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A. L. Noble went to Chicago, Monday. M. Seery, register of deeds, is sick this week. Theo. Rey er, of Detroit, was in town ver Sunday. J. L. Bubcock will sail from Boston for Surope, Mv 8. Frederick Schmid and family will spend he slimmer in Europe. Elmore Jacobus bas moved back froci rpsilanti to Ann Arbor. George Scblenker, of Jackson, spent 3undny with John Pristerer. Will Sprague, of Detroit, spent Sunday witb his parentg ia this city. John C. lloffstetter, of Kalamazoo, pent Sanday in Ann Arbor. E. B. Norris and family will occupy T. f. Leonard's reaidence on Ann-st. Wm. A. Kennedy, of Battle Creek, spent lapt Smiuay with bis parent. Mrc. Walter L. Taylor lelt last night for New York oi'y, to visit ber parents. Frank Bannister, of Owosso, spent Sunday with his parent in Ann Arbor. B. F. and J. C. Watts contémplate a trip to Eogland during the nummer. Dr. John Griese, of Cleveland, has been n town geveral days visiting friends. C. P. McAlIaster, of Ann Arbor, opent ast week with A. M . Huil, of Hamburg. Miss Alice Porter, of the high school, will keep house with ber mother at 46 E. Ann-st. Miss Duval, a teacher in Smith's college, will spend Ihe sumtner with Mrs. Prof. Morris. Mrs. E. Lantz, of Bowery-st, will go to Ealifax, Nova Sootia, in May, to visit a dausrhter. Mr. Daniel Millen, who spent the win;er in Lmdenville, O., will return ;o Ann Arbor next week. The announcement ig msde of the engagement of Miss Mildred Knowlton and Will T. Whedon. Mr. and Mrg. P. Parshall, of Wayne, are expected this week to visit Mrs. Parshall's mother, Mrg. Benham. Herman Oundert ís back at Oscar 3org', after an absence in Chicago and Cincinnati four mcmths. Earl Wetmore, of New York city, will be in Ann Arbor thi week, to visit bis gister, Mr. G. W. Miïlen. Prof. Geo. A. Hendricks, of the Minnesota State Medical college, is in Ann Arbor to spend the summer. Frank Pattee, of Ann Arbor, has been appointed to the railway mail service on the Detroit and Lansinií división. Mr. and Mrp. Wm. N. Stevens left for New Hudaon, last Thur.-day, where Mr. Stevens will remain several weeks. "Calicó" party at Hangsterfer's tomorrow night, and the K. T's give another of their popular hopo on the same evening. Mrs. Belle K. Edsoo, teacher in the 4th ward school, and mother, Mrs. Kellogg, have removed to No. 13 st Fr8nk Howard, of this city, has purchased an interest in the Morley lamber yard at Detroit, and has nssumed management. Miss Minm'e Rorabacher, of Hamburg, and Mms Vena Bennett, of Pickney, visited Miss Sutherland, of Division-st, last week. Mrs. Jacob WiiejOfLaPortend.jformerly Miss Nanoy Hammond of Ann Arbor, will arrive this week to visit her parents in lower town. Miss Susie E. Palmer, of the high school senior clans, visited her sister, Mr?. L. Shafler, of South Rockwell near Detroit, last week. R. W. Harrison, photographer at Randall's, is to read a paper on "Art criticism" before 8ome students and professors interested in the subject. It is rumored that Mr. Lehman, U. ol M. lit. '88, and at present principal ot the Marq lette high school, met with a serious accident while making some experiments in chemistry betere his class ono day last week. It is leared that the accident may prove fatal. W. J. Hussey, of the senior class in the literary department, has been appointec to a position in the National Observatory in the Nautical Almanac service. Mr Hussey passed a civil service examination ín Toledo some time ago and received his appointment through Director Newcombe of the Nation! Observatory. Miss Lou J. Hoff-teiter starled yesterday for New York city, by the way of Bakimore and Pniladelphia. On May 4 sbe will sail for Europe. John Schumaclier was tnken very sick last week. His son, Bert, in Washington territory, wrr summoned by telegraph, end arrive 1 Tuesday evening. Dr. W. J. Herdman lias becnme an bfsociate editor of the American Meteorologioal Journal, and will look after the climate as it relates to medical science. An infant child of Gdfrey Dieterle, of Detroit, was buried on Sundav, and Adam Dieterle and W. O. Dieterle and tbeir wives went to Detroit to altend it. Noiman B. Conger, director of the State weather service in L inging, was in Ann Arbor yestfiday, in conference wi'h Prof. Mrk W. Harrington rtlative to improvements in the weather bureau. Mr. Conger claimed that he had nothing to do with the hih wind vesterdav.


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Ann Arbor Register