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Millinery goods can be purchasei at half price at Mrs. M. M. Tuttle's. SUilIful Treatment. Owosso Times. - Dr. Fruth, of New York, Physician and Surgeon, late Surgeon in the Providence Dispensary of New York City, by request of his many friends and patients will make a return visit to Ann Arbor, Tuesday, August 6th, 1889. The doctor is meeting with gratilying buccess, and we advise the affiicted to consult him on the above date. His epeciality is chronic diseases and diseases of the eye and ear, and he gives his entire attention to the successful treatment of these compiaints. His success is due to a thorough knowledge of the human system, gained by aa extensi ve hospital experience and careful study. He does not profesa to perform miracles nor to work by magie, but extensiva experience in the hospitals of New York Oity, office association with eminent specialiets there and years of study with the best authorities, make bis treatment in certain lines of practice worthy of consideration. That it is skillful, that it is not experimental, that it representa the best improvements and developments of modern discovery, is all that is claimed for it. Health is as important as life, and no invalid who values health can afford to lose this opportunity of obtaining his skilful treatment. Coneultations free at the Arlington House on the above date. T. A. A. & N. M. Ry., make one and one third fare for round trip to Pine Lake, Mich., to persons to attend Hasket Park camp meeting, held at Pine Lake. Tickets sales commencinjt July 25th, and sold Tuesdays and Saturdays. Good to return not later than Aug. 27th. G. H. Hazlewood, Agent. Half price is all that Mrs. M. M. Tuttle asks for any of her trimmed hats. Ladies now have the rare opportunity of buying a fine hat at a low price by calling on Mrs. M. M. Tuttle. T. A. A. &N. M. Ry., will sell tickets to persons attending the annual camp meeling of the Michigan C. G. Asaociation to be held atBay View, July 15th to Aug. 16th. Tickets on sale July 15th to 24th inclusive. Good going only on day of sale, and returning not later than Aug. 16th. At one fare for round trip. G. H. Hazlewood, Agent. Commencing tomorrow, Mrs. M. M. Tuttle will sell all trimmed goods in her millinery parlors at one-half the regular price. ANN AKIIOK H1BKLT REPORT. Prlces Pald by onr Itlerchants. Ann Abbor, July 26, 1889. Beef dressed, per cwt '. 5 00 & 6 00 Butter, per tt @ 12 Beef on foot, per cwt „.. 2 60 @ 8 60 Beaas. _ 1 25 @ 1 50 Chickens, per lb „ __ io @ 15 Calf Skins. @ 4 Cloyer seed, per bu „ S 50 @ 4 75 Corn In cob, per bu „.. 18 @ 20 Deacon skins 15 @ 30 Eggaperdoz , a 12 Ffour, perbbl 5 00 @ 5 75 Honey per B....„„ @ 15 Hoes on foot,per cwt 3 50 @ 4 00 Hides, green „ @ 4 Hides, cured 4U @ 6 Hay, Timothy No. 1, per ton 10 00 12 00 Hay, Clover, per ton 9 00 @ 10 00 Lard.perïb „ 8 e 9 Lamb _ 10 @ 11 Mutton, per Ib, diessed „ 6 @ 7 Oats 25 @ 28 Pork, dressed, per cwt 5 00 @ 5 50 Potatoes, per bu 50 @ 60 Sneep pelts 50 1 50 Straw, per ton_ @ 4 00 Tallow y @ 2 Veal _ 5 @ 6 Wheat _ _. 80 @ 82 Wool 28 @ 31 1STEW FIRM IN THE iPi Barber Shop ! Everything neat and flrst-class. Best öf WorkmeD. Try us. CHAS, SHETTERLEY & BRO. REPORT OP THE C0NDITI0N OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF A.N3ST ABBOB, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, July lüth, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discount f278,898 78 Overdrafts 912 49 ü. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 0 Other stock, bonds and mortgages 900 00 Due ftom approved reserve agenta 33,825 87 Premiums paid „ „ 6 484 3S Due from State Bank and Bankers 15,551 62 Bills in transit 106 40 Keal estáte, furniture and flxtures 13,950 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4 13 CheckB and other cash items 548 86 Bills of other National Banks „ 6,045 00 Fractional currency,(including nickels) 234 83 8pecie,(includinggoldTreasurynotes,) 12,458 75 Legal-tender notes 2,828 00 Kedemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circvüation) 1,126 00 Due from U. 8. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund 45 Total. „ 398,86U 36 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in _ 1100,000 00 Burplus fund ..„ 13,000 00 Other undivlded proflts 22,289 14 National Bank notes outstandiDg... 22,500 00 Diïidends unpaid _ 372 00 Individual deposita subject to check... 149,915 77 Demand certiflcates of deposit 87 982 66 Certifled checks „ Due to other National Banks 2 809 89 Due to State Banks and Bankers Notes and bilis rediscounted Total „ (398,869 86 8tate of Michigan, County or Washtknaw, ssI, Sldney W. Clarkson, Cashier of the abova named bank, do solemnly snear that the above suitement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. W. CLAKKSON, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me this 2:d dy of July, 1869. Densmore Cbamke, Notary Public, Correct- Attest: 0. H. Richmond, ") E. D. Kinke, J-Dtrectors. Phiup Bach. j Great Reduction Sale at Mrs. M. M. Tuttle'n. Mrs. Albert Kokersley , the third daughter of Prot. Huxley, has gone to Mexico to live, her husband having business nterests there. INTERESTING BARGAINS THE NEXTTWO WEEKS SCHUIMEN EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN. 300 yards Surah Silks, in light and dark shades, worth 75c, your choice at 50c a yard. One lot Black Surah Silks at 50c a yard. One lot heavy rich "Regetta" Black Dress Silks at 85c a yard. 385 yards Irish Point Embroidery, worth 60c to $1.25, the entire lot at 35c a yard. 75 pieces Torchom Laces at 10c a yd., worth 20c. 50 pieces handsome Persian Dress Trimmings, formerly sold at 50 and 75c, all at 25c a yard. 42 inch pure silk Chantilla Lace Flouncings at 75c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard. 40 doz. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests at 10c each. 18 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Lisie Vests, worth 50c, at 35c each. 15 doz. Ladies' very fine Gauze Vests, long and short sleeves, at 25c each. One lot Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 29c each, worth 50c. One lot of Men's Night Shirts at 75c each. 10 doz. Summer Gauze Corsets at 50c each. Big drive in a 50c Corset for 39c. One case best 7c Light Prints at 5c per yard. One case Dress Lawns at 3Jc a yard. 50 pieces handsome lis;ht Dress Challies at 5c a yard. White Wash Goods. 10 pieces Checked Nainsooks at 6c and 8c per yard. 25 pieces very fine satin plaid and striped India Mulla at 10c a yd., worth 20c. 38 pieces plain India Mulls at 8c, 10c and 12Jc. Closing out all Colored Parasols at cost. 100 Silk Umbrellas, with gold and silver handles, at $1.50 and $1.75 each. Big Eargains in Infants' Lace Caps. KBwis '■ ' ' B 10 doz. Lace Caps at 18a each. 5 doz. Lace Caps at 25c each. 5 doz. Lace Caps at 35c each. 3 doz. Lace Caps at 50c each . 3 doz. Lace Caps at 75c each. Our prices on Lace Caps are just half price what other houses ask for the same goods. Ladies, don'tforget that we are sole agenta for SMITH & ANGELL'S F AST BLACK STOOKINGS. They will not fade, orook or etain the f eet. E very pair ■warranted. Lace Curtains. The largest stock and lowest prices in Ann Arbor. 50 pair, 3 yards long, Nottinnham Lace Curtains at $1 and $1.25 a pair. 35 pair, wide, 3 yards long, Lace Curtains, worth $3 a pair, during this sale nly $2 a pair. 25 pair elegant Brussels and Swiss Lace Curtains at $6, $7 and $10 a pair. 5 pieces Jïottingham Curtain Laces at 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c and 30c a yard. 25 doz. more Drapery Curtain Poles at the low price of 29c each, complete. Bargains at every counter and in every department during the next two weeks. We are always the cheapest. iiCfllllltll & HlLLtjf.


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