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- - Michigan (Tentratj " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOINO EAST. 5 t& a' 3a II L _. . A M A. M P. M. A. M. P M P. M. Chicago Lv. 5 0' 9Ui 3 Ín 10 10 9 10 Kaiainazooo 10 2' 1 33 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 P. M. Jaekson Ar. 1 :v 4 li 8 49 9 35 B ÍS 4 45 Aim Arbor.... 2 48 5 3'i 9 41 10 40 7 SO 6 00 Detroit Ar. 4 10 6 4 10 45 11 50 9 20 7 30 Búllalo Ar. 2 30 3 35 ti ÍS 6 2j 4 5; 9 05 GOING WEST. Peí: Sm bk -j IHHÜMM Buffalo Lv. ' li 30 8 CS 6 3! 9 OÓ 1 00 Detroit Lv. 7 SO 9 10 4 00 i 20 8 00 10 15 Ann Arbor.... 8 N 10 4" 5 30 2 1U 9 15 11 85 Jackson Ar 10 13 11 45 7 Id 3 jü 10 55 12 51 Kalaruazoo 12 51) 2 04 9 46 5 15 1 20 3 07 Chicago Ar. 6 IB 6 40 10 -d 9 3 7 no 7 45 Sunday excepied. Jáaturday and Sunday excepted . tUaüy. H. W. HAYE3 O. W. RUÓLES. chicago Ag-t-AnnArbo, íoledo, M Arbor & NorüiMicöaB R'y Time Table going Into eífect Sunrtfty. Jan. 6. '81. Going North. Uolug soútn. a . a. stations. i. a. Si. S?. Pass. Mail Southern D.vlslon. Mail Pasg JJ A. M. P. M. A. M. LV'E] (AbÍ p7" pTm! Tm" J 2 3' Toledo H0 U 00 . I 6 19 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 10 20 '8 6 O Dundee 12 18 10 13Í 31 6 4fi MUan 12 00 9 50 .. ■■■ 2 ? h Pittsfleid .... 11 40 9 S 1 m ? Ï ll 25 9 20 9 30 8 00 5 27 7 3.. Leland's 11 10 9 09 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 5S 8 50 5 52 7 5 Hamburp 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 45 Howtl' le) 11 8 13 7 I5 9Xi Duraiid 9 35 7 30 8 55 10 5 ...East Sagiuaw... 7 55 5 5 " A. M P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M.Ia. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7 30 9 35 Diirand 9 35 7 15 '0 1 12 4ï ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 l 55 3 80 Cadillac 4 15 2 00 . . ■ M A M. P M All passeuger trains run daily except Suuday. Counectious at Toledo witli rallroadsdiverKiti At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling & Lake Ei Te R. S. At Alexis Juuction witb M C H K L. 8 f.La?doF ■ L R . ■ Monro ir a ' .. " ' "■■ At ""idee wltft L 8 A M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry . At Müan wíth W., St L. & P. Ry. At Pittefield with L. S. & M. 8. Ej . tAn?,Arbor with Michigan Central E. R., ni at South Lyon with Detroit, ïduuune and Nortt era R. R.,and (i. T. El. H. W. AHHLEY. A. J. PAISLEY, Supenntendent, Gn. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLE WOOD, W. W. BETTS Agent, Anu Arbor. Traveling Pas.3. Ag't. At Ashley with the Toledo daginaw & MuskCKon railway. SmSBYlTSïABOW 3STO3. e .A-JSTID 8 VPashlngton Street, Ann Arbcr Michigan. Hay alwayt on hand a complete Stook of even thinï in tho BROCERY MIEI Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime Articles bougkt for Cadh and can sel atlow figures. Our frequent large invoices o Teas is a sure sign that we glve bargaing in QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastonr own coffees every week,alwai rresh and good. Our bakery turn out the ver! best of Bread, Cakes and cracners. Cali anc O.IjXj O2sT G. H. WILD BJEFORE PLAC1NG YOÜR ORDER FOE A Fine Dress Suit ! If you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. Ho. a Washington St. Henry Richards, HO O DETROIT NT. Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LT7MBER, FENOB POSTS, etc., also aU kinds of STOVE and CORD WOOD I tm also Agent for toe oelebrated CBAXPIQH BINDERS AND MOWERS, And Keep a Pull Line of Repairs for the Same. _ Telephone No. 5. Send25cforself.nkng pocket stamp (Eetall price, 60c,) and full directions for making RUBBER 8TAMPS, with descrlption of appa ratus used and compound for makine the moulda. An Improved procesa. All kinds of btamps. Reala, dtc., made to order at reasonable ratee. Write at once, it will pay you. Boardman Stamp Worksjoledo, Ohio Corporal 'SLKLEGG' A1ÍD HIS PAED. x%$ Itbeatsthemall. No boolc JBfK. - tligTvi llkei L Everybody wants it Mmrr dSZJfcí M 200illustrations. Huraorous, fl Boff Vztfiïï&tBf Pathetic.FasanatinK. V . JfHitl C? dreds of dollars to hustlers. ■THMMtygyy Old and young buy; also i ML WwXkBKÊü&E thousandsof G. A. ft. and &WuW$XftS$ Sons of Veterans. One can-SK WSáRlT--Vy vasser with 3 helpers has ta-flirSBlA -jTp? ken 1100 orders: znotbcrirf&JfflFx!lW J f' madeS3inl days anotherf MBtfB&íi ,,ií& k iï 5ordersin30 minutesffiWft g, territoryatonceSt24 "ttrac'lSyP&SM; W, tive illustrations frec ""thlulyJaKVWt ( .trj circulars and terms WritcXffiBfSSVjt Ti $B Ú N.G.HAMILTONiCo. (S&ZSJ&fcJf 349 SuperiorSt, Cleveland. O. Si. ge Shorty. Fairbanks' Scales, WIND MILLS, HAY PRESSES. Superior Goods! Favorable Prices! FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. - ■ ; ü uí Popular Brand rtld fa Co77}ibnatO7ii7ot altvaió to öe fycuZ. - - Z A RneQualityof ATAREASONABLE PRICE BJ EACH BñS IFYOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXTRA SWEET PIECE OF UIT Tobacco DONÏFAL TO GWE á?V -Af UI 'l AFAITFIAL SK.Youf Dealer FoIt DontTakeiny Othe JN0.FNZER8cBR0S.,Louisviu.e1K INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCT OF A. W. HAJMILTON Offloes, No. 1 and 2, Pirat Floor. Hamilton Blook. Parties deslring to buy or Bell Real Estáte wlll flnd it to their advantage to cali on me. I represent the followlng flrst-class Fire Insurance Corpautes, having an aggregate capital of orer Ï8.0OO.OOO : The Ornnd Rapldn Flre In. Co., .nVcin:,""'" (in9nrThe .iriiiiin Fire Ins. Co., riie iiLii„r,l„, Flre Ins. Co., 1 he 4-itlzenM' Fire Ins. 'o., The Wertchexter Flre na. Co., PeMilwaiikee IMccbanlc's Mntnl The Nrw Hampshire Flre Ins. Co.. Toe Amazon Fire in. Co. Rate Low. Loases llberally adjusted utd oromptly pald. I also ltsue Life and Inveatment Folíeles la th Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A ett $65,000,000. Persons deslring Accident Instuance, can have yearly Pollcles written for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Uw RatO In the 8tandard Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Curreni Ratea. Offloe hours from S a. m. to 12. tnd.2 to . k. ALEX. -W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Bloc YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. REDUCED FARES TO MONTANA'S FEEE FARMS. On May lst the St. Paul, Minneapolls & Manitoba Railway wlll make a reduction in passenger fares for settlers to Glasgow, Chinook, Benton, Big Sandy, Great Falls, Helena, Butte, &o. Now le your ohanoe to secure a fine froe farm in the Famous Milk River Valley, or in the beautiful valleys of the tributarios of this stream 18,000,000 acres and JLZ.Z. FF.EE. Tou oan secure just the farm you want for st',ok or sheep raisiDg, or mixed farming. Plenty of coal, timber, good water, ehort, mild winters. Immense crops of all kinds without irrigation. Farms immediately aiijoining the railway on the level valley lands or the gently rolling bench lands. Write for the new pamphlet, " The Great Reservation," and other information, to F. L Whitney, Gen'l Pass. and Tkt. Agt., St Paul, Mlnn. t


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Ann Arbor Register