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STJACOBSOJY TBADE BPr MARKI INJURIES. 40 YEARS' CnRONIC PATNS. S C I A T I O RHEIJMATISM. THE CURE. AFTER6YEARS. ï. aWsTTmik. Ith"' T-, .„ N.T..Dec. 19,1881. July 5,1887. For over 40 y.ri I Soflered mny yearthve been a vlctlm of lnjury to hip reinltlng In Khenmatlsm. I wat perrheumatism, mu scular ■naded to tnr St. Jacob! welkM„ „4 contracted 01L I have u.edtwo bot Tw( bottlM gt_ tles and a man more free Jacobs 011 relleved me so trom rheunatlum never alked our ttreeti. My I " l"lt llmb that vrer once and attend to dally duUfl nd Urne are now M tlti at 61. I heartily InUght and llmber al In my done lt. yontk. JOS. EDSEtU JOB. EDSELL. CWJPIJED CASES THEOW AWAT CKÜT0HEÍ CUEED PERMANENILY. TEBTIMOIflALS CEEEBFÜLLT EEKEWSD. 0HK0NI0 CASES, BEST CURES. Sold bn DrupgisU and Dcalert EvetTwhere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Bsltimore, Md Eaton Rapids, Mich. J. M. Loose Red Clover Co., Detroit. - TVo years I was afflcted with a tevere attaok of Erysiplas. After to physicions had ased their treatment for feveral v-ek and I contioued growiog rapidly worse, beiag by this lime completely, xml in iheir diagnosis concluded tbut lliers wn. na eartlily help or hope for me. l sjave up. havinfr tried aü the remedies f k u-a' or herd of. My neignbor, Mr. Mille-, came in to see rae one day and try LQOe8 Extract Red Oiover. As he ha i kn wn of of' it werking remarkabl-í cure'. I to!d him I lost hope, that nothing wonM fio nie any good in ihis world, lie in-ist-J, und taking his hat went to ihe drup s'ore and bought me one bot'lrt and argsd me to try it, wh'ch 1 did Ten dsya after vrarda I sent for two more bottles anij it was wonderful how I improved. I continued using it, and tciday I am better than l have been in years. No figna of Erysipela hes shown itself I and I heartly recommend t to suffering humanitv as the ereatest and best blood nuriSer ia existance. Yrtnri Turly, HENRY MARVIN, N" B. - My dau;hter, Mrs. Bishop, of Toledo, was nffl cttd al most as badly and your R?d Clover cured H. M. E lerharh & Son. First G x-iip - "ís marrage a faihire, do you think? ' Senond Gossip - "Not in my cse. My huibaod does pretly raucli as I say." CROUP, WHOUPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. SHILOH S CURE wil! immediately relieve Croup, VVhoopnnK Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Theself (iloini door-spring is an awful aggravatioajto th who is going out of your office mid ud watts to fhm the door. itVP e Children. They are e3OVrv pecialiy Hable to sudden Colds, Couglis, Croup, Whooping Congh, etc. We guarantee Acker"8 English Kemeiy a positivo cure. It saves honrs of anxious -watching-. Sold by John Moose, Druggist. Scribbler - ' What do you think of my 'Tale of I'overiy' in the lat Bazoo!" Cynicus-" Well ca'ried out ; it was poor from beginning to end." Ever thing wtiich belongs to pure, healthy blood is imparted by Hood's S Tsaparilla. A trinl will convince vou of its merits. Sir Charles Rmsell in his wig and gown is aid to resenible Gen. Wabincrton 88 pictured n Gilbert Stuait's protraits. lïrnillicllls Femalo lli'ïillilllir Sheuld be used by the young and budding woman, she who suffers from any disorder peculiar to her sex, and at the change of lite; it btne6ts ali who use it. Write The Bradfield ReeuUtor Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all druggists. A cat uap - the fur. THAT HACKING CODCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. S ld by Ebcrbach tí Son. The actor and the base-ball player both aim to muke a hit. (NlElRlVlEÏCplQlUlElRlOlR) The onlf knovm epedjlc for Epllcptic Fits.-s ï-A1bo for Spasma and Falllng bickncss.-S l ervous Wcakncss qnlckly rclieved and curediïnnalled by none ia delirium of fever.Tü arUeutralizes genus of üiscase and eickncss. Cures ngly blotchcs and Btnbborn blood sores. Clcanses blood, qulckens eluggish circulatlon. ïliminatcs Bolla, Carbunclos and Scalda.-i ag-PcrmanentlyandpromptlycnreBparalysis. "ïcb, ltlaacharmingandheiüthiul Apcrient. KIlls Scrofola and Kings E vil, twln brotherg. Changos bad brcata to good, removlng canse. rï7KoutB blUonsncsB and cleara complexión. Charmlng resolvent and matchlee? laxative.-gül It drives biet Ilcadacho liko the wiad.-S fWContaina no drastlc cathartlc or opiatos. Promptly cures Rhenmatism by routing it.-st Restores liiogivlng properties to the biood.-% Ia guaranteed to euro all nervona dir,ordcr9.-fc I eliüüabla wLen all oplates fall.- Befreshes the tnlnd and invl ?rnt o the body. Cnres dyapepsia or money rci'nndrd.-ü öfEndorsed In wrltinft by over fllty thonsand Leadlng physicians in V. 8. and Europe.-Wi Leading dergymen la U. S. and Europe.S Diseaseg of the blood own !t a ronqnrror.-%3 foraalobysilleadingdrnKgista. fl.W.-S the DR. S. 1. BICH10ND SïP.YIXE C0„ 5t. Jouph, I. Correspondence freely answerert by Plij-slclans. . l'"or testimoniáis and circulara snd stamp. ■Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that the threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investígate our claim that beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awakc Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himsell whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator. Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. SECÓN D You should adTHECmcAgo Daily News bccaue you r i kif have the timeto read it. Tnere hCW is a paper published ín Australia which is as large as a blanket. This wouldn't suit you. You want anewspaper at once convenient, complete and condensed, and stilt you don't want to overlook anything of real O importance. You don't want your neighbor to say to you, " Did you read so-and-so in to-day's paper? and be obliged to answer, " No, I didn't see that' and then nave him ask you, " What paper do you read?" This will never happen to you if you read Thk Chicago Daily News. Remember - Its circulation is 220,000 a da y - over a million a week - and it costs by maii 25 cts. a month, four months gi.oo,- onc cent a doy. Xows Abont Town. It is a ourrent report about town that Kemp's Balsam for the Tbroftt and Lunpe ie makino; some remarknble carea with people who are troubletl with coughp, Sore Throat, Asthrna, Bronchitis and consumptioD. Any druggiat will give you a trial bott!e free of cof. Ic i-í guaranteed to relieve and cure. Tne targe bot t les 50c and $1. Yisitor (chamng!y) - Why, Tommy, you weren't bom ten y'ejíTt airo. Tommy (two days befo re I i intli birtbday) - Well, I wn'i fron it. nnyiiow. 'i lui i i Feellnc Afllicts nearly evpry on" in th ppriuf, The sjmptom haring he ome noouftomeU to the bracing air u! u:mer, is weakened by the warm days of ihe tliHiigirnj seaon, and readily yielcis 10 ftttack of disease. Hood's Sarsaparillu is just the medicio needed. It tooes and bailds up every part of tlie body, and 1s exp. 1 all imparities from the blood. Try it tuis sea on. Scotland was ouoe lied Pmtlsnd, bnt the land worth liaviuj; wa pisked lou" Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grapevines a Specialty. ayrups and Home-Made Winee. Syrup of Kanpberry ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bono sctt, Dandelion and Raspberry Wlnes and Shrubs for Liver and Kidny troubles; Sweet Eed Conoord and Martha White Wines, especially prepared lor Invalida. Order Trees and Plante early, as we gct most of tbem from the best Kurseries F.. BA IR. Wrat Hnron SDon't Buy Your Arctlcs until you have Been the Colchester Arctio with the "outaide counter." Il is the best fitting and best wearing arctio dow made, and is made 'pon honor for reputation. The outside counter adds largely to the durability. These arecheape6t in the end. No extra charge for the "outside counter." Ask to Bee the Golchester Arctics. Kept here by best stores. At wholeRale by II. S. Robinson & Burtenshaw, Detroit. flrtfcfc PENNYROYAL WAFERS HFT, Arf fiurcessfully u'd in-nthly by over td.OiXI ■JRI.:iti.-s. Are Safe, KJIetluul ind Pleasant. il mK . Tv'r box by niiill, or ut drufflsts. Seated Farm ttuxtlti r 2 noslujie stamps. Addrees TUK Kl'llKKA CHKM1CAL CoaP.'NV, ( FlahRr Block. JM Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch. Wold by JOHN MOOR E. Bue the spiend id Plano, Organ.SewIng Machino, Guitar, Banjo and Violln we offer as premiums to our coBtomers. Largest stock of Planos ever seen In Ann Arbor. Lowett price. 23 H. lonrlh St. Al. VIN WII.SF.T. Í.HJLO JTAIrXilV p. itoweU&Co'BNewippo ádrertlslng Bureau ( lOSprooe St. v whero advertMng lotracu cmT be made tor U lïf KW YOUKi


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