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■ _ The Cantankcron, Old Woman Discribed in the nursery bailad, who hved upon nothing but victuals and dnnks, and yet "would never be quiet " was undoubtedly troubled with chronic indigestión. Her victuals, like those of many other elderly persons whose digestive powers have become impaired, didn't agree with her. This was before the era of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, or some one of her numerous friends and relatives would undoubtedly have persuaded her to try the great specific for dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. This would have been a measure of self-protection on their part, for she would soon have been cured and ceased to disturb them with her clamor. The most obstinate cases of indigestión, with its attendant heartburn flatulence, constant uneaeinessof the stomach and of the nerves, are completely overeóme by this eovereign remedy. Chills and fever and billious remittent, rheumatism and kidney troubles are also relieved by it. Pity the wife of the farmer who raises cane all summer. SLBEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. To the man who has just feasted all the world is fat Ftre- Insare Yonrselve. It is an established fact that the dnest flre department in the world is that of New York city. Iheir Champion flre engine company can haraess up and get ont of the engine house 'naide of twa and one half seconds. But this record is slow as the vengeance of the gods compared to the time made by "Pomeroy' Petrolin Poroused Plas ters " in curing Eheumaüsm and Neuralgia Aflfections. 25 cents buys it from any druggist. Inaure yourselfatonceby puichasing a piaster, have it In the house, and " Damp cold and storm, _, , From night till morn, will not bring on Neuralgia. For Sale by H J Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. A rainy night will do more to keep a bad man at home than duty. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Eberbach fc Son. ' It takes so mucb to astonish a man, so litíle to astonish a women. It Is Foollsta To send for a doctor every time yoa doa't íeel ust right. My doctor's bilí for years was over a hundred dollars a year, which made a pretty big hole in my wages. For the past two years I only spént ten dollars, with which I bought a dozen bottles of Sulphur Bitters, and health has been in my family siuce using them. - Robert Johnson, Machinist. What has become of the old-fashioned baby that used to eat pan ? WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. S:)!d by Eberbach & Son. If a thing can be more contemptible tbaa a swagger, it is a strute. tliousands suffering from Asthma, Con. sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's Englisíi Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, eold on a positiva tarantee at 10o., 50a John Moobe, Druggist. People always feel sorry for a man whoae wife ia the taller of the two. Why W1II Yon AUow your health to gradually fail? If you are closely confined indoors with Hule or no exercise, and desiregood health, you must take care of your?e!f. Use Sulphur Bitters, and you will have a sound mind and a strong body. Tact is always remembering that a fiDe needle requires a fine thread. CATAERH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Uatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal ín jector free. Sold by Ebejbach & Son. A man will always be manly whea a woman remembers to be womanly. FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. I recommend it as a sure care. It has saved me many dollars. H. A. KUENNE. Breeder of Fine Fowls. Bakersfleld, Cal., Oct. 13, 1888. I have used St. Jacobs Oil for sorehead of Chickens with prompt, permanent cure. Ona bottle will cure 10 to 15 chickens; 2 to 3 drops cures Wheezes. JAS. BETHAL. GEXERAL DIRECTIONS.-Mix apülqf bread or dough aaturatcd wüh St Jacobs Oü. Jf thtfowl cannot stoaUowforce ü down the thntat. Mix tome corn meal dough vrith the Oil. Oiv noüiing ele. They viülfinaUy eat and be cured. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A.VOGELER CO.. Baltimore, Ma. ocyckiYU You shouId read T= cm OC Ktf # ƒ# cago Daily Newsbecause %% tñMf yu Lan "Jford it. Price PlliNT doesn't stand ia the way. It's really the cheapost thing on earth. One cent means practically nothing - until you spend it. Then you may make it mean a great deal, according as you L invest it. A thing is cheap f it costs little, and s worth much. The Daily News is like atelegraph from the whole wcrïd to your brain. To keep it in constant vrorkïng order costs you but one cent a day. That's why it's cheap - because it renders a great service for an insigoificant price. JUtfttmfcf-ltS circulation is 220,000 a day- over a million a week - and it costs by mail 25 ets. a month, four months $1 .00, - one cent e d#y. If any dealer saya he bas tle W. t. Douffla Shoeg without name and prlce stampe? on the bottom, put hlm down as a fraudV W. L. DOUCLAS PO OHUC GENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine his 85.OO GKNUINE BASD-8EWID SHOK. 84.00 HASII-SEWKD WKLT SHOE. 3.50 PÓLICE ANI FARMERS' SHOE. 82.50 KXTKA VALUK CAI.F SHOE. 2.85 WORKINGMAÏT'S SHOE. 83.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made la Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE tAFD.REs. Bert Material. Best Style. Best Fittine. II not sold by your dealer, write W. L,. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASSi Examine W. V. i.uKli.s Sa.oo Mi..." i,,r gentlemen and ladip. WM. REI1THARDT& CO., 43 S. WAIS STREET, Ann Arbor. ïew Advertisements FROSTKING. No More Cold Houses. Doublé Dead Air Cells Cost saved in Coal or Wood Yearly. Patent issued June. 189. S-First application secure agency. FRO3T KING CO., Lowville, N. Y. TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1CO0 newspapers divided into STATES and 8ECTIONS wiU be sent on application- !■ KEE, To those who want their advert'sing to pav we can offer no better medium for thorough andeffective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. .:. P. lliilllll, A CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street. New York. Hl miRMFY IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, ■'lK II 1. A TINO Owellins. Public Buiïdmgs, Churches &c. 'The Gürnky Hot Water System ts safe. cleanly, readily mauaved, esiablishes a uniform, agreeable and wholesonie heat. and is far superior In these mentioned partirulnn to any othermode of Househeating with woicn I am acqalnted " A. BKuOKS, M. D., Chicago 8end for-Mow bost to heat unr Homes GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO Montón. Mtias. S" Elnmtes furnished by Western PlHinbiiic iumI Ilculiii r lelrori. i m-Ii prüïkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured Br ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' DOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, or in articles of food, witliout the kuowletige of tho person takin;; it; it is absolutely hannless and will effect a parmaoenl and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholio wreek, it neve.r FAILS. WeGUARANTEE a complete cure in everyinstance. 48 page boo] FREE. Addrcis in confidence, GOLDEW SPECIFIC 1 86 Race St.. Clnclnnall, 0i MOrer 100 rroo tolcj by ono drttThnV ■ Costliene.jv.lari., IÍTer Complot, Feyer Mfl Agro Indfgertion, Bukuhi, nd lili MrJi'Í " Íto?ac'1 ""■ They Never V M'aH, cola by 1 dnicrists sod coantry storOH Wanted ssrftí5StRhlossí a erica. Send ñamo and address with 2-cent stamp for f uil ■■ff . ■ particulars to Wife ! ,.,-!jasg,Bowi,w Aillo JriliTiíX& p. Kovell& Vot Newsjwlp;. dTertlslnEureauí.ISpnicea'.).n'i-Ad-.-(rtlfnj ootmctli ciív ka tul Ir 'ü ULrt VOiiii Tö MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rate. Fout Trip pr Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petokey, Sault Sta. Marie, and Laks Hurón Way Porta. ÏTry Weok Dy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sundny Tript during June, July, Auguat and Sept. Doublé Daily Line Eetween CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Ht and Excursión Tickets will be furnishc; by your Ticket Agent, er addres E. B. WHITCOMB, Q. P. A., Detroit, Micm., ' Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. fftfe PENNYROYAL WAFERS fPZ Are suecessfully uxed mnthly by over 1O,(Ï1C KRM-adips. Are $L ï'.ffectual anti Pteasant. #1 ■Jfer box by mail, or at drugglsts. Sealtd Par. W riculars 2 poatage stamps. Addresa r The Ei-REKA Chemical Compjny, Fisher Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch, Sli by JOH .1IOORE. "CHICAGO TRUSS." Ji New Sptral Spring Trus , l Hard Ruhber Pad ; Clean, Durable, Cheap. Approved I, ', . oy the hijfhest Medical Au'. .hority. Woin dy and night an Infant a week oid or au Adult KO years. EaMly adjusted. It meets all formi of Scrotal . FVrmoral.InguiDal and Umbiüi'a) Hernia, in both Intimi and Adulta. Satisfaction iiaranteed in all cases. Any desirable pre&sure obtained. If your arugsist unes uot keep this Tru.a, endose I stomps aud address. CIICAO TKISS 'O., OFFICE AKD FITTING HOüS?," IU' 1S2 E.lïandnlphSt, T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. Sold by Aun Arbor Drufjgivs. JBpFIÊLD'S Í „REGULATOR MENSTRUATION , O" MONTHLVSICKNCSS 1F TIVKÍ.N DURIHB Oï UïE ■ JB0OK TO"mO4kiï"JMILLD?SEB BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA BA. sold Mr u aaueeisTi. Wei! Drilling Machinery SOLD OlvrTRIAL. ra No Cash Payment- or settlement of any glfm klnd-until after a i 'Mí SATISFACTORY TEST. M Machinery and Toola Ml [ Guaranteed to make Wells KI anywhere, Jl Rnilattherateof3ft.toevery2ft. il I byayc-ther machine, orno sale, il I THE BESTT'lway THE CHEAPEST. Il I feena for Catalosrue. OSSf3 Empire Well Auger Co., ITHACA. ".V Is the oldest and roost popular sclenttflc and mechanica! paper publtshed and Das (h largept circulation of any paper of lts clas in the world, Fully llluatrated. Best ciass oí Wood KneraTlngs. Published weeklr. gend for ipecimen Prlce $3 a year. Foar month' trial, IL MUNN i, CO., Püblishers, 861 Brodwy, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDtRC Edition of Scientific American. O i. ret success. Each Issue contains eolored Iltboffrapnic plates of country and city reai dences or public bui;diüíí. Numerous enRravingi and full plan? and specffleations for the ase oí suco as contémplate buil ding. Price $2.50 a year, 25cta. acupy. MUNN ACÓ., Publishkrs. ■■w i hare had ore ■ 0 years' experience and have made ovef ■ 100,000 applicationa for American and For elRa patenta. Send for Handbook. Corre#pondence strictly confldentlal. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark la not reclatered In the Pmtent Office, apply to MciíK A CO, and procura lmmodiate protection. Send or liandbooL COPYRHJHTS for books, charta, map. te, qulcklf procured. Addresl MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitara. " Qisxkl Ornes: KI Bboadwat, H,"T,


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