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UUR 23 CENT COLUMN. Adveitlsements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceedlng three Unes, can be insertcil three weeks lor 25 iilx. WANTK. Wantkü.- A Kirl for gent ral nousework, uo boarder. Jnquire at 41 South Uhbt. WANTED.- A girl to wash dishcs and do other llght work. Inquire at :6 W)llicm8-.-,t. 1X7ANTED- Suite of two or three room9 for ' Kentleman and wile, unfurul&hed preferred A ddryssP. O. box 111. WANTED- A glrl for general house work. Inquire at No 12 Packari. IX7ANTED-APPRENTICE SALELADY in T large retail r-tore. Must be wililnR quirk and bright. Address (with Keference) 'J. B" Care of carrier No. 1. City. WANTED - To rent a house and pay rent In board, orrosltion as mauonol society Leave wnrd at Reoistkr office. AGENT WANTEU.- Ü5. pvr day made with lltile effort in duhghilul employtueut. Cali lor Mr. Hayley at 31 East Lith-rty-M. FOK WAI.E. FOR SAI.E.-A lot of fine red Cedar ChesU, at W. G. Dleterle's. __" FOR HALE- Honsehold goods. Inquire any day at 9 8. lngalls-st, before 9 a.m., or afier 6 p. m. C"OR SALE.- Four year old colt. r Bo 1M6. Geo. L. L00M18. F'ORHALK.- Aslhaveno use for two horses 1 will keil cheap my six years old Hambletontan gelding. "GeorKe," sired by Waverly; dam, a Black Hawk and Meenger mare; or my bay drivhig hurae seven years old. Also íeveral loada of good manure. Earth tllling free. A. M. Clark , 47 3 . Divlalon reet. tf FOR SALE.- Fruit and Stock Farm, 67 acres, 1 mile cast of Campus on Ueddesave. O. R L. Crozler. FOR 8ALE- 113 Acre (arm, will take part pay. ment iu city property. John W'. Thompson. F'OR SA1.K CHEAP.- A team of Horses, wagon. Hay aud Wood Rack. Will exchange tbem for Hay, WooJ or Urain. Tar walk made aud repalred. J. P. Judton. F'OR SALE.- Four or flve young horaes. Two mile ïionh of the city. James C. Allen. F"OR SALE.- Evergreen tree for Hedge and other purposes; Peaeh and Pear tree, Orape vlnfs, ted. white and blank variedes. All kinds of small fruit plañís, aud nlce lot of elm and other shade Wees at mj place ou W. Huron tl. J. H. Al.LMAND. FOR SALE- Or exchange for Anti Arbor city property, tile factory, pleasant locatlon, t est of maierial and gool demand lor tile. Fine ihance to niakc money. Kkoistkk Okfick. F'OR SALE.- A cheap covered carriage ncarlv new. No. 2 Brooktt, near ïliller-ave. L. Luiilnm. UK SALE UK tXCdd.Nut tOO. f'iKU - House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main at.. Ann Arbor. ÍARM FOK SALE- Tüe farm known as the Orant ï. Perry farm of 200 Acres of flret-class land, sltuated In the townshipof Lodl. Inquire of C'omstock F. Hlll. Admlnlstrator. lOR SAL.K.- Uoue and lot fto. 44 Washlngiunr et. Apply ol N. W. Cheever. No. 10 Nortü 4thLARUE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller propeity, If riot sold, wlll be for rent. J. P. Juiison, South l'ulveisity Ave ; also 4 Acres on same stn et. t'OB KUT. HOUSE AND BA EN TO RENT.- At 41 MadlBon street. Apply to B. E Nichols. BOARD AN1 ROOMS - Furnkhed Rooms wlth or without board. A!m table buadera wanted. bln. Efuer 26 North 5th ttreet. I7OR RENT. - House on Hnron-st opposlto V lidies' Ubrary. Inquire of E D Klnue. IOR RENT- Rooms In the Hamiltnn Block. Jf Suiuble for light house keeping. Water and team heating lucluded. Apply lo A. W. Hamilton. rpo RH NT.- Story and one half house and also X a cottage well iocaled lor work !u berry lields. Enqiiire ot J. D. Baldwln. IJfOR RENT.- Deslrable house on E. Culversity . Ave, near Campus at reosonable rate to goocl tenant. Inquire at Register o, iice. T?OR RENT. Thirty eres of inarsh laud for X1 onions. four miles south of Ann Arbor, townshlp of PittMield. twenty acru ready for spring work. For lunlier infurmntlou addrera Miss t. Phillips. Pitufield P. O , Mich., or cali at Squire' lann. (ícxxl oniou crii. REAL ESTATK KOR .-SALE OK KENT.- Houbes and lot valued froto fl.uou tu St,w)O and containli'g from one-fifth oí an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limita, liousea rci'ted uii reasonable turma lo central locallties. Farms excbanged íor clty property. Knqulreof J. Q. A.SESSIONa, 632t( Attorney and Real Estáte Agent Office over Expres Office. Main St., Ann Arbor. HlldM'EI.LAfrKOtm. DIETERLE bas on band som e fine red cedar ihent fnr palé. IOdT. - . m or near VVashington-st. A purse -eont.iining pacer Rnd stlver uiouey. Finder picase kave at this office and rccelve reward; ÍpARM TO KXCHANGE for Ai n Arbor proper1 1 y. Cali at S4 snuth Maln-st. [0ÜND- A POCKET-BOOKcontalning money, supposed to beloug to si. me lady In Ann Arbor. 1 he owner niav adiress me at 10U Elizadeth Btreet. Kast. Detroit, Mlch. Ruina Cale. ■ISTERNSbuiltand repaired. Lcave orders at Vvood Yard.: EaM Hurón st Ij008 for sale from three of thj best vailetles of pute bred poultry, Wyandottes, White DorklnKssiid Silvcr .paniicd HamburKs. Aun Arbor I'oultry Yards, 9n Broadn'ay. l'rice oue ilollar J C. Taylor. PI 'M E rape wlne from the best eorted grapes for sale, 90 liroadway, Ana Arbor. J. C. Taylor. T ED CEDAR CHESTS for sale at Dieterle's. CLA1KVOYANT. - Mrs. Mary A. Charter, of Boston, Masa., eau be comulted at 5a East Liberty. MRS. E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of Frenen. Thor ough Instructtou giveu lu private lesson. No. S N. 8Ute St.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register