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Tpsllantl. Mrs. Jerome Walter is very DL Mrs. Wood, nee Miss Chet Yost, of Hudson, spent Monday and Tuesday in our city. Amos Dickinson and family, of Manchester, have taken up their abode in our city. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley started for Connecticut, Saturday evening, for a two weeks' visit. Miss Alice Palmer, of Paris, Mich., has been visiting frienda at Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, this week. Mrs. Wm. Hardy and daughter, of Ann Arbor, were guests of Mra. John Boyce, Friday of last week. Miss Nettie King, of Alliance,O., who has been the guest of Mrs. Torn. McAndrew, returned home, Tuesday, Dr. Pattison's daughter, Myra, is a great sufferer with lung troubles and fears are entertained of her recovery. Profs. Cleary and McClennahan are busily at work getting the Toledo branch of the Cleary business college in running order for the opening of the fall term. John Miller's son, Fred, was about the same as dead when restued from the river by lawyer Wendall, Katurday. He revived, however.and will probably try it again before the summer is over. Miss Hattie Campbell, who has been a pupil at the Normal conservatory for the past year, has returned to her home in New Hampshire, accompanied by her aunt, Miss Lois McMahon, of the Normal faculty. Mr. Coats, superintendent of the water works, says that Ypsi. is the first city on record where fire protection was afforded to the whole business part of the city within three weeks from beginning of construction of the works. The bazarette celebrated its fourth anniversary by moving into and holding an evening reception in the newest and handsomest building in the city, Wednesday evening. No goods were sold but the visitors were treated to fine music by Gibson, the harpist, of Ann Arbor. Whitmore Lake. Toledo excursión today. The Jackson Houee is open for '89. Excursión from Pontiac last Tuesday. Social hop at the Cliftonlast Saturday evening. C. A. Pray has added salt dealing to his line of industry. Miss Mae Drake, of Detroit, is a guest of Miss Mabel Stiles. Ernest Smith, of Jackson, spent Sunday with his family here. The steamers run bathing excursions to the north beach every afternooi. Stilsonburg, with its aerial car and other attractiocs, is enjoying its summer's boom. In the matter of attempt to have R. Snell adjudged insane, proceedings have been adjourned one month. Mr. Kittredge, of Thb Register, with his family report much pleasure in camp in the east side grove. Mr. Coulin, of Northfield, had the roof blown from his barn and some wheat stacks blown down during the storm, Saturday night. The huckleberry erop, which promised well, bas been destroyed by some insect or otherwise. The blackberry erop will be very laige. Emery. Chas. Smith looks quite dignified with his new carriage. Mr. Whiting is yisiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Vernon Sawyer, of Hamburg, was the guest of J. G. Leiand, Sunday. Mrs. W. Hebbard and aon, L. H. Hebbard, called on friends at Ann Arbor, Tuesday. An ice cream social at Mrs. T. Renwick's, Friday evening. Ice cream served from 5 to 9 p. m. Ladies furnish the refreshment. Miss Kate Pfeifle was called to Ann Arbor, last Saturday, by the illness of her brother, John, but he is reported better at this writing.


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