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Michigan Legislature

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Senate- The Senate on the Í8th passed the Local Option bill as it passed the House, 19 to 10. The bilí provees that boards of supervisors may cali a special election upon the petition of one-fourth of the electors voting for Governor at the last preceding election; also theChapman Kailroad Graded Fare bill. If this bilí becomes a law all the larger raüroads not under special charter will bo compelled to reduce faresto two cents per mile. Upper Península fares are now flve cents per mile. The bill appropriating 75,000 for an exocutive mansión failed to pass, and was tabled. Other bilis were passed making an appropriation for a home for d.scharged convicts; authorizing circuit judges to practice law outside of their circuits; creating the twenty-ninth judicial circuit. House- A bill establishmg a State constabulary to enforce tho Liquor law was defeated after a beated discussion. Senate- On the 19th the Senate indeflnitaly postponed the bill to créate by appolntment of the Governor an excise commission, with excise offlcers in every township to look after tbe licensing of saloons and violations of the lquor laws. The Senate also refused to concur in the report of the conference committee on the liquor tax. The House fljted it at }600 a year, the Senate at $500, and the conference committee at 1550. A bill was passed requiring railroads to give notice to all stations whether passenger trains are on time. House- liills were passed prohibiting llfeInsurance companies grantlng rebates and agenls from dividing their commissions with the insured; authorizing the State Auditors to settle with the owners of butterine faotorles wbose plants were made worthless by a bill passed four years ago; requiring all passenger and mixed trains to be equ:pped with air brakes after Octobor, 1890. A resolution was adopted asking the Secretary of the Interior to order a survey of the boundary line between Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. The Judiciary Committee adversely reponed the Senate bill repealing the divorce law which permltted trial judges to forbid the parties from remarrying within two years. Senatb- On the 20th the gradedrailroadpassenger-fare bill which passed recently was recalled from the House. The Holbrook AntlTrust bill was passed. The bill classes all trusts and combinations deslgned to restrict production or pnces as being illegal and void, and all parties to the "combine," either as member, agent or offlcer, is declared to be guilty of criminal conspiracy. The bill exempts from lts provisions all agricultural products while in the hands of the producers, and all oreanizations formed for the protection of labor. A bill adopting tho indeterminate sentence and parole system for convicts was passed. House- Bills were passed establisbing a State Board of Arbitration to adjust grievanees between employer and the workmen, and the board is given power to take testlmony under oath while investigating strikes or lockouts; declaring that any person who commlts or instigates murder with the expectatlon of thereby inheriting property shaü be disinherlted in additlon to the usual penalties; for the election of representatives la cities on the system of cumulative voting or minorlty repreBentatiori. Senate- On the 21st a libel bill was passed. An attempt to reconsider the vote by which the Chapman graded fare railroad bill was passed failed. This sent it back to the House, from which it was recalled. Adjourned to the 24th. House- The Senate bill flxing railroad passenger fares M two and one-half and three cents a mile, according to the earnings of the road, was passed by a vote of CO to 39. Adjourned to the 24th. Senate- An attempt on the 24th to recon6ider the vote by which the Senate Ch&pman graded railroad fare bill was passed failed. The motion for reconsideration was tabled by a vote of 44 to 32. This flnally disposes of the bill so far as the Legislature is concerned. It now goes to the Governor. House - N o business óf importance was transacted.


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