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Tö MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoskey, Sault Ste. Marie, and Lako Hurón Way Porte, Bvry Week Day Tiet ween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunüay Trips during June, July, Augurt nd Spt. Doublé Daily Line Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Batea and Excursión Tickets wlll befurniBhef b y our Ticlcet Agent, or addrees E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich., Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. Jtv PENNYROYAL WAFERS WF", Are successfully usihI munthly by over 10,000 B.Ladles. Are safe, F.ffectuiil undpltasaiit. 1 'f 4per box by mail, or at drugglsts. Sealed BarM JT ticularê 'i postago stamps. Addreas W Thk Eikeka Chemical Compawv, Pisher Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch. Solrt by JOHN MOOBE. "CHICAGO TRUSS." tNew Spiral Spring Trust , Hard Rubber Pad ,' Cleaa, iïjp Durable, Cheap. Approved Ü. oy the highest Medical Au.hority. Worn day and night Dy an Infant a week old or an Adult 80 years. Eaeüy adjusted. It meete all forma of Scrotal.Fermoral.Ingrulnal and Umbilical Hamia, In both Infanta and Adulta. Satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. Any desirable pressure obtalned. If your druggist does not keep this Truss, enclose stamps and address, t'H'.CAGO TRUSS CO., CbicaK, III. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, 122 E. Randolph St., T. Y. KAYNE, Maitageb. Sold by Ann Arbor üruggiste. SL REGULATOR &$&&& MENSTRUATION OR MOHTHiy EtCKNESS r TftVltN OUR1HB CHAHGEi Q U.E ■ SRLftT,JMiStR'(teBüíHkHBVIIlU.BEMDUÍn J3ffox TOc'WOMAN'tófl'í' BRADÍIEID REGUaTWQO. ATLANJABA, samttALtoiaiiUiOTlL UJfaü Ciil ■ g ïmïw. ; sold oíj;ral. i j No Casb Payment -or aottlement of ny f kind - un'.l after a "' SATISFACTORY TEST. M Machinery aud Toola Ml Guaranteed to wake Wells ml anywhere, ij J and at the rate of 3 ft. toovery2 ft. il b y any other machine , or no sale, tí I THE BEST'iways lij I THE CHEAPEST. II I J JÜfcSend for Catalogue. Irytf" 1 Empire Weu. Auger Co., CHACA v Is tho oldeat and moat popular sclentlflc and mechanical paper publlshed and bas the larfteat circulatioo of any paper of its clast in the world, Fully lllustrated. Best daas of Wood Knerar. lngs. Publlshed weeklr. gend for pecimen copy. Price $3 a year. Four months' trial, 11. Mt'NN & CO., Fublishihs, 361 Brotdway, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientifíc American. O A trreat auccess. Each issue contains colord UthoKraphic plates of country and city reaidenoes or public buiMírnrs. Numerous enjfravingi and full plans and speciflcations for the me ol such as contémplate buil ding. Frice f2.50 a year{ 25 Ct8. a Copy. MUNN & CO., PUBUSKKKCk B' fc flBBtk JB tW hT had ot bi I 40 years' experlence and hare made oti ■ 100,000 applications for American and For elgn patenta. Send for Handbook. CoriM pondence strictly confldential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark Is not reglstered tn tha Patent Office, apply to llrs.v A Co., and prooua immedtate protectlon. Bend for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charta, map. etc, qulckiy procured. Addresi 9IUNN de CO., Patent Solicitara. Ginkbal Ornea: KI Bsloadwat, JU. X,


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