A Fine Recital
Oae of the pleasant events of the week was the complimentary recital given by the Chequamegon orchestra on Monday evening, at the Masonic Temple, under the auspioes of Fraternity lodge, F. and A. M. The handsome lodge room was filled with people, there being fully 400 invited guests present. The orchestra, in full dress suits, sat in the center of the room. Dr. Fred. H. Weir directed their movements, and the music rendered was such as only orchestras of fine talent and careful direction can play. An overture, "Martha," was the first piece on the programme, tollowed by the "Polish National Dance." The clarinet solo, "Corinne Polka," which was rendered by J. M. McGill, is a very pretty composition by L. H. Clement. Eli L. Moore played a cornet solo, " Enchantment," and an encoré, as did Fred. McOmber after his piccolo solo, ''The Wren." The programme coneisted of twelve selections, ending with a galop, "Accidental," composed by F. H. Weir, a very interesting composition with an appropriate name in which sleighbellp. blocks of wood and a pistol areused.
Chequamegon Orchestra
F. H. Weir
Lew H. Clement
Old News
Ann Arbor Register