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Dr. Wm. H. Thompson of the University of the city of New York says : "The symptoms of diseased kidneys will firet appear in the extremely different organs of the body." Treat the kidneys and not the effectsof kidney using Warner'8 Safe Cure. ''Sad ab ut Cholly, wasn't it? Got his Cine heai in his moutb, you know, and couluu't get it out." "How mucb was it wortb?" - Time PHKENOLOGÏ. Prof. D. Carty Phrenologist and Lecturer, has visited Anu Arbor. and expects to remaln for a few weeks, and labor in the interest of Phrenology. The Professor respctfuHy Invites the attention of the citizens and students of Ann Arbor to the science of Phrenology. which in his judgment is the most important subject relative to human life; and wishes to say that he leels competent to demónstrate to tbe 11 end satlsfaet on of the most skeptlcal, tnal Phrenologv embodies the whole soience of human Ufe which a correct delinetion applies throughout ail our every day affaire and leeliugs; and as a science furulahes the best means to effect personal and juvenile improvement iossible. Aa a system of mental philosophy it aims to explain the laculttfS of thuuüht and feeling by studying the organizfttlon of tbe braln during Hie. If thls be trut-, kis a most impor'ant fact; if it be false tbe quicktr the public flnd it out the bitter. If true. teachers, preachers, legtslators and adminlstiators of jnstice. and particularly ÍiarcntB, should underbtand it, and by applying ts principies, derive the benefit which they must atl'ord ; and if it be false. that part of the world which representa morality. civil government ai d the domestic training of children, cannot be too soon in ascertainii'g It. The time has gone by when a snrui; of the shoulders. a shake ot the head, a repulsivo wave of the band. or the bigot's argument, can eet a-ide a subject that claims to make clear tbe most imponant tact that can altrac the world of thought. The science of ph'enology teaches that the char &cterr and natural talents of the individual are in dicated in ihe peculiar formation of the head ; and that an impruvement can be effected by timely atlenlion and personal effort, and henee the logical conclusión :- That a correct phrenological examination is indispenible to Relf-knowletge and self-culture; for by he admeaurement of tach mental facmty it pointk out ourownand chiklreii's constilutional exces.'-cs. errors and defects. etc., and sh w how to obvinte them ; rv veals the natural talents. and tnereby in what business, sphere or pursuits we. and they. uan (and cannot) succeed, thus preventiug fallure and guaranteeingsuccess and happinexs; directa speciíieally jtast what pbysical funetions and mental la' ulties either may reqnire to euliivate or rtslrain, shows how to make the naat of whatevsr inborn capacilies or virtueR either may po-M. as weil as (he best way to iufluence and govern ech ; and ir ie teachings are followed out in all their bearings and relationB upon the Ule and heart. it will eflect a complete physkal and mental regeneration in tbe exterieure of the individual. The Professor is prepared to furnith reltable charts to partles destring them at the very low flgure of f 1.011 ; verbal readiugs. 60f Persons desiring these charta will not be obliged lo pay 'or them unless they glve entire sailsfaction. The Professor gives Iree parlnr enterta nments where appropria'e phrenologic-il addresses will be made ; after which preent can procure c arts or verbal readiugs a the ahove ; prlies. Those wishiuü to con.ult the Hroieasor 'n do 'O by CAlling on hm at hls room. No 4 Bowery-n.. or by iuviting him to their home, I which iiivititioii can be exiende by muil or by leaving a noce at the above address. Prop. D. Carty.


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