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9IortLRg;e Hale. Wherea', (iefault has been made in the conditions of a mortgage executed by Pele Marshall to Heltn Marshall, bearing date Jauuary 9th, A. D.i 1874, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for VVashtenaw County, Michigan, January lOlli, 1871, in libcr 49 of mortgages, on page 605, and whereas said inorteage contains the nsual insurance and tax clauses by which it is provided that any sums of money that said mortgagee may be obliged to pay to keep the buildings on the morUaged premises insured against loss or damage by fire, and to pay any taxes assessed ujion said mortgaged premises with ten per cent. ititerest thereon l'rom the time of payment shall be a lien upon said mortgaged premises adied io the amount secured bysaid mortgage, and whereas said mortgagee has been obliged to pay and haf paid for such insurance and taxes with such interest sinee the executiou of said mortgage, the tum of thirteen hundred dollars; and whereas by said default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, and no suit or proceeding in law or equity having been insti tuted to recover the debt seeured by said mortgage or any part thereof and the sum of six thousxnd six hundred and seventyfour dollars, ineluding the said sum paid for insurance and taxes and the interest thereon as aforesaid being now claiined to be due upon said mortgage: Notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by -a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described or some part thereof, to wit: All of the following described land situated in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, viz : the Easthalf (E))Of lot No. eight (8) in bloek No. four (4), South of Huron street in range No. six (6) East according to the original recorded plat of the villsge (now city) of Ann Arbor, excepting a piece of land one rod in widtta off from the West side of said lot, at public veudue on the fourth day of October next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, at the Huron street entrence to the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor, in said County of Washteriaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Noíh W. Cheever, Hei.en Marshall. Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgagee. Dated, April 9th, lt89. Michigan (Tbntrai; " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. - % ii Té tí ii il A. M. A. M. P. M.Ia. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7 55 10 Si 3 10 10 10 9 10 P. M. P. M. A. M. Kalamazooo 1 12 2 45 6 58; 7 10 3 35 2 27 Jackson - Ar. 3 35 4 39 8 49 9 36 6 15 4 45 Ann Arbor.... 5 04 5 43 9 4110 43 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 6 30 6 50 10 45 1150 9 20 7 30 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Buffalo,.... Ar. 2 30 3 25! 6 151 4 55 8 05 GOING WEST. Ú S jjU 52 los stations. a Ne!LSg2;iS2 3 5ft ft 3a ?a go, f T S?w ïw B-w j tw U. m. a. m. p. m. a. m a. m. p m. Buffalo Lv.l 1125 5 35 8 35 12 30 P. M. P M Detroit Lv. 900 800 400 120 8 00;10 15 Ann Arbor.... Í10 27 9 02 5 22 2 24 9 1511 35 Jaekson 45 10 00 6 60 8 25 10 45:12 49 P. M.'P. M. A. M.!A M. Kalamazoo ! 2 45 12 13 9 45 5 15 1 20 3 07 Chicago Ar.. 7 55 4 3 9 3u 7 00 7 45 Sunday excepted. iSaturday excepted. tDaily. ü. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. ToleöOjAnn Arlior & Nortli fficlugan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday, Jan. 6, '89. Going North. Going South. 38. ■. 2. STATIONS. 1. . j SI. Pa. Pass. Mail Southern División. Mai] Pap, A. M. P. M.IA. M. LV'E] [ARR P. M. P. M.'a. M. 3 25 6 35 .Toledo 110 1100 4 06 6 19 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 10 20' 4 15 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 4 31 6 46 Mtlan 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 08 Pittsfleld 11 40 9 82 7 30 5 07 7 20 ..Ann Arbor... 11 25 9 20 9 30 8 00 5 27 7 35 Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52' 7 5c ...„.Hamburi? 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 45 Howel! 10 11 8 13 7 15 9 85 Durend 9 35 7 30 _ 8 55 10 55 ...East Saginaw... 7 55 5 5n A. M P. M.'a. M. A. M P. M. A. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7 30! 9 35 Durand 9 35i 7 15 !0 15Í12 4f ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48! 4 35 12 55' 3 30 Cadillac 4 15 2 00 A. M.P. M. A. M. P. M. All passenger trains run daüy except Sunday. Connectlons at Toledo wlth rallroads divergí ng, AtManhattanJunctionwithWheeling&LakeErie E. S. At Alexis Junctlon with W. C R. R.. L 8. K'y and F. & P. M. R. Il Ai Monroe Jnnctlcn wilü L. 8. S. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with U 8 4 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milan with W., 8t L. S P. Ry. At Pittefield with L. 8. & M. 8. E'j. At Ann Arbor with Miobigan Central R. R., ii! at South Lyon with Detroit, Iiansing and North ern R. R.,and (i. T. By. H. W. ASHLEY, A. J. PAISLEY, Supenntendent. Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toiedo Saginaw & Muskegon railway. Eberbach A Sun, Ann Arbor, Hnpply Agent lor the V nal t'rench Kerneily, DK. I.Hilt'S I'I.KKIIHI 1 1. 1"II.IS. from Paris. France, act only upon the generative organs in females and positively cure upression of the menses (from whatever cause,) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reliable remedy warranted to promote menstruation or inoney refunded. Should not be used during pregnancy. The large proportion of ills to which ladies are liable ie the direct reeult of a disordered or irregular menstruation. Ask any druggist, Ann Arbor. AMERICAN PILI., CO., Rpencer, Iowa. Robert Stevknson & Co., Wholesale Agents, Chicago. 1. I-. 1IIIWICS " HOME IXKKIINF.K." HMHB For Brain-Workers and Seden ■p :H tary People; 1 J?i I Gentlemen, Ladies and Youths; W Tl ■ the Athlete or Invalid. A comWJfm I plete Bymnasium. Takes up bÍitoPHH t)Ut six '"dies square floorI fTTnTáífrai room ; something new, scien■ tifie, durable, coniprehensive, ■ c.heap. Indoreed Dy twenty thousand Physicians, Lawyere, Clergymen Editor and others now using it. Send for illustrated circular, forty engravings, no charge. Prof. D. L. Dowd. Physical and Vocal Culture, 9 E. Hth Strtet, New-York. '"$ÈL. OUHNEÏ IBWIIIIIIW ■M-n .- . UUT ■ "water IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, FOR HEAT1NC Dwellings, Public Buildings, Churches h 'The Gdrnky Hot Watkr System i safe, cleanly, readily managed, establishes a uniform, agreeable and wholesome heat, and is far superior in these mentioned particulare to any other mode of House-heating with which I am acqainted." A. BROOKS, M. D„ Chicago. Send for " How beat to beat onr Homes." GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO., Botton, Mast, Estímate fnmlibed by Western Flumblnic and HeatiiiK CO., Detroit, Hloh. A FINE PIECE OF JOJfAuCu IS INDEED A LUXURY FlNZER'S COMES AS J((L"t TfiRAprn 'AND IS =gJ to KNOWN ASA j A NIAKE IT AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG- THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET FIECES OH CARRY WHOLE. JHO. FIHZER & BROS., LonisvUlo, Ky. Is the oldest and most popular sctenttflc and mechanica! paper publlshed and has the larnest circnlation of any paper of its class in the world. Fully illustrated. Best class of Wood EnirravInfia. Pubiished weekly. Send for specimen copy. Price $3 a year. Four months' trial. $1. MÜNN & CO., Püblisherh, 3öl Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A great success. Each Issue contalns colored IithoKraphic platea of country and city residenoes or public buildlDKS. Numerous eneravinga and f uil plans and specincations for tbe use oí puch as contémplate buil ding. Price f 2.50 a year 25 ets. a copy. MUNN & CO., PUBLISHSBS. IIATEÑTCil ■ 0 years' experience ana have made ovei ■ 100,000 applications for American and For eign patents. Send for Handbook. Correpondeace strictly confldential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark 1 not registered in tbe Patent Office, apply to Munn & Co., and procuro lmmediate protection. Send for Uandbook. COPYBIOHTS for books, chartí, mapi. etc, quickly procured. Address MUNN fc CO., Patent Solicito. (ilXIKAI OFFICE: 861 BKOADWAT, N. Y LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' The "real l.iiul li Prescrlpl Ion wïll restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged, Healthy Condition follow its use. Buy at youi dniKRist's, one package,$l ; six for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich Sold by JOHN MIIOKE. CVi+ T+l WITHOUT ANY EXCEPbü66t MStÜU TION the best in the HBMMMMMMMMMM V O T ! ( 1 . AbSOlllUïlV ratU ■ aan storm and fire proof. EasSHTNItT.KS y applicd. Artirtic in IÍ Ui ÍN WÍJ UW i finish and at prices that, in many parts of the country, compete succeesfully with wood shingles. Illustrated catalogue and prices free. The National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 510 Kust 20th SI., New York City. Send 25c forself-inking pocket stamp (Retail price, 50c,) and full directions for making RUBBER STAMPS, with description of apparatus used and compouud for making the moulds. An Improved process. All kinds of Stamps, Seáis, &c made to order at reasonable ratee. Write at once, it will pay you. Boardman Stamp Works, Toledo, Ohio REDUCED FARES TO MONTANAS FREE FARMS. On May lat the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway will make a reduction in passenger fares for settlers to Glasgow, Chinook, Benton, Big Sandy, Great Falls, Helena, Butte, &c. Now ie your chance to secure a fine free farm in the Fatnous Milk River Valley, or in the beautiful valleys of the tributarios of this stream. 18,000,000 acres and JLZiZi FREE. You oan secure just the farm you want for stock or sneep raising, or mixed farming. Plenty of coal, timber, good water, ehort, mild winters. Immense crops of all kinds without irrigation. Farms immediately adjoining the railway on the level valley lands or the gently rolling bench lands. Write for the new pamphlet, " The Great Reservation," and other information, to F. I. Whitney, Gen'l Pass. and Tkt. Agt., St. Paul, Minn.


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Ann Arbor Register