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JA B LAN KETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE s'A LSBF1. ManufM by W. Atbïs cxu Piulada o makethefamousHui' Brand Baknr Nlnnket " This is one of the Si Dusters. It is elosely woven and handsomely embroidered." Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5A Lap Dusters M.SÍ{UJUL.. 5A Ironsides Sheet issüiiuïïi in Stanl. 5A Clipper Fly Nets SSST EquM to Ltather at Half tl Con 100 otlier styles of Sa Horee Sheets and Fly Nets at prices to suit everybody. Pot sale by all dealers. If you can't get them, u rile US. A Wonian'n 'onfenHloii. 'Do you know, Marv, I once actually contpmplated suïcide"? " You horrify me, Mrs. B. Teil me about it." " I wae suffering Irom chroniu weaknesa. I believed myself tlif most unhappy wotnan in the world. I looked tea year older than I really wa ; I feit twecty. Li(e seema to have nothing in it worth living for." " I huve experieneed all those things mygelt. Well' ? "Well, I was saved at the eleventh hour from ihe comniUsion of a deed which 1 shudder to think of. A liiend advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I did so. In n iioredibly short time I feit like a new hning. The ' Prescription' eiired ra?, and I ow Dr. Pierca a debt of gratitude whicb I can never repay." One miliion dollars of gold coin weit,'!) 3 085 pounds avoirdupoi. CROUP, WHOUPING OOUüH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. One miliion dollars of gilver coin weigh 53,920.9 p nnds avoirdupoüi. l'iiiipNorvadly I.ang-taed At. The untbinkiag are prone to make gme of nervousnesa Yet this is a very real and neriou nlQiction, the bafassing symptoms of which are rendered all the more poignant by ridicule. The stomach Lt usually respousible for these symptoms - is wei-kness and disorders 6nd a reflex in the brain, winch il tbe hesd quarters of the cervous svti-m A 'a nerve tonic and tranquil! zir, wc believe ihat not one on be poinled out m so eflfective as Tlosletter's Stoinach B tters. In renewii g vigorous 3ie8ti n, it strikes the key noie of recovery of sirengih and quietude by lh neives. Headcches, tremors in quiet tlrep, abroma! sciiyitivpuesi to unexpected noite - all these nn.dify and nltimately disappear a Ihe systeni gains 8trength from the great tonic. Dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumaiism. c nstipation and kidney complaicts are subdued by the Bitters. _ ___ Albert Durer gave the world prophecy of future wood-engrnving in 1527. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Broncbiti.'. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Glas windows were first introduced icto England ii the eijjhth century. A Great Surprise Is in store for all wl o use Kemp's BaLsam for the Throat andLunfi", the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its meri's and that any druggist is authorized by tbe proprietor of this wonderful r-medy to pive you a sample bottle free ? It never fi!s to cure acute or chornic coughs. All druggists sell Kemp's Bilsain. Boules 50 cent and $1. The first complete sewing machine was patented by EIUs Howe in 1846. STJACOBSOII TRADE Hlfe MARK% □ hl. THIE j. I Èk I KEMEDYfPAIIM ForlBruises and Burns. Fresh, Strong. Convinclng Facts. Brit Resnlts. Eait Fnrrldaiiee, R I., Jone'SS. Whlle in the employ of the B&ritow 8to7i Oe. applird yoor st. Jacobi 01] to mny bad bunu of tl .r., d lw7. "'V. HiiBTOir. ladder Feil. Glïerton, Im, Juae 23. ! Teil from ladder; bmlied md praid ny o KDOp.pIIwu.r.tLSdI'iI.f'.dí!M;J bottl.1 of St. Jacob. OU P"llaglli3;{Ü[LI,L1Dillocution. JoUrt. Dl., Hay U, 188. weeï. ïou..; th. pain wa. cxl by St Jacob. OU and tai aad no retara of it. J. D. BEOWM. At Dbüooisis and Dealers. THE CHARLES A, VMELEB CO.. Baltlmort, Mi.


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