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O BfCCO or t$ Karef in only one.sfiajbe3x a - ful I i6 ozjb%, tfe most conenenf to cuf for tiocet or to carry Wrjole, Insíst on l]ang %e Genuine wlfh 1fe red H tin lag , inade only by, Góhn 'finzerBro'5.,LouisVleKjf Prime Christiao and Princess Lousie sometimes drive alojt London in haasom Cibs. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' The Great Enellsh Prescrlption wlll restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged. Healthy Candition follow its use. Buy at youi drugsist's, one packLge,$l ; six for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich Sold by JOHN MOOKK. CViao "WTo+ai without any excepOllG6b Metal TION the best in the i - ■- - world. Absolutely rain ■ ■iaiHi storm and fire prnof. EasSHINGLES "y Artisac n rilllliUwUW finish and at prices that, in many parts of the country, compete successfully with wood shingles. Illustrated catalogue and prices free. The National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 510 East 30th K,M York City. The largest, fastest and tinest in tbe world. Passender uccemmodattons unp.icelled. BTew York to Jïverpool -vin. QiT"cnir- The Celeiinued I The Finest .limo 26(h City ..( lCme shiB in the AVorld. I Jnly 24lh. New York to Glasgow vin l.onilonderry. Ethiopia. July 27; Ancborla, AnfftiNt 13,Devonia, .lul v l:i. riiriM'ssiji. Jnly (th. Saloon to Glasgow, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast or Queenstown S50 to 860 by Glasgow steamers, 860 and upwards by " City of Rome." Second Class $30. Steerage 820. Excursión ratesredueed available for either route, thus giving priv'lege of seeing in one trip the River Mersey, Picturesque Clyde, North and South of Ireland. r.wnrions to Paris or Continental Touth on !- 1 terms. Travelers' Circular Lettere of Credit and Drafts for any amount at lowest current rates. Apply to any of our local agente or to IIK.Md'.KNON BROS., Chlrago, 111. V. XV. jltellor. S 4nok't ( 'ilion Root Componnd.- Con. MAg&v posed of ('otton Root, Tansy and PennyM VBÊUgÊm rovnl. Sueceaafully usrd monthly. Safe, ■ MJT Effectua], rlünsant. 1 by mail, ordrog ÏTH f prtsts. Spnlpri particulars2stamrs. Ladies y -ri. addross POND LILV COMPANY, 131 Woodward ave.. Detroit Mica. Sold in Ann Arbor by all druggiste. Why Should I Go to Montana ? CJroal RfHervation. Becausc 18,000,000 acres of free Government land, with a delightful climate and equally suited for general farming and stock raising, have just been opened to the hoineseeker. in the Milk River Valley and near Benton and GreatFalls. Stoclc Ralsinfp. Because the favorable climate and superior grasses of Montana make t the natural home of horses, cattle, sheep and other domestic animáis; and because winter feeding is not lequired, as stock grazes at large the year round. General Fnnnlngg. Because a rich soil jfid abundant summer rains produce wheat, oats, rye, barley and the grasses and vegetables of a quality, size and yield unsurpassed, Minliisr. Because Montana produces more of the precious metáis than any other state or territory, and abundant opportunities remain to secure valuable properties :tt nominal cost. Iuimiicratioii. Because the Great Kescrva - tion is the meetine; point of settlers from the Pacific Coast and from the Eastern States, and ís the only extensive tract of good land left, suitable for settlement. KuhÍiicmn. Because the rapidly growing towns along the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. ofl'er splendid opportunities to engage in business. Manufactarer. Because the 1,000,000 horscpower water-power at Great Falls, the extensive coal veins, the wool, mineral and grain raising resources ol Montana olfer exceptional opportunities to the manufacturer. To 11 rist. Hecause the canon of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversifíed scenery to bc found on the Continent. Take a summer tour. Wh y Travel by the St. P., M. A M.? Because oníy by it can vou travel through the largest body of free land left for settlement. Because it reaches the Great Falls, with the largest waterpower on the Continent. Because it reaches Helena, the richest city of its size in the world ; and becausc it is the shortest and best route to Butte. the largest miningcampon earth. Special tourists' and landseekers' rates. Daily trains through solid to Montana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific Coast. Find out all about it by writing for " The Great Reservation," and " Tourists' Summer Guide." For further information, rates, maps, etc., apply to F. I. WHITXEY, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., St. Faul, Minn.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register