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■PKE Grain-Saving,Time-8av -:, Moncy-Savn Thresher - Oí th:s d. y anJ ae. Y T As More Foints of Exclusive "l Supcriority than a!i others EVERY Thresherman and Farmer is delighted with its matvelous work. NOT only Superior for all kinds of Grain, but the only succeïïsful handler of all Seeds. ENTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 to 5 times that amount) made by extra Graln Savcd. WORKMANSHIP, Material, and Finish beyond all coroparison. VIBRATOR owners get the best jobs znd make the most Moncy. T" NCOMPARABIJS Coi SimplicJ hy, Efficiency, and Durability. BEYOND aU rivalry for Rapid Worlc, Perfect Cleaning, and tot Savinr Grain. KEQUIRE3 ii3 attachments or -ebuilding to change from ■ Grain to Seeds. ABROAD and ampie Warranty piven c.n all our machinery. TRACTION Engines Unrivalcj n Material, Safety, Power ■"■ and Durability. OUR Pamphlet giving full infoimation, sent Free. It tells about this great REVOLUTI ON in Threshing Machinery. Send for patn' phlet. Address THIRD ny,ou í uid. d the cntcAGo Daily News because U' an indtPnAJT t?"" ""sfafier. There are iwo rUlnl question, and Z?,?Da"?, iwsgives them both Wlth equal fa.raess. A party organ magn.fiei one side and dwarft the h . ii j ? "nsible "an wants to betr.fledwithinthis fashion. The _ time has gone by when American citizens expect to nherit their po1 1 tical opimons. They want to make theirown- and to do this they want gardless of their own personal prererence. If you areF an honest man,.ndependentand self-reüant n tbought, read an honest and independent newspapcr- read The Chicago Daily News. Rcmi-mitr-lis circulation U ,20,000 a day-over a m,ll,on a week-and it co by maií7ctl a month, four months cent a5"' urn ArDoifruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grape weS Sr pecialty. öyrupa and Home-Made Wines. . ?7Llp f Rapberry ; Bmlett Pear Syrup Bone sett Dandelion aud aspberry win. and Shrubs for Liver and Kidn-y tronbles; Sweet Red Ton cord and Manna White Wíiib. espeoUJly nre' we lÁ ií1V?"?8,-, rdf Tre( nd'pS.Vi'eaS?. e get most ofthem from the best Nurseries K. HA1K. West llnronsi LÜlBËB! LXTMBER! LUMEER! If you oontemplate biülding oali a FERDON 11 YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., axsc gret our ügrurea for aU kinds oí LUMBEB We manufacrure our ovn Lumbei and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES S-Gl ve ns a cali „,„i we wlll mak i . ggsr sswsüsk5LL JAMEN TOI.BERT. Prop. T J.KKEOH.gapt. Ie Guïi$ih1(endiclHPv'inM' Orsan. Bewing Machino, quitar. Banjo and Violln we offer as premiums ■pen in Ann Arbor. Lowebt prlces. JU W. tonrtli St. Al.VIjy WItSET. Eberbach A Nonx, Ann Arbor, snnply pI'i'i,!? teUIJC'S PKBIODICAI. from Paris. France, act only upon the ecneratlve o?hl mm 'em8le?f and P'ly cure .Sprei on fi e" (from whatever cause,) and all pcriodical troubles peculiar to women. Á. safe rellabie remedy wananted to promotu menstraation or money refunded Sfiould not be used tq Inch ladiesare liable i the direct result of a diB;,rlered or irregular mcnstruaiion. Askïny síígK ' TA"n AMERMAN PILlCO TXUS. 8TEVKNSO!i & ■ THAT HACKINQ COÜCH can be so quickly cured by Shüoh's Cure We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Sc Son. Ihumphreys' YETERINARY SPECIFICS Por Eorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs. Hegs. AND POULTRY. BOOPwï!sf{&sï5issir#isevA"l--Ii CTTREsjFerer OonttoM. Inflannnntion, a.a. ..pmai Mcmntriti, Milk Fever. C-C-Distemper, Nasol DI harnes. n.O.-BotKor rnbs, Worms. F.F.-Colicor (Jripr,, Bellynche. lï Zt M'srarrlnire, Ilpmorrhaees. 1. 1.- Knipiivp DiHpases, Manse. I.K. - Dihi'sincs of Digestión. Stable Case, wlth Spwiflcs, Mannal Witeh Hazel Oil and Medlcator, '87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 dosoe), . .60 Sold b7 Drnggiats; or Sent Prepald anywhera and m any quantity on Heceipt oí Prici. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. WTtl HTTMPEEEYS' WM# EOaOPATKIC ftft SPEClFICflo.Hö and ProBtration. fromVver-work or othir cmltl $1 per vial or6 vialaandlarRe vial powder foríi Soldbï I)RüaaiSTB, orsent, potpaid on rioeiptoi LODSE'S EXTRACT CEED LOVER DLOSSOM Di TRADB Mii?Tr m IX CTÜEÜS Cancera, Humors, Sores, Ulcers, SwelHtigE Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Erysipeias, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Discases. Peice, $1 per Pint Bottle. or 6 Botdes for $5. 1 Ib. can Solid Extract $2.50 J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CO., Detroit, Mich. by rbi'rlinrh Non. LEGALS. IHortgase Sale. Whereas, WilHam Warner and Helen A. Warner, nis wife, of the village of Dextf r, in the County of Wai-htenaw, ano State of Michigan on ihe fourteeuib ilay of October. in the year A D. 1885, executed a mortgaga to Lucy W. d. Morgan, of Aun Arbor, in said County, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein mentiontd; which mortgage was recorded on the 17ih dny of October, A. D. 1885, in the office of the Register or Deeds for the County of Washtenaw. iu llber 69 ot mortgaEes, on page 60and whereas. default has been made for more than Sixty days In the payment ol an insiallment of interest which feil due on the 14th day of October. 1886. as well as in the two following annual instailments of interest: By reasou whereof and pun-umn to the terms of said mortgige the whole principal sum unpaid on said mortuage ofSeveu Thousand Two Hundred and Seveiïty Dollar-, wiih all arrearagesof interest therein at the option of mU inortgagee, her executors or asFiKiis, became due and pyable immediately thereafier. and the power of sale contained in said mortgai;e beame operative; and whereas the executors of said mortgagee dn hereby declare il iheiroptiiin, nnd do hereby elect to have the principa! sum ol said morttiage, with all arrearage of inttrcft therein, become now due and payuble; nnd wtierea.-,. ïhere sclaimed to be now due and payadlo as aforesaid upou said mort gage and the nn;e accompanyine the same, at the date of iliis notice. the sum of Nine Thousaud One Hundred and Sixty Dollars and Sevemy-oue cents iu adilition to all other costs. includmir an Attorney fee of ihirty Hve dollars; and no suit or prceedinus having been inHituled either at law or in tquity.tore.-overthe atoresaid sum orany part theruoi: Nolice is therefore hereby civen Ihat aid mnrtRage will he foreclosed on Fridav the twcnly firt day of June. A. D. 1889 at 10 o'elock in tho forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auction at the South front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House bfing the place of holding the Circuit Court for said Couuty of Washtenaw) of the premises described in sa;d mortgace or so much thereof, as may oe neeessary 10 satisfy the amount of principal and inierett due and unpaid upon said mortgage. together with reasonable conts and expenses including an Attorney iee of Thirtyflve Pollars, which premisos are described in said mortgaije as follows, AU those certain pieces or pareéis of land. iituate and befnir In the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan and described as follows: towit: All of the following described land, situated in thetownihin of Dexier, in said County vfz: The North West Quarier of the North EaBt Quarter and the West Half of the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter, and the East Half of the North West Quarter; and the South West Quarter of the North West Quarter, and the West Half of the North WeM Quarter of the South East Quarter; and the North Half of the 8outh West Quarter; all of the above lands being on (Jeclion Number Twenty in townshtp number One South in range number Four Ktist. Alsoallofthe fo'lowing described land situated in the townBhip of Lima, in said County .vuThe Wekt Half of the Souih West Qnarter and the South tast Quarter of the South Wet Quarter, and the Wet Half of the South East Quarter ali upon Section Four; and the East Half of 'the NorthWest Quarter of teution nnrober Nine O) all in township number two South in Ranee number Four Ean. Kaid roortgage conveyed an undivided twotbirds Interest in the premises above named, situated in the township of Dexter atoresaid. and an entire interest in the lands situated in the township of Lima aforesatd and will be thus sold. Ons ü. Johnson, Franklin L. Parker, EDWARD D. KlNNE Datcl,XUrcT25O,flS9eWmOf LUCy " 8" MDCommlssloners' Xotice. State of Michigan, County or Washtenaw. i The undetsisned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commlaslonera to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demamis of all persons against the estáte of John G. Hoffi-tetter, late of said county, deceased hereby give notice ihatsix months from date aro allowed by order of said Probate Court for Creditora to present their claims against' the esiate of said decoased. and that they will meet t the ttore of Leonhard Gruner, in the CitT of Ann Arbor. in said County, on Tuesday the sixtcenth day of July. and on Wednesdav the sixteenth day of October next. at ton o'elock a. mi ■ of aid days, to receive. examine and adjust paid claims. üated April 16th, 1889. MARTIN HÁLLEK, ( Commijgloneni. Probate Order. 8TATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 _ OOÜNTY OF WASHTENAW. 88rvntAtEf6l0i? of the. pfbate Court for the Grmnty of Uashtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Weduesday the scventeenlh day of April in the year one thoueand eight hundred and elghtynine Present, J Willard Babbiit, Judjfe of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Nelson Brundage. Freeman P. Galpln, the administrator of said estáte, comes into tourt and represente, that he is now prepared to render hls final account as such administrator. Therenpon it s ordered, that Tuesday, the Hth day oi May next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account. a"d that the heire at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte are' jequired to at a session or said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in sald County, and show cause ií any there be, why the said account fihould not be allowed: Anditis further ordered that said Administrator give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann arbor Registkr, a newspaper pnnted and ciroulatmg ÍSüítoí 'hSirilS" 8UCcesslv! wtxk prevloua & J. WILLARD BABBITT,


Old News
Ann Arbor Register