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I f aiiy dealer says he ñas tUt V. X.. Doueliu) ShfM-H without name and price stampea on the bottüin, put him down as a frauu, W. L. DOUCLAS P3 WriUC CENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine his S.-..OO GENÜINB HAND-SEWBD SIIOE. S4.O0 HAND-SDH KI) WELT S1IOK. S3.50 TOLICK AND FARHKRS' SHOE. S2.S0 EXTRA VALUK CALI' SHOK. 3.35 WOKKINdMAX'S SHOK. 82.00 and 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL snOES. AU made ia Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE LADRES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. XI not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOl'GLAS, BROCKTOX, MASS. Examine W. I., nouirlns gs.00 shoc. tur gentlenieu aml latlieN. WM. REINHARDT& CO., 42 S. n I STREET, Ann Arbor. lew Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES and SECTIONS will be seat ou application- FKEE. To those who want their advert'sing to pay. we can offer no better medium for thorougn andeffective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. KI. P. ROWII!. A ('(., Newspaper Advertising Bure;iu, 10 Spruee Street. New York . The largest. tastest and Bnest in the woria Passenger accoroniodationa uncxceiled. Tirw York to Liverpool vía Iiif lon. The Celebrated I The Kineat Pteam-i ,_„ oui. Clly of Kume I ship in the World. I Ba' í8ln New lurk ■ Blasco vla London(Icrry. Kthiopin, May ISíli. Anchorla, }' 25th. Saloon to Glasgow, Liverpool, Derry. Belfast or Queenstown 8ÖO to 860 by Glasgow steamers, 860 and upwards by ' Olty of Rome.'' Second Class 130. Steerage 120. Excursión rates reduced avallable for elther route, thus glvtng privilege of eeeing In one trip the River Sferaey. Picturesque Clyde, North and South of I reían d. Excurlons to I'nris or Continental Toartí on lowet terms. Travelers' Circular Letters offTred i tand Drafts for any amount at loweet current rates. Apply to any of our local agents or to lil NI1 KNON BROM., 'hlcasro, III. ('. W. Mellor. ' ook's Totton Bnot Tomponnil.- CoraMáIr posert nt ("otton Root. Tausy and Pcnny■ QjBninl royal. KvuvrJufullu uspd mimtlihj. Kafe, ■ Oy? Fffpctnal. I'lons.Ti't. 1 bv mail.ordruft fr f irisr. s.';i!''l partli-t larstístanip1. Ladies V YaMros POND LI'.V COMPANV, v i i vn w nd ave.. Detroit Micli. Sold in Ann Arbor by all dmgglsts. S% ■ umnkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BV AOMINISTERINQ DR. HAINES' flOLOEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, or n ar. ticles of food, without the knowledge oí the person takiog it; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure whether the patiënt ia a moderate drinker or an alcoholio wreek, it NEVER PAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure In every Inatance. 48 page book FREÈ Address in eontidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 86 Race St.. Cincinnati, 0 Fairbanks' Scales, WIND MILLS, HAY PRESSES. Superior Goods! Favorable Pnces FAIRBANXS, MORSE & GO., 1 i By ANDRUS BROWh ndlttfia ofPeru. TheRichest a erica. Send name and addross with 2-cent stamp forfull ■f3 a particulars to Wlffi ! JAMES BROWN, " ' ro.BoilX Cleveland, O TïTTTQ T A TÏT?TÏ narTte roandon nie at (Mou Xnlil JrB.irJ!XVp. fioweUftOo'sNewapapcr TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Tripg per Week Betw-een DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAIMD Petoakey, Snuit ."te. Marie, and take Huron Wrt.v Ports. Erery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Trip tering Jam, July, AugM nd Sopt. Doublé Daily Lin Bwsen CHICAGO AND ST. JOStPH, M!CH. Our I llustrateoVm i ph lï-ts Bates nnd Exeursi in Tickets w by your Ticket Acjnf, or ai ftrefs E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Drniorr, Mich. , Detroit and Cleveland Cteaj.i Nav. Co. rp% PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■■3 Aro fluccessfully usod innthly by over IO.CVKÏ HP Ladles. Are Aojfc, Kjrevfual nnd Pleasant. 1 W_J lr bol hy mail, or at druggtsts. Sealed Parm J ticvlarg 2 postare stamps. Addreas ' ' Thk EVkkka chkhical Co.mpjIiít, FlahBr Block. UU Woodward ave., Dstrolt, Mich. Solil by .I(H:. HIOOBE, "CHICAGO TRUSS." ,Ti A'ew Spiral Spring Trust , i ifn rd Rubber Pad; Cleaa, jJtckaS Durable, Oheap. Approved JnHYüts m y the h'shest Medioál AuLl .hority. Worn day and night j- i Dy an Infanta week old or aI an Adult 80 yeara. EaUy Sfíf %r adjusted. ït meets all fonas ,7! orscrotal Fermoral.lnguínal - f?o el and Umbilical Hernia, in fcmifert both Infants and Adults. '"sfc. SatiBfaction guaranteed In all cuses. Any rïesirable pressure obtained. If your druggist does not keep this Trusa, endose stamps and address, CH'CACO TBCSS CO., 'hifiiK. 111. OFFICE AND FITTING BOOM, 122 E. Randolyh St., T. Y. KAYNE, Managkr. Sold by Ann Arbor Druggi&is. Fl FEMÓLE. VVENSTRUATION , DR MONTHLV B1CKNESS IF TftntN OUR1NG CHANGE OF, UtC - jzook TO"WOMAN'MíííS7í?í' BRADtlüDREBUarORCO. ArCANTAGA. souMrAiiaausasTi. ■ Mk NEW TRIPED ROSE. ifl] 'MIK GREATEST MH III V Ml Tj m IN I1AUUÏ KOSES EVErJR fí VJ l) 08 a LF.ARN fQ tri jKf NtrfS'npid ' HOWYOUCAMll m 1U f 71 "'■- ROSB FRBB, p ByiHVowri Hrc au-! frapront; coior hA, tiny p'nk, dii-I Rjtinctly itrlped, and da-he.t with whit nii.i ir!itïn .9fei [(■trun Moomer ; not n oLd ftcwer tn new nimf, butiWJ W.-nune novelly. Price, $!.('■, prcplfd. and HM fur'f3 aïvïc kbs '"flö r a"C "g u i d e ■? 1, th rioneer 8.d ll"i;ui "f Americ ; mlM HMflfiitMrr:froaUnWcuid 8 Colored IMateK,LJB rOlrmitaini an illu.trution íitM deícrij.tion oí every popuUrBJK 3-frlant. f.wer, nd vep#lihW. und prifft of wme. Noff ll"[;ti offer. Sfe Mr Nov.-Ui.- in riowr and Vetrc-l'jjf nit&bln. Trire nf GUíDE. ISnall, i'I "-h cupy OM W Í Jjtaini ii eertifirm." pw ft thitl amcuiit In Steds, so thatM ■Hihe lMk i nrtrticallv free f Al ■rl JAS. VÍCK, PMi4nm, ïïo!ioter, . T. RW irVeü yriiïing Machinefy SOLD ON TRIAL, ra No Cash Payment- or settlemenc of any Ë Í kind- until after a y j SATISFACXORY TEST. Machinery and Toola Jf Guaranteed to maka Wells ml anywhere, Mij , and at the rate of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. fíi by any otber machine, orno sale, fjf I THE BESTlsalwys BI ƒ THE CHEAPEST. ' I rfyTgySend for Catalogue. HS"3 Empire Well Auger Co., ithaca. " v HKj PAl CRa e Newgpaper Aaver M. W AVKR QMt oor authuzed ujau


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