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If any dealer -; ïy lic lias t lio VV. t,, DoucIhb Sho'H without name and price itamped on the bottoui, put hin. down as a frauu. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine h S5.00 GENUINE HAN P-SKWEI) SHOE. S4.00 H.VND-SEWKD WH,T SHOE. S:i.5O PÓLICE AND FAKJIERS' SHOE. 82.50 EXTRA VALUÉ CAI.F SHOE. 3.25 WOllKIXGSIAN'S SHOE. 8S.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. AU made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE LADRES. Beet Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. If nut old by your dealer, wrlte W. L. DOÜGLA8. BBOCKTON, MASS. Examine W. ï.. DouicIhs $3.00 Sbm;for (Centiemen an'l lnlis. WM. REINHARDT& CO., 42 S. MAIN STRKET, Aun Arbor. New Advertisements FROSTKING. No More Cold Houses. Doublé Dead Air Cells. Cost saved in Coal or Wood Yearly. Patent issued June, 1869. OFirst application secures agency. FROST KING CO., Lowville, N. Y. TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into STATES and SECTIONS will be sent ou applicaüon- FKEE. To thoae who want their advert'sing to pay. we can offer no better medium tor thorough and effeetivc work than the various sections of our Select l.lsi. OEO. P. ROWEU .1 EO., Newspaper Advertlsing Bureau, 10 Spruee street. New York. " QURNEY H EATEfi IMITATED, büF" NEVER EQUALLED, FOR HEATINO Dwilliags, Public Building, Cbches h 'The Gurnky Hot Water System is safe, cleanly, readily managed, establishes a uniform , agreeable and wholesome heat, and is far superior in these mentioned articulara to any other mode of House-heatiug with which I am acqainted." A. BROOKS, M. D., Chicago. Send for " llon best to heat uur Homes." GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO., Boston, Mass. #3" Estimates furnished by Western riiimiiiim and Meatinic Co., ltetroit. Mieb. Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERINQ DR. HAINES' DOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea, or in articles of food, without the knowleilge of tlie persoii takinü it; it ia absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether thepfttlentis a moderate drinker oran alcoholic. wreek, it NEVER FAILS. WeGUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 48 page book FREE Addrwa In conndenoe, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnati, 0 Ima ■ 1 By ANDRUó liilOw?. Hkitftfl man n South Am. erica. Send name and address with ■ 2-cent stampforfuli fllf M I particuiars to WST@ ! JAMSS BRCWH, g ywilM p.o Bciicecievelandlo ifTTTa TÏATÏPTÏ mar do mnmi nn nu at aeo. ÍHJ.Q irüJrülXv y. Rowell x tWs Nowspane AdvertislnffBureau(10SpruceSt.),wher('advprtl9tna ootnuiU aus be made tor It i W M ja W VOUH.


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