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Expand (he .11 ind By seeing aa much as jou can of ihe woild. But ere you pet out either as a tounst, comercial traveler or emigrant - whether you go by rail gteamship or steamboat, provuie yourself with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, whieh the travelïng public reconizes as the finest medio safeguard and preveutive of sea eickness with which any one journeying by lam or water can be provided. Ie farnishes to the western pioneer adequate protection against malaria, rheumatism, and those disorders of the bowels vvbich miasma tainted water beget. lts sedative effect upon a stomach perturbed by tbe rocking of the snip is truely magical, and it is : "apital appetizer aud nerve invigorator. Excellent is it for biliousness and kidney inaction, and it counteract, in a remarkable degree, the effects of fatigue, physical or memaL After wetting and exposure in inelement weather, it should be used as a preventive. English lakirs paints sparrow yellow, and eells them for canariea. TH AT HAUKING COOCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Ebprbach & Son. White Caps are terronzing Huntington, Ind. LAKE MAHOPAC, N. Y. MY,DAUGHTER WAS, VERY BAD OFF ON ACCOUNT OF ACOLD AND PAIN ON HER DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL CURED HER IN 24 HOURS. ONE OF THE BOYS WASCUREDOFA SORE THROAT. THE MEDICINE HAS WORKED WONDERS IN OUR FAMIIiY,( ALVAH PINCKNEY. MTS SPECIALTIES." DR. THOMAS'ECLECTRIC OIL FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROÜP, DIPHTHERiA, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF. THE MOST VIOLENT ATTACK OF NEURALGIA WILL RECEIVE IM MEDÍATE AND PERMANENT REHEF; IN F ACT, AS A CURE FOR NEURALGIA IT HAS NE VER FAILED. S Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine I$L EVER MADE. I &A.Itwin drive theHnmorfromyonrlll III . CLsystcm, Bnd nake ïour skin III Hl 4 VfeMLclean and emooth. Thocelll 19% Lvimve and Blothe SS &. a 4v whlch mar yoor bcautyca E3 è { t iSLar0 caused by lmpureM I"W .ij, 'blood, and can be Ijl q O 493ÍLremovcdlna8hortl V-, e % i}í'Je?íL.the grcatlll mm Tho D08C iaV% ,4n% fl Rspoouful. JtlathoV 4 %- , I II best and chcaiwstb} oe6kWá IH medicine. Tvy ít, ancTo. % j.% I llyoawillbeeatisflod. % 'A $? U gGetitofyoar Draggist ,. ' SH QdonTWait. Getitatokce , M If you are irafferini; trom Kid j III nev Diseaso. and wisti to live to III S?Í agofS 8ULPHUB BlTTEIiS H Hl Tbey never íall to cure. III Send 8 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway Ck)., Boston, Maes., for best medical work publlshed? D. I,. DOWD'S " HOME EXEBCIHER." ■bmbbj For WorXers and Seden ■F .3 ton P&rpU; i 1 I Ocntlemen, I.ailies nml Yonths; H ytn I the Athleteor Invblld. A comlyfttl I pióte omnaium. Taki up TZjfigKtWl lmt xix 'ni'hl!; l"ire llorZÉM roítm ; Fomethlng neiv, Bcfen■ tifio, durable, comprehenaiw, ■ cheap. Indorsed by twenty thouxaud HhysioiaiiB, Luwycrs, ClergTTien Editoni and others now usu g it. Send for llliiatrntpil circular, forty eugravings, no obarge. Prof. D. L. Dowd. Fbysieal aud Vocal Culture, 9 E. 14th Street, New-Vork. Ia the oldeat and mort popular iclentlSc urd mechaninal papr publithed and Das the Uirpeat cirenlstton of any paper of iu eland in the world. Fnlly Hlnstr&ted. IleKt claas of VVood Knpr&TIdrs. Phllfthd wneklT. Send for pp'Timen copT. PricO t3 a yftnr. r oor mnnths' trial, $1. MÜ'KN A CO., PUBi.igHUts. S61 Broadwaj, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A ffreat bhoopm. Rach Issue containa colored lithoxraphlc platos of country and city residencea or public bulldintis. Numeruun ensraTinfts jïiI full plan? and epectficattonB for tbe ue oi such MS ennt eiuplttt e buil din. Prtce 12-50 a 7eart 36 ets. acopy. MÜNN A CO„ PUBL18BEK& ■ ABHILBft ■■■H maybcctir. Irpijyilti ed by PP !■■ ■■A A U haTBtiadovei H 40 yoars' exprlenoe ana hare made otc ■ KIO.OÜO appllcatlnnii for American and For elKn patentH. Send for Handbook. Correapondonce itricüy confldentlal. TRADE MARKS. In caso your mark ia not reglstereO In the Patent OBlce, appiy u Mvss & Co., and procura Immediate protcotion. öend for li&ndboak. COI'YRirillTH for booka, charti, map, etc, quickly prucured. Addreaa MUNN it CO., l'airiu Solicitara. (iouuL Ornea i an Bboauwat, n. t Dnjnkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BT ADMIMISTER1NC IR. HAIHES' OOIDEN EPEC1FIG. It can be glen in a cup ol codee or tea. or in articlesol food. without the knowledgc. f tliepeiKim taking t; it ie absiolutely barmless and will effect a permanent amt spcedy cure, wliether tbüpatientisa moderate drinkeroran alroholie wreek. ITNEVERFAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every lnaiance. 48 pago book FREE Addreain confldence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 186 Race SU Ciitoinnati.O


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