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Twenty Killed

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DHATH OH TKH BAH.. HAíuxroK, Out, April SO. - The east-bound tbrtfted expresa on tha Grand Trunk railw7 which left Chicag-o at 7 o'clock Satur. ífljr evening was wreclíed about a mile west ei this city shortljr before 7 o'clock Sunday aornmjj. Twenty passengere were eifcher kflted Instantly or burned to (Jeatli, whilo ■ inanj more reoeived injuries more or losa jerious. The accident occurred at the junctlon tít 1e train, which ooniisted of two bagjngo cars, ono emoker, thee passenger ooaciies and four Pullman sleepers, was jost approaching a trestle orer a gallj over 100 feet deep, when round4g a gharj) curve the locomotiva left the ■5ïck, followed by the retnalnder of e cara excejit tóhe two sleepers Bt the rear of the train. The front baijg-age aar Jumpod clean over the locomotiva and Tioalned on the traok about thirty feet rrom the wreek. The smoker and the pastttügf,! coach followinff t were jumbled toí&thsr rn a shapeles mass, while the otuer sra wete soattered along the track and wfcra oomplctely demolished. Immediately rfter th accident the fire frem the loco. motivo pToad to the smoker and before !ong the wreek was tn a blazo. Mout of the 158 jussenffers on the tram had either ara-wied from the wreek or had pulled oub betoie the lire reached the cura. The only w bodlos recogfnizable had also been reooverod, together with fourteen lnJured. It was not knowu how many victíma wore left In the "wreek fcill the fire had been erttngulshed when the work of clearing away laid bare Ifce oaarrod and unrecog-nizable remains of ghteen human beings. It is possible that ere may be other victima utiü reniainincr fcm the dobris. The Hst of leeogniznd dead id the lujurod follows: Killed- líndolph i. Ederer, suppossd to be om Chieago, h: head w,ig govereil from the ody: L. 8. Guriiey, tiaveler for Frert 8. Gurey. imponer of cuilery, llflOhambers street, w York, tcad oiusheü In and leg broken. IKJUEKD-L'am;lton Carlc, 146 West Ohlo street, Chicago, doublé tracture of the right Tog. bralsed bacily, head cut nnd probably inraslly tnjnved, but will p.obably recover: Anthony Muse, of Marti, nn Italian on his wy from Wisoonnn o Itnly, head cut, but not eerloasly; Edwin Chapuian, fireman, head badly rt over r'rht eye, not erlously hurt; Enoch Kenyon, of London. Enjr., a mining englnee Titas broken, not seiiously fnju ed; C C. A& ImU, Edwardsport, Ind , slight injuries; W1Ulam Leipsey, C North Sangamoa street, Chisaco, HL, aakle badly spramed; A. L. Doney. ODTil!e, I1L. cut about head, not leriously; Heorce White, a Germán, on hls way from Illlaols lo ünloa Hill, right ear cut off and scalp wonnd, not wrlous; Andrew J. Carpenter Vankton, D. T., iDjured about the head but soi serionsly; R E. Young, 4 North avenue, Chicago, Try seriouly lnjured; Joseph Morris. Bast Bioui Falls, D. T., on his way to ClarU'l ' slaai. Malne, scalp wounds, bruised les and holders, not serious; A. Palmer, nion, N. cut bout the bead; Baegageman Walsh, Niágara Falls, oollar-bone fraotared; Brakeaia Beokham, Niasara Falls, leg supposed to S broken and badly cut about face and head. There were 113 passengers on the train most of thom on their way to New York to ittend tho centennlal celebration. Mubt lem escapod trom the broken car befte thy cau2ht fire. It wa not thouffb. thatthe dlaastBr was a nerious one at that ne. Twelvo lnjored passenger wers iken from tho wreek, and aiter physlaiaiu had attendod to thein they were sns w ma hospital. The body oí Rudolph J. Eberor was found near the foot of the enibankment The head was scverod frora the body and wa Ijlng a few feet from it Doath was in■tantaneous. It looked is if he had tried to escape by Jumping lïom the smoker. The next body recoverod waa that of L. & Gurney, of New York. It was near the seoond baggage car. His head was crushed la and hls legs were fractured. The horror of the disaster was increased wijen tha work of clearing away the wreek ww well under way. The men were appalled when body after bociy was takan out from undor the debrlg. They were burned to a crisp, and not one of the eighteen reoorered oould be recognized. The eharred remains of three Jadíes were mong the nnmber. Only one of the bodlei had a hoad and lts features were burned so frightfully that even It oould not be identined. It was lmposalble to ascertalu the names of the unfortunates who were lmprlsoned In the oars and were roasted alivo. The slght was a horrible one as the workmen gathered what there vu left ot the bodlcsfrom the ruina and packed thm away In shellg. üp to the time thia dispatoh was sent twenty dead bodles have been taken from the wreek. It Is doubtful If the names of eighteen of those who were burned beyonil recogntüon wlll be known for several days. Itlscertaln that all were through paenjrr, as only a few tickets were c IVoted tor Canadian points. Horrible soenos were wltnessed by th ■Jocupante of the smoker and flrst passengez car who were fortúnate enough to escape. An nnknown man who was apparsntly unlnjured was bumed to death. He wa so inextricably wedped In that he ouldnot be released before the flames reaohed the rescuers, who had to leare hlm to bis fate. Hevea aar wore destroyed by fire, two f them sleepinjr oars. The water tank whlch stood at thls plaoe was struck and oeetroyed by the engrlne, and it was imposible to extltiLuish or mitígate the conflaeration. Two of the sleeping cars in the rear were uncoupled and drawn out of reach of the are. Gallant efforts were made by all present to rescue the riolöms and alleviate thelr pains. Soveral lailies were consplcuons by thelr skillful a )d nergetío labor in binding up gashei nd wounda James Welsh, the bagcagemaa, who resides at Niágara Falls, Ont, was the nero of the occasion, worklng likè Trojan In spite of the pain he endured ttom hls dlslooated shoulder.


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Ann Arbor Register