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SSkThe Best and Purest MedicineS RIL EVER MADE. 1 teVWltwlll drive the Ilutnor fromyoiir I . iteystcm, and make your skiulll 1 1 , fcSk.clom ancl Binooth. Thosell I b VLpimples and Blotches Q ," 'iy, 3y.whili mar your bcautycq v0 f. r& A. arecansed by lmnurcEiJ 'o's f ,4, Wblool, ana can lx'T ? % % a%& Iktmie, if ycu arel I %s? 4 y?6 vwise and usei i rn The Dose i:% ,f„j n II spoonful. It is thc5f % o , II III best and rheapestk o fy+. ! II medicine. Try it, andW "„ III [II you will lie natisfied. kje eA SO l SS Get it of your Druggist. "S If you are eufferin from Kid-k I "o'íEe8,15 gggbSn&fiX II III Xbey uever Lail to cure. fc II ll U Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co.. Bofiton,Mass., for bost medical work piiulislied? . THE'BESFWHiTE-SOAPMADE'IN-AMERICA: g 'f r7f% (H,flcCo % i K? f jp Wrappers S fllll 11 I V (Uroejize) j 5, IHf mI([ (I anireceivea f'Kr-i '"ilüaJaHAHPSOHEá -W,... JWK IQ PHOTD&RAPM4Í Éá. AcTORSandACTRESSES yj the Threshing Machine j then in use vvere almost wiiolly of the class known as the " Endlet.Apron" style. Then it was thai Nichols & Shepard, of Ea.itle Creek,Mich.,invcntedandbegan to develop an entirely new and novel style of Grain Thresher and Separator,which they veryappropriatel named the "Vibrator." ;It was a revolution in Threshing Machines) and from a small beginning of five machines in 1858 they soon reached a product of 1,000 yearly. 1 neir V ïbrator drove the " End)ess Apron" machine out of market, and all other makers copied it as closely as they dared. Today all Threshing Machines oí any reputation or merit use the principies of the old Vibrator. Nichols & Shepard have continued in the business without change of name, location, or management; and duririg the past three years have brought out and developed another new Threshing Machine for grain and seeds, as superior to all existing machines as their former was to the 'Endless Apron.' They name this new and improved Thresher lij jJeByyfeSI and predíct as great a revolution in the trade, and as complete success over all rivals as they had thirty-one years ago. If you are interested as a Farmer or Thresherman, write for particulars, which they J send free. Address ■ -t " NICHOLS & SHEPARD, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hüsu'HBEVB'SrEcuncsarescientiflcallvand carefully preparen preserlptloas ; usert for manv yearaiu private pracHcewithsuoccKs.aiitiforover thlrtyyearausedby thcpeoplrs. Every stagïSspï clflc Is a special cure for the dtseaae iiamed. These bpecifles cure without drngglng puritlng or reduclng the system, and ar? iïi fléf alid deed the aoverriitu medir ol the World. LIST OP PRINCIPAL NOS. CURES. l'i'lrl N 1 Kevers, Congestión, inflammation . . .5 f J orms. Worm Kever, Worm Colle . i-ls ! {ry'11 Colic.orTeethlngof Infanta .'3 4 Diarrlea, of Clilldren or Adulte Ai l Dyseniery, Grlping, Bllloua Colic 2ï Chnlera IVlorbus, Vonütlnir. .'25 7 C'ousha, Cold, Bronchitis. . S g eDrallfia, Toothache. Paceache. . .'. .25 - S Heaaine, SickHeadache. VertlKO .üiï 10 Dyavepsia, Blllous Stomach 'ï i.?ÍKressldor?alt"1 Periods. ',-iS ix J "tes, too Profuse l'eriods -25 IJ Crpnp, CouKh, Dlfflcult Breathing ... .25 ÏS VA" It'"i Erysiiiela, Eruptious. .'25 J3 Kheamatimn, Kliouniatlc Palns. . . .23 ÍS Fecrand Atue, Cliills, Malaria SO 1 r Pile, Blind or BleoaliiR . 58 19 Ciimrrli, Influenza. Cold Intheïiead .50 V }ï hoPnsr Cniiich, Vid, 1 1 Ooogba. .50 í te'i'"rnl hility.l'hyslcan.iukm-sa .50 8 Nfrroua Dchilily 1.00 38 {ïr'Miry Wrukne, WpttiiiK Red. .50 3-i pjaeagesofthelleurl.Paliiltationl.OO Sold by Drugglsts. or sent postpald on receipt o jprlce. Db. HcMPHREys' Uakcal, (144 pages) rtcnly bound In cloth and gold, malled ffee Humpbrey'IcdiciDeCo.l9FultonSt.N Y. 5 P E C I F I O S . Michigan (Tentrai; " The Niágara Fallí Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. STATWN8. d J . II SÍ So. á ; 5 jpp. ?_ II 3 j$ a as A M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7 55 10 86 3 10 LO 10 9 10 p. M. p. M. a. m. Kalainazooo 1 12 2 45 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 Jackson. Ar. 3 25 4 45 8 49 0 36 6 15 4 45 Ann Arbor... 4 43 5 45 9 41; 10 43 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 6 10 6 60 10 4511 50 9 20 7 30 A. M. A. M.l P. M. P. M. Buffalo.... Ar. 2 30 3 25 1 6 ló1 4 55 8 05 GOING WEST. . , . o &" . B 5% S1 % L% STATIONS. - -Ë ) g 3 8 Og,S A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M A. M. Buffalo Lv. 1125 5 35 8 35112 30 Detroit Lv. 9 10 8 00 4 00 i 20 8 00 10 15 Aun Arbor.... 10 25 8 59 520 220 9 15ll 35 Jackson Ar. 11 45 10 00 6 50 8 18 10 4512 49 P. M.'p. m. a. m.a. m. Kalamazoo 2 45112 13 945 507 1203 07 Chicago Ar. 7 551 4 3o 9 00 7 Oo! 7 45 ♦Sunday excepted. JSaturday excepted. tDaily. O. W.RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G.P.&T. A., Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Toletlo.AnnASor&lorïmiïairR'y Time Table golng into effect ;Sunday, Jan. 6, '89. Going North. Going Sou h a 4. a. STATIONS. 1. 3. 3Í. Pass. Pase. Malí Southern División. Mail Pass LL Eï ïi ïi ! Wl p7?ó 'ÍS " 4 06 6 19 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 10 20 "" 1 15 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 131 "" 4 31 6 46 Milán 12 00 9 50 " i 52 7 08 Plttsfield 11 40 9 82 " 7 30 5 07 7 20 ..Ann Arbor... 11 25 9 20 Tjjë 8 00 5 27 7 35 Leland's 11 10 9 05 q lo 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52 7 5í Hamburp 10 48 8 45!"" 6 34 8 45 Howel' 10 11 8 13 "" 7 16 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 30 8 55 10 55 ...East Saginaw... 7 55 5 55l A. M P. M.A. M. A. M, P. M. aI'm! NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7 30 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 15 '0 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 -12 55 3 30 CadUlac 4 15 2 00 M. a. M. p. m, AU passenger tratas run daily except Sunday. Connectlons at Toledo with rallroadsdirergiui, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling& Lake Erle P-. S. At Alexis JunctíoD with M. c a K L6 K'y and F. & P. M. R. R A. Monroe Jnnctior wun L. 8. s. M. S. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 A M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8L L. & P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. & M. 8. K', At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R.R.,anc' "n RUS anydtí itLDetrqt' M(1 N" H. W. AÓHLEY. " "a. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railway. Send 25c forself-inking pocket stamp (Retail price, 50c,) and full directions for making RDBBER STAMPS, with descrlption of appa, í,?MUSeÍ aTd comPt"i'i for making the Snm ? Improved process. All kirfds of ttampe, Seáis, Stc, made to order at reasonable rates. Wnte at once, it will pay you. Boardman Stamp Worksjoledo, Ohio Eberbach t Sons, Ann Arbor, snpply Ajcents for !■ 4Jr. at Frenen Rmwí:i."B" I'eIlTC'IS rüBIOBICAI. from Paris. France, act only upon the generative organs ín females and positively cure upression of the menses (from whatever cause.) and all penodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reliable remedy warranted to promote menstruation or money refunded. Should not be used durmg pregnaney. The large proportion of ills to which ladies are Hable is tle direct result of a disordered or irregular menstruation. Ask any druggist, Ann ArBor. AMERICAN PILL CO Spencer Iowa. Roeert Stevenson & ;co ' Wholesale Agents, Chicago. B. I.. DOWD'S " HOME EXERCISER." HHHHI For Brain-Worhera and Seden ■F LL tary PeopU; í JBk I r;01".1?"16!1' Laíes ?nd Youths; W Jt tiM ■ B Alnlele or invalid. A comIMÍH 1 Plete gymnasium. Takes up 2P-!p5ÏÏ but six 'Ches square floorkMJfiWn room: eometbing uew, scienI 91 tifie, durable, comprehensive, "" cheap. Indorsed by twenty housand Physicians, Lawyers, Clergrmen Editora and others now using it. Send for ülustrated circular, forty engravings, no charge Prof. D. L. Dowd, Physical and Vocal Culture 9 Ê. Uth Street, New-York. Henry Richards, SO 9 DK'JT 8. 1 Dealer in all kinds Of HARD WOOD, LUMBER, FENGB POSTS, eto., also aü kinds of STOVE AND CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CBAXFION BINDERS AND MOWERS, And Keep a Pull Line of Repairs for the Same. Telephone No. 5. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you oontemplate building oall f FERDON IBïli! Corner Pourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbei and sruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES gnded stocu rally aiitlZFo ttr JAMEN TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J.KEKCH.Napt. Fairbanks' Scales, WIND MILLS, HAY PRESSES. Superior Goods! Favorable Pnces' FAIRBANKS, MORSE & C(M I fu ú ut Pep ufar Brand JV WílUefouncLa Con?ècnatio?ii?ot always oóefyad. , - -? Á FineQualitVof ATAREASONABLEPRICE K2THIS i íeach Bsy I PLuq I IFYOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXTRA SWEET PIECE OF X& 'jomeeo DON f FAIL TO $!L JsiCYouf{ Dealer Foi It -i ■ DontTakeny.Othe, Jno. RNZER & EROS.,Louisvn.LE,Ktf Prine Christian and Princesa Lousie sometimes drive aloat London in hansom cabs. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ' Tlie Great li.l i-li Prescrlntion wfll restore that lost Vitality and a Rueged Healthy Condition follow its use. Buy at youi druggist's, one packu;e,$l ; six for $5 EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit Mich Sold by JOHN MOOKE. VlOO+ Mfl+fll WITHOUT ANY EXCKPoiieet jyieial tion the best in Se -- ■- ■- i- i world. Absolutely raia CTTTVTIT Tifl storm and flre proof. EasSHINGLES Lylsffidat pArütchaí: in many parts of the country, compete successfully wlth wood shingles. Illustrated catalogue and prices free. The National Sheet Metal ftoofifig Co., 510 East 20th Sf.. -h York City. The largest, fastest and Bneat In the world. Passenger accominodations uuexcelled. New tork to r.lverpool vla }! n(.,-, ... The Celebrated The Finest 1 Jnly 34th. tlly nf Kome I ship in thn World. I Ane 21st New Tork to Olasgow vla I.ondonl derry. Kthiopia, July 27; Ancliorin, Aiieiuíii, Devonia, Ang. 17, Fnrnessia, Ang. lOlh. Saloon to Glasgow, Liverpool Derry, Belfast or Queenstown 850 to 60 by Glasgow steamers, 860 and upwards by " City of Rome." Second Class Ï30. Steerage Ï20. Excursión rates reduced available for either route thus giving priv'lege of eeeing in one trip the River I Mersey, Pictureeque Clyde, North and South of Ireland, I Excnrlous to París or i 'rttlnental I Tours on term. Traveiers' Circular Letters of Credit and Drafto for any amount at lowest current rates. Apply to anyofour local agents or to II KSUHItSOS BROS., ChtcaiiO, III. _____ !. W. Mellor. 1J" ook'g ('otton Root Componnd.- Con. M(fíLLLiy poscd of l'otton Itoot, Tansy and PennyAUriHMU royal. Succesfuly -used montlily. Safe, ■ Mfcy'V EITectua], Pleasant. Í1 by tnail, ordrag f Klsts. Sealod partleulnrs2stinips. I.adies V -riadilress POND LILV COMPANY, ■ 13.1 Woodward ave., Detroit, tlich. Sold in Adö Arbor by all druggista. Why Should Í Go tó Montana ? Great Rrservation. Because 18,000 ooo acres of frce Government land, with a áeUehtíuí chmate, and equally suited for general farminf a„d stock raising, have lust been opened to the ifume. rnedkGreÏÏKlaniiIk RVer Val' 3nd -" Be= Stoch Kalsin;;. Because the favorable dimate and superior grasses of Montana make t the natural home of horses. cattle, sheep and other domestic animáis; and because winter is not lequired, as stock grazes at large the year General Farming. Becausc a rich solí and abundant suramer rains produce wheat, oats rve barley and the grasses and vegetables of a qualíty', size and yield unsurpassed. Blinlnar. Because Montana produces more óf Ithe precious metala than any otheí state or territory and abundant opportunities remain to secure nÜ ab!e properties at nominal cost. Iminiirratioii. Because the Great Reserva. Pac'TT P0Ínt f ='ers from S Pacific Coast and fíom the Eastern States, and i for:s0ettíení;tntnS1Ve traC' f gd )and leít' uit:lblc Business. Because the rapidly towns añng ' íe ñ PaHl' Minneapolis ISba Ry ofler splend1d opportunities to engage in business! Maunfactnrer. Because the i.oooooohorsepower water-power at Great Falls, the 'extensive coal veins, the wooi, mineral and gram raising -rl toUtieem ïnlTiï.0' PP-'- G.ant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the Jie Continent, Take a summer tour. Whjr Travel by the St. P., n . n. ? Because only by n can you travel through the largestbodvoffreeland leftfor settlement. Hecausl .t reaches tne Great Falls, with the largest wate power on the Continent. Because it reaches Helena the richcst city of its size in theworldfand because it is the shortest and best route to Butte Uie largest minmgcamp on earth. Special tourists' and landseelfers' rates. Daily trains through solid oairlmdrailotbtd 8u11"R!rXe"inmaüofesÍa apply to F. I. WH1TNEY, G. P. &T A St Minn MmneaPlis & Manitoba Ry., St Fauli


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