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OUK 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WA&TED. WANTED- A boy who wishes to learn shorthand and type-writing and pay hls tuillon by doiDg office work. He can have a permanent posltion as soon as competent. A good chance for the right boy. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Registbk Office. WANTED- An unfurnished suite of room, permanently. No cooking. Address G. Q. C, this office. WANTED.- At 47 S. División a first classgirl for gereral house work; references required; permanent posltion if suited. WANTED- By J. L. Schaffer, 100 berry-pickers, on the Clough farm. ANTED- A Girl for general house work. Apply at this office. ANTED- A limited number of boarders at S. E. corner of División b Williams. WANTED.- A second hand surrey, apply to T.M.H., this office. GIRLS WANTED.- 100 girls can get immediate and permanent work at our factory making shirts, overalls etc. Good board and waahing tl. 76 per week. Come at once. Michigan Overall Manufacturing Co., Ionia, Mich. FOR SALE. FOR SALE - Modern House, with fiirnace, centrally located. For particulars cali at No. 11 Maynard-et. FOR SALE- A Knabe Piano, in good condiUon. Also some gas flxtures ; hall lantern, center and side fixtures. No. 9 Monre-st. A few pairs of beautiful fantail doves for sale, IV. cheap. Eugene Phillips Hall, Hill-st. FOR SALE- Six year old Horse, sound and al right every way. A. M. Clark. FOR SALE OR'RENT.- No. 44 East Universlty Ave. Cali and lnspect. FOR SALE -One mile west on Miller Ave., nlne acres of land with buildings and fruit. Small payment down ; balance on long time if desired, or will rent for term of years. Enquire of Chas. S. Shetterly, of Shetterly Bros., Opera House Barber Shop. FOR RENT OR SALE- House, No. 24 E. Liberty St. Enquire of O. M. Martin. FOR SALE- A House of twelve rooms, on the corner of S. Ingalls and Monroe-sts.. one block south of Campus. A lance yard and a good barn . FOR SALE- A Miller & Son Pump, as jrood as new ; will do for a thirty-five fooi well. Will sell for half price of new one. J. H. AUmand, W. Huron-t. FOR SALE.- Thirty acres of land one mile from Court House, also ten acres In the city and house and lot In the city. Address F. C. Loom is, 32 Ann-st. FOR SALE.- Small house on Jefferson-st, one block from Univcrslty. Enquire of W. W, Whedon. UÖR SALE CHEAP- A gasoline stove, good as F new, latest improvements, been in use eight months. Inquire at 26 North Thayer. G. W.Mlllen. FOR SALE- Two very desirable houses in the best part of the city, four blocks from University. Terms easy. Enquire at 65 South Fourth-st. FOR SALE.- Building lots, fronting west slde Mann-st; extra view; sizesto suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. FOR BALK.- Evergreen trees for Hedge and other purposes; Peach and Pear trees, Grape Tines, red, white and black varledes. AU kinds of small fruit planta, and nlce lot of elm and other shade trees at mj place on W. Huron-st. J. H. Allmand. FOK SALE.- A cheap covered carriage nearly new. No. 2 Brook-st, near Miller-ave. Ë. Ludlum. _ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.- House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main St., Ann Arbor. FOR BEKT. TO RENT- A part or all of the House at corner of División and Jefferson-sts. Sultable for roomers and boarders. FOR RENT.- Convenient cottage, suitable for small family at No. 3S South 12th-st. Good celler and water in kitchen. Inquire at No. 66 East University-ave. FOR RENT- Several Houses in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from 1130 toS3cO. Enquire of J. Q. A. Seesions, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt-, No. N. 5 Main St. FOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsh land for onions, fnur miles south of Ann Arbor, township of Pittsfield, twenty acres ready for spring work. For íurther information address Miss ÍC. Phillips, Pittsfield P. O., Mich., or cali at Squires' farm. Good onion crib. misci:li,akmii s. FOR EXCHANGE.- For small Farm naar Ann Arbor, 120 acre Farm, near R. R. timbered wlth maple, and other hard timber, aoil first class, 30 acres cleared, good House and Barn, 2 Wells. Also House and Lot in Grayling. Will pay dlfference In cash, or assume a Mortgage. Address. Box 134, Grayling, Crawford Co., Mlch. LOST.- On Packard or Main St.,a mourning pin. Finder will please return same to 90 S. State-st Asummer term of five weeks by a gradúate of the Detroit Training School of Elocution and Englirh Literature will begin July 14. Course to comprise Elocution, Authetic Physical culture. Vocal training, Shakespasre and Gymnastics. Whole course 825.00. Prívate lessons, Í2.00 per hour. Miss Finley, 46 S. Ingalls-st. AWallet containing money. The owner can have it, by provine property, and paying for this advertisement. Cali at this Office. Amornlng school for little children will open 0nJuly22nd. Hours from 9- 12. Kindergarten occupations. Termsí.50 per week. For rarther information address Miss Wíre, No. 30 Maynard. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - Any deslring bed-rootn sets, mattresees, chairs, etc., will make good bargaina by calling at 43 S. Ingalls-st. T)ARTIES having money to loan : I have appllX cations for money every day, secured fully by ñrst mortgage on Real Estáte at not less than 6 per cent. Address B. F. Boylan, cor. Pine and 2nd-sts., Seattle, Washington. LOST - On Wednesday Jane 26, a Watch, plain gold; probably betweeu Main and División Sts. Will the fluder please bring it to 19 S. División. IT'OUND - A Shawl, in the Cemetery, on Sunday. f June 30, which the owner can have by cafling at 49 E. Huron-st, and paying for this notlce. K. Treadwell. FARMERS- The Ann Arbor Soap Works pays cash for your spoiled salt pork. D. S. Millen Sí Son. ISTERNS AND CELLAR WALLS built and KJ repaired. Apply to Lorenzo Young, No. 12 First-st. DIVORCES cheaply, speedily, quietly for desertion, non-support, intemperance, insanity. Blank application for stamp, fees contingent, advice free, confidential. Address Robert White, Attorney, 145 Broadway, New York. npAR Walks made and Repaired. All work X warránted. J. P. Jadson, 22 State 8t.'


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Ann Arbor Register