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On The Campus

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The "dentó" were too much for the jenior 'laws" at base ball, Saturday. Prof. M. E. Cooley became a memberof 7rternity lodge.F. and A. M ,lastevening. The Argonaut editors have accepted the challenge of the Chronicle editors to play base-ball. C. 11. Burton, law '74, of Detroit, has presented a valuable collection of books on Napoleon to tbe library. Fred. Waterhouse, of Honolulú, Haraiian Islands, lit. '92, ha3 just been fa■wred with a visit from his father. A joint program will be giren in Unirersity hall, May 18, by Adelphi and the "Webster society of the Law school. Field day, May 25. Contet open to kil amateur, and athletes from Datroit, Hillsdale, and Oberün are expected. Prof. Stanley has eet Mouday, from 5 o 6, for practice of college All irho wish to practice, should meet in Soom 24. The Glee dub, last year, had an audience of about 1050. Tomorrow night I50O people should hear the boys' fine entertainment. Prof. Henry Wade Eogera lectured on "Life of Hon. Thomas W. Cooley," last Jriday evening, before the Political Science association. About 30 members of the engineering daas will go to Leiand in Northern Michigan, May 25, for practical work in survey■ng, whicb will last 30 days. Justice Harland, of the U. S. supreme court, will dehver an address before the alumni and post graduates of the la tv department during eommencement week. H. M. Bates, C. B. Garrison, E. F. Gay and C. R. Lamb, left Thursday and FridHy íor New Haven, Connecücut, to attend the annual convention of the Alpha Delta ?hi fraternity. The Engineering society has lately been preseoted with a valuable collection cf aome 50 volumess on engineering subjects, 3j E. L. Corthell, a prominent civil enineer in Chicago. E. Crofton Fox and Charles Fox, of rDd Rapids, have contributed a memoil window to Newberry hall. The sons f the Ute Prof. Cocker have also prom'Md a window in memory of their tather. The Kalamazoo league base-b&ll team '. not a handsome aggregation, and it hag een together only a short time, but it iowned the University nine, Saturday, 8 to 3. Pointer to Ducharme: stick to MDatears. Hobart guild, last week, elected officers M followg: President, Q-. M. Walker, jr.; Tice-president, Miss E. L. Sheffield ; reaording secretary, Lawrence Cole ; correspondine secretary, G. E. Fitch ; treasurer, . A. Kaïrenburger. Adelphi program, Saturday evening, will include a piano solo by Miss Minnie Dvie; an essay, "Whenceoame the Mornjans?" by L. E. Gossman; oration, "What is religious liberty ? " by C. A. Bewen ; debate on the question of admitmitting Utah as a state; affirmative, Iiouis Btgeman; negative, E. M. Hartas tn. The Engineering society, last week, elected officers au folbws: Oorreeponding secretary, J. K Freitag ; chairman of Techiic Board, E. M. Uoolidge; librarían, R. P. Lamont ; president, R G. Manning ; Tice-prenident, R. L. Sackett ; recordmif secretary, M. E. Murphy ; treasurer, F. E. King. Mt-mbers of the program committee, G. R. Brandon, A. R. Bensou, F. B. 9toey nd 3. D. Carpenter ; of the libra iry eommittee, W. J. Baldwin, G R 3rndon, U. R. Ball and L. C Sabin Last week President Angelí and Prof. D'Ooge met severiil membe's of the Detroit alumni at the University club in Chat City, in the interest of Newberry hall, which now stands fur wunt of fands to complete the interior. It was ietermined that the Detroit alumni should contribute a memorial of the studt-nts of 4he UnWersity who gave their lives in defense of their country in ihe war of the Sebellion, and it was decideá to finish and furnish the audience room of the building. L. memorial tablet wil! be placed upon the wall beariog the uames of the students whose memory it is designed to perpetuóte. A committee to solioit coDtributions was appointed, of which Wm. A. Moore is shairman. Like all its predecnssors, the freshman class banquet, last Friday eveniog, was the best of its kind. The hatquet wbb spread in Nickel'o hall. At 9:30, the class president, W. C. Quarles, of Hacine, Wis , who was chosen with reference to hts ability to dtnce, showed that it was not nis only acooinplishment, for he made an xoellent address. The Ohronicle claims, however, that his best joke was printed ie that paper last October. 8. B. Grubbs, of Hrrod6bur(?, Ky., delivered the oration. Miss Ada Tarbell's prophesy was a success. A. O. Lewerenz, of Detroit, resd the class history, and Miss Nannie Fay Leas, of Ann Arbor, read a marter-of-fact soem, entitled "Truth is Straoger than Sïction." After the 42 nouples had appiied thetnselves some time to demoüsnug Mallory'e fine spread, toasts were responded to as followB: "Ninety two," bv Day Krolik, of Detroit; "The Faculty," by R. R. Smith, of Grand Rapids; "The GirU of '92," by Fitabugh Burns, of Klmazoo; "The Boys of '92," by Mist Martha F. Eddy, of Kewanee, lis. I was between 1 and 2 Saturday morning before the Chequamegons started up, anc the class president with the vice-president Míís Katherine Cramer, ot Ann Arbor proved that they could meet the confideoce reposed in them by tne proud anc appy class. They led the dancing in Doe style. The.-e were 28 numbers on the program. It was 5 o'clook before tome o the yonng dancers reached home. The ohaperonea were dames Angel!, Cooley de Pont, Rogers, D'Ooge, Knowhon, an iáttxwell.


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