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Combinlng a Wealth of tVoir'r ith a World of Pleasure and Instruction - Representlng a Grand Outlay of More 'I'lian Half a Million Dollars - Special Eihlblta in All Department and Curios frum Msiny Climes - Sept. 17 to 27 IncluiYe, the Ten Great Dayi of Display. Memorable indeed in the history of Michigan's efforts in behalf of agriculture and iti allied sciences will be the presant season of 18á9. For this is the year in which the great Wolverine state, with a dash of that enterprise which has made her name famous over the whole continent, will come before the agricultural coinmunity of the United States with an International Fair and Exposition PROJECT OF SUCH BEBCULBAN PBOPORTION that, with the exception of the famous Centennial of '7b, it will positively surpass anything in the fair and ezposition line our land has ever seen. It is neeJless to speak of the generous influences which flow from such a gigantlo project as that initiated at Detroit Held at s season of the year when Nature arrays herself in her most gorgeous robes, when the harvests have all been gathered home, and when the industrious farmer is privileged to enjoy a period of well-earned rest- the fair has won a warm place in the hearts of those who esteem an attraction which combine interest with instruction, education with diversión. michiqan's international fair and xzposition will lead the world for beauty and variety of display, for uniqueness of features, and for grandeur and extont of plant. The grounds, comprising seventy acres of beautiful rolling land, adjacent to the city, are already penetrated by railroad, street railway, electric road, and by steamboat from the river. The site affords a delightf ul view of the beautiful Detroit river, the picturesque Canadian shore, the neighboring islands, the great commerce of the Inland seas; far as the eye can reach, the proximate city, stretching forth its giant arms till they lose themselves beyond the horizon; Port Wayne, with its martial sounds oí drum and fife, its bluecoated trooper moving to and fro, its frowning cannon peering from the bastioned redoubts; the immense warehouses, factories and elevators alnng the river front, sending up great volumes of black smoke, resounding with the din of industry, and paying noble tribute to tho wealth and prosperity of the beautiful city; the inviting shores of the famous Belle Isle park, blue in the dim distance, serve to complete as charming a scène as one could hope to view in many a long day's journey. We present to-day a cut of the tnain building, whicb, with its companion structures, is being erected at the enormous cost of TWO HUNDRKD AND FIFTY THOÜSAND DOLLARS. It is the largest building erected and used exclusively for fair purposes in the world. In the form óf a hollow square, the inner area is devoted to a series of beautifully embowered courts, in which the visitor, leisurely pursuing the winding paths, cannot but lose himself in delight at the rare vistas offered by small part of Detroit'a great International Fair and Exposition. Before him ure luxuriant beds of foliage and flowers, whose redolent perfumes are waf ted by the same breeze which bears to his ears the soothing spell of music's softest strains. At his feet, perhaps, a cooling fountain is refreshing the perfume-laden air, and, softly murmuring as it flows, invites to rêverie and gentle somnolence. The bot glare of the autumn sunlight is tempered by a MAONIF1CENT CANOPY OF TRANSLUCBNT OLA SS, so tl. at even upon the warmest days the whole court is the most cool and refreshing spot imaginable. The same delightful scène may likewise be viewed white strolling about the spacious galleries above, or while reelining at one's ease in the cozy smokers' alcove. A ram ble about the seventy-acre groundi will at once reveal the bewildering prodigality of exhibits, tbo varied charaeter of the attractions. A spaes ftíteen acres in extent, regularly laid out in walksand drives, willbedevoted to an immense display of agricultural implements, engines, wind-milis and calliopes, sheltered under coiumodious private structures, or under gay tents fluttering with the flagsof all nations. A gigantic building, 300 feet long, will br dovoted to the interests of fowls and home pets Did you ever Lear a delegation of rooüters cro? Leading the cboir with a hoarse gutteral croak is the big Brahma, the hundreds of less favored fowls joining in the chorus, while the little bantam, high on tiptoe and fairly bursting with ezcitement, is doing bis beat to maintain bis place in the race for the blue ribbon. Toa have heard a dog bowling at the moon, or have, no doubt, HURLED A BO0TJACK AT A B1DNIQHT TOKCAT, Butabench show canine, ambitieus fur the first prize, can easily outdo them all It will bea magnifieent. exhibition of dogs. Here are prize animáis from all parts of the country. Among the very finest in the country are the stock buildings nt Detroit's great Fair and Exposition. Each over 300 feet square, the four contain stalls enough that, were they placed side by side, tbey would extend over two miles. A large inuer court ís daily crowded with a display of magnifleent animáis, competing for their prizes. A place of great interest to the majority of fair-goers will be the art building, a beautiful structure, 150 feet frontage, fllled with RAKE ART TRBASURES FROSt MANY LANDS. One hundr? 1 f.bousand dollars are represented in tLe disp:ay ; and here one may guin a vast ainount of interesting and instructiva art information in the brief visit of one afternoon Nor have we as yet seen the world's greatest fair and exposition in its entirety. For, while the grand display is under examination; while the machinery hall is resounding with its immense array of engines, machines and scientiflc models; while the floral palace is inviting thus mds to come and revel in its unrivaled beauties; while the long line of agricultural and industrial halls, the displays in the palm garden, the art galfery and the regular departments are in full movement - the rare sporting eventa, polo, lacrosse, base ball, and a thousand contesta of strength and skill, are being continued eaeh day from dawn till dark Reader, do you want to see the grandett fair and expnsition project in the United States, under the auspices of Michigan, tbs famous land o' lakes? Do you want to witness, in cotnection therewith, some of the most STARTLING SPECIAL FEATURES ever prepared by an exposition management! Do you want to divert and instmet yourself with the bewildering magnificence of a fair and exposition costing $500,000, and offering In aggregate cash prizes one hundred thou■and additional? If such is your ambition, but one course is to be pursued. Go to Detroit between Sept. 17th and 27tb, inclusive, the t?n great days of display, and witness the most magniöcent and dazzling spectacle you were ever permitted to survey, the great exhibit of the Detroit International Fair and Exposition Association.


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Ann Arbor Register