yonr Palne'a Celery Compound thls spring, I can safely recommend lt as the most powerful and at the same time most gentle regulator. It Ís a splendld nerre tonlc, and slnce taklng lt I have feit Uke a new man.( R E. Knobb, Watertown, Daiota. Props. Burlington, VU ÜIAmUHU UTCO rul! Elegant! Ectmomicnl: I I-HU MI CU rUUU ,„„,,„. ih ls((


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