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Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap gives pearly white teeth, purifies the breath, prevente teeth froni decay. Sold by al druggists. OCR 25 CEST -M"l N. Adyoitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WARTED. WANTED.- A second band surrey, apply to T.M.H., thls office. f IRLS WANTED.- 100 girls can get immediate VJTand permanent work at our factory making „hirts, overalls etc. Good board and washing cl . 75 per week . Come at once . Michigan Overall Manufacturing Co., Ionia, Mich. A GOOD CHANCE. - Wanted six energetic men of good address to canvas on good salary Must furnish small security. Cali or address C Arms, 47 East Ann-st, Ann Arbor, or 33 Ellis Road, Ypgilanti. WANTED.- Educated, energetic young man, to solicit. Salary $2.60 per day. References required and small deposit for ampies. Address E. E. Sheldon, manager, room 12, Reynolds block, Jackson. WANTED.- Suite of unfurnished rooms not far from üniversity. " K.," Registek Office. FOB SALE. FOR SALE.- Thlrty acres of land one mile from Court House, also ten acres in the city and house and lot In the city. Address F. C. Loomis, 32 Ann-st. FOR SALE.- Large house and three lots, plants and plant table, and pony; also house and 6 lote for Bale or rent. 17 WilmoHt. FOR SALB.- Small house on Jefferson-st, one block from Üniversity. Enquire of W. Wj Whedon. GOOD working horse for sale cheap. Inquire of Martin Haller, 57 S. Main-st. FOR SALE. - A young and stylish appearing horse, good traveler and safe for ladlcs drlving. Inquire at 20 Church-st. FOR SALE CHEAP.- If you want to buy a new six (6) room house, with well, cistern, cellar and wood house, all finished complete, small payment down, cali opposite 69 Miller-ave, or address No. 2 Brook-st. Ann Arbor. TJ1OR SALE,- Rather than rent it at any price I ■H hereby offer for sale on easy terms one of the most complete, favorably located and desirable of Ann Arbor homes. It is less than one block from campus and within 4 rods of projected Street car line. Eastern and southern aspect frontlng Willard-st and grove. Finished in select red oak in Maren, 1886. It has furnace, hydrant cistern, cemented cellar, bath, etc., etc. Appertalning to the property are also commodious store and fuel room , (can be used as stable), a neat cottage which rents readily at from eighty to one hundred dollars yearly, all new, ampie shade, old and young, tar walk, etc. Intending purchasers are invited to No. 44 East L'niversity-ave to examine personf.lly. rR SALE OR RENT- Three houses ; one at $1.400. One house to rent, $3 week. Inquire 90 Washington-st, S. D. Allen. FOR SALE OR TO RENT- A piano, also some anieles of household furniture lor sale. Inqnlre at 19 S. Dlvision-st. FOR SALE- Two very desirable houses in the best part of the city. four blocks from Üniversity. Terms easy. Enquire at 65 South Fourth-st. FOR SALE.- Building lots, fronting west side Mann-st; extra view; sizesto suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. FOR SALE.- Evergreen trees for Hedge and other purposes; Peach and Pear trees Grapc vines, red, white and black variecies. All kinds of small fruit plants, and nice lot of elm and other thade trees at my place on W. Huron-st. J. II. Allmand. FOR SALE.- A cheap covered carriage nearly new. No. 2 Brook-st, near Miller-ave. E. Ludlum. ___ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOK FARM.- House and 24 City Lote.- Apply 48 South Main St, Ann Arbor. FOR RENT. FOR RENT.- Convenient cottage, suitable for small familyat No. 35 South 12th-st. Good celler and water in kitchen. Inquire at No. 66 East Unlversity-ave. IOR RENT.- A dozen houses, from $60 to $400 per year. Three at 812 per month. Six now ready for tcnants, all In good repair. Furnished suites of rsomsatNo. 36 Williams-st, board furnished in the house if desired. Enquire of J. Q. A.Sessions, Attorney and Real Estáte Dealer, No. 5 N. Mam-st. TO LET.- A frame house well furnished during the months of Jnly, August and September. Cheap. Apply or address 91 East Huron-st. 17OR RENT- Three pleasant nicely furnished " rooms for light house keeping ; suitable for man and wife. Near üniversity, No. 5 N. Lniversity-ave. TTNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent at 6 Church J street. FOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for onions, four miles south of Ann Arbor, township of Pittsfleld, twenty acres ready for spring work. For further information address Miss E. Phillips, Pittefleld P. O., Mich., or cali at Squlres' farm. Good onlon crlb. MISOEEEANEOÏTS. WILL the person who took that specimen of amethyst from a parlor table on Thompsonst please return the same to avoid exposure, as the party is well known ? LOST- Tuesday mornlngr, a lady's portmonnale, on Fifth-st, between Williams and Washington or Washington or Main, between eorner of Fifth and Sehairer's store. Purse contains Borne money. If found please leave at thls office. "USTERNS AND CELLAR WALLS built and j repalred. Apply to Lorenzo Young, No. 12 First-st. MRS. E. R. CHAPÍN, teacher of French. Thorough instruction given in private lessons. No. 5 N. 8tate-st DIVORCES cheaply, speedily, quietly for desertion, non-support, intemperance, nsanity. Blank application for stamp, fees contingent, advice free, confidential. Address Robert White, Attorney, 145 Broadway, New Yoak. STUDENT LAWYER.- 13 vols, American Law Register, nicely bound, at less than yx price. Would help start an office library in fine style. Address " Hadley," care of Register. TAR Walks made and Repaired. All work warranted. J. P. Jndson, 22 Staie St. FOR CHEAP House and Bedding plants, Toniato, Cabbage, Celery plants, etc, 6 ets. per dozen, piense visit Toms' greenhouse on Millerave and Chapin8t before you purchase elsewhere. "pUREirapc wine from the best sorted grapes X for sale, 90 Broadway, Aun Arbor. J. C. Taylor. "1ISTERNS built and repaired. Leave orders at LWood Yard, 36 East Huron-st EGGS for sale from three of the best varieties of pure bred poultry, Wyandottes, White Dorkings and Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Ann Arbor Poultry Yards, 90 Broadway. Price one dollar for 13. J. C. Taylor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register