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Tbat Ti red Feelinf Season is here again, and every oae teek weak, langaic!, ond exhaustei The blood, laden with impurities which he been eccumulating for months, rao? sluggishly through the veins, the mind fails to thick quickly, and the body is still slower to respond. Hood's SarsaparÜla k just what ]S needed. It is, in a peculiar sense, tho spring medicine. It puriSc vitalized, and enriobes the blood, rnake the head clear, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feelintr, and imparta new strength and vigor to the whole body. Prettyfilver finger bowl digplay ,B their outer surfaces specimens of the most eiquisite chasing. . CATARRü CURED, health and weet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Eemt;, Pr'Lf 50 cents. Nasal Ir.jector fre. Sold by EberWh fe Son. The deo rative taoleware cut glaas esily sharea ponnlarity with silyer. "Vértigo, Hysterie, Convulsions - i Nervom Disorders in fact -are cnred br Somantan Nervine. $1 50, or 4 for $5 At druggists. " My wife had Fits for 35 years " uu Henry Clark, of Fairfield, Mioh. " Saiïtan Nervine cured her." Tour DruegisU keeps it. SK Filligree jewelry is bidding high ior avoritism again. SHILOH 3 CUKE wnll iramediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Brou ohms. Sold by Eberbch & Son. The basgle bracelet u stil] the choice tf a select few. Don'l et that cold of yours run on. You think U is a light thing. But it may run inte catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or oonsutnption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía u dangerous. Consumption is death itselt The breathing apparatus must be kent healthy and clear of all obstmetions anc offensive matter. Otherwise there ie trouble ahead. All the diseasea of these parts, heao, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured b the use of Bosehee's Gorman SyrmL If you don't know this already, thousandi and thousands of people can teil yoa They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselves." Bottle only 7i cents. Ask any druggist. If suddenly submerged the 8tiffest liai at once becomes ducked-tile. Brander Mtthews was ohristened Jamnc Brander Matthew. In l.ovr-H Unrneit. Most wotnan naturally look forwsrd w matrimor.y as their proper gphere in life, but they sbould coustantly bear in miné that a lair, rosy 'ace, bright eyes, and healthy, well-developed form, are the beat passports to a happy marriage. AH those wastmg disorders, weaknesse, "draggingdown" sensationg, and funclional irregularitieg peculiar to their sex, have an unlailing specific in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, gold by druggistg, under a posithe guarantee irom the manufacturera, that it will give satisfaclion in every casp, or money will be refundpd. This gusrantec has been printed on bottle-wrapper, ant' faithfully carricd nut fr many vearü. Lawrence Hutton is a contraction of James Liwrencn Hutton. A rrnt Surprise [ in more for all who use Kerop'g Balsaix for the Tbrost and Lurgp, the great guarariteed retnedv. Wonld you believe thai :t ia solii vu ts merils and that Dy druggint is authorized by the proprietor of tbÓE woi,Uerful mnedy to give jou a sample bottle free ? It never UVm to cure acute "_r chornic coughs. AU druggists 8eC Kemp's BalsBin. Large Bottles 50 ceDt and 81. Duffieid Osborne is io realitv Simún! Duffleld Oshorne. WHV WILL TOU oough wbei Shilob's Cure will give imraediate relief. Prioa 10 cis, 50 OU., and $1. SaM by Eberbach & Son. Frank Sioekton il really Fracck Bic!:ard Stockfon. llnppy and Ilnugry. For over five years 1 wss a constant suflerer vi:h (hat most terrible and annoying disease, dypepia -fter paying out hundredsof dollars, the OQly medicine 3 foaud thnt would (io me any pood was Sulphur Bitterp. Sis bottles cored me. Now I ca1) eat rel! lid am happy sr.é hungry. - Editor. Wilkie (Jollina i really William Wilkie Cillin. r.rxvmn, Ilihy, Ncaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swatkb' OiNTMENT,"whithout nnv internal medicine will cure any caso of Tetter, Salt Rheunc Ringworm, Pile, Pimples, Eczema alí Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruption", no matter how obstinate or long standiDg. It t potent, efectiva, om] oosts hut a trifle. How: d Setlfy i Edward Howati' Seeleyir. Io Tourlsla iiikI Triuclrr A mechante never goes to work without mi tools. Keithershouldyou start on ajourmy without being iully equippf d by al ays haring a box of Pomeioy's Petroline Plat-k imh your knapsack. ín cases of Rheumalicm -i uralgia, Backache, etc., when you are probably far from a doctor, the importance of liavinpr a pluster at band cauuot b over-estimated. Pedestrians, oarsmen, baseballers. cricketers, gymnnsts, and all athletes will flnd it a true lrieiid. For relievinif and curiiif Backnche, Sorenei-8 of Chest. all pains and acbea, it is klmply lnvaluable. For Sale by H. J. BrowB, District Aifent fur Anti Arbor. Bayard Taylon's first name was James. CROÜP, WHOUPINÖ COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved bf Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach t Son'. A. cat nap - rhe fur. Advice to Slotbers. Mrs. Wicslow's Soothing Syrup shoulc always be ueed for cbildren teetbing. It soothes the child, Boftens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five centt bottle.


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Ann Arbor Register