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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. CAPITAL, $50,000T SURPLUS, $100,000; TOTAL ASSETS, $673,660.12. Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a SAFE lND OONVBNIENT Place at wtaicl: to make Deposita and do Businss. INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $1.OO and upwards, acocrding to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. SECDEBD BY UNINCDMBEKED REAL ESTÁTE AND 0THKR GOOD SECUKITIK DIREOTORS : - Ohristian;Mack, W. W. Wines, W. u. Harriman, William Deuble, David Rineey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OFFIOERS : - Christian Mack, President ; W. W. ,Vmes, VicePresident ; O. E. Hiscook, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank .A.T A.3ST3ST ARBOB,,' MICHIGAN, ULJíTST IS, 1889. RESOURCES. t t a "RTT TTTWQ Loans and Discounte t 816,834 58 qi gtock ZfIZ. S 50.000 00 Stocks, bonds and mortgages 218,874 85 Surplus Pund 190,000 00 Overdrafts 396 78 Unaivided Profils 11,240 81 . . ... „, „,„ „ Dividends unpaid 135 00 Due from banks m reserve citie 94,246 92 Commercial deposite 133,808 29 Furniture and fixtures 1,930 85 Savings deposita 348,067 33 Currenfexpenses and taxes paid 2,130 02 Due to banks and bankers 304 73 Bills in transit. " 458 71 Certlflcat f depont 18JO7 58 Check and oash items 22 90 8 656,663 24 Nickelsandpennies 100 68 I do solemnly swear that the above statementU r . . 15 ooo 00 ' my itnowle18e and belief. 811 " " i',,, no CHAS.E. HIBCOCK,Oashler. tt o '"'j' w":""öi"nl'v'il= .„',„ „„ Swom to and subscribed before me, this 15th day U. S. and National Bank notes 1C5 00 of May, 1&9. A. D. SEYLER. tery PubHc. ! axt ia Cokrect- Attest : Christias Mack, W. W. 656,663 24 WiNis, Da vid RiNSEYk Director.


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Ann Arbor Register