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- ■■ Many men of many mina's ; Man y pilla of varioua kinds. But for mild, effective, vegetable pur(fative, you had better get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgativa Pellets. They cure 8ick headache, bilious beadacbe, dizzines?, cocitipatioD, indigestión, and bilious attacks ; 25 cents a vial, by druegists. Happy Father - "Joe, old boy, give me suitableg nameg for my twine babiec." Joe - "Are they boys or girl??" "Girls." "How will Kate and Duplícate do?" Idleness is a ngrrons Faalt in the kidneys. When inactivo they Bpeedily fall into digrepair. Those obstinate and fatal maladiee, Bright's disease and diabetes, ensue with terrible certainty upon the inaction of the organs affected. Catarrh ot' the bladder, et uresis, gravel and strangury are a'so to be apprehended from a partial paralysis of the bladder, of whioh weaknees and sluggishness are the cause?. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a Sne tonic and promoter of aetivity Tor the renal organs, and one wbich can be relied upon to afford them the requisita stimulus without exciting them - an effect to be feared from the unmedicated alcnolic excitant of commerce. A further beneficient effect of the Bitter, by renewing aetivity of the kidneys, is to enable them to draiu from the blood in its passage tbrough them, impuritie productiva of rheumatism and dropsy. Nervoueneos, fever aad ague, coastipation and dyspepsia are onquered by the Bitters. Li On is the name of the manager of the Chinese Theatncnl Company in New York. It stricke8 us that he ought be the advance agent. ie vrarranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifica the whole system, and thoroughly bailds up the constitution. Remember, wb (ruarautee i' Jon Moorf, Druggist SHILOH'S CUEE will itnmediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Advlce to Hothers. Mrs. Witglow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum?, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. The "Society of St. Cyrial and Methodiua" has been founded at Vienna to promote the spread of Caiholicism among the Slavs. CROUP, WHOUPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'8 Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. A pocketbook made of rattlesnake hide, which is so repulsivo to ladies that tbey won't touch it, is having quite a sale among married men. OH! MY HEAD. The pain firm Neuralgia and ita eompanion disease Rheumatism ia exoruciating. Thousands who could be quickly cured are needlessly sufferiug. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for others what it did for the foUowing porties: Wflliamsport. Ind., Oot. 1 1987. Hanncbeen aöbeted with neuralgia for the past foor yearo, and tryinc almoet ererjthiDjr. bat in rain. I nnally haard of Athlophoto. After UkiM one bottlo I fouud it o be helpinc me. od aftar tatdni foor bottle of AthlophoiOB and one oí PillB. I foond that I was eotJrel well I í" the medi toe i iKjuiürelj a ure'cnre. OBAtmoxr B. Recdick. Ht. Carmel, Hl.. Deo. 98. 1887. I ban naca Athlophoroe in mi famib and flnd it to be the greateat medicine for nearalcia in ezutenoe. and haring had iu fangt faatened apon me for the paat 80 reara I know hareof I ipeak. Mus. Juua Chütok. t&" tiend 6 cent for the beautlful colored picture, " Moorlsh Malden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. H. Y. ÖSC1R 0. SORG, DEALER IN PAÍNTERS' SUPPLIES House Decorating and Sign PaintiDg a epecialty. 70 S. Main-st, Ann Artor. INSURANCE, EKAL B8TATE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON - Offloes, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Paxtlee deslring to buy or aell Real Estáte wllj flnd ltto thelr advant&ge to cali on me. I repreent the foUowing flret-claun Fire Insuranoe Com pcnlee, having an aggregate capital of over S8,NO,oeO: ■ The ranl Raplds Ftre Ins. Co., The Oblo Farmer'8 Ins. to., (lnsnre only dwelllnx). The Herman Flre Ins. Go., The Coucordia Flre Ins. ., The Cltlzens' Flre lux. Co., The Wertchester Flre Ins. Co., Th muiwaukee Hechanlc's Mutual Flre Ins. Co., The New Hampshlre Flre Ins. Co., The Auiaiiiii lire Ins. Co. Bate Low. Loases liberally adjiwted né Diomptly pald. I alBO tone Life and Investment Pollcles In Uw Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Companr. A leta 156,000,000. Penona deglring Accldeat Inguranee, can have yearly Policios written for tbem or Travelert Coupon Insurance Ticket laned at Low Ratea In the Standard Accident Insurance GompanT of North America. Money to Loan at Cnirenl Ratea. Office houra from 8 a. m. to 12m. and 2 to . m. ALEX. -W. HAMIIiTON, a&mllton BI', ok Mnot buy yout nummer ontflt before calllns oo us. as we will best be able to auit you Our stock of ltods. Tackle. Etc. Is larxe, varied, and includei modern lmprovemeots oí tüo lauat patterus and desigua In EVERYTHING YOUWANT IN THIS LINE Gum. Rifles and Hnnteri' Accontrements, Bate Ball and Boating Outflts, Hammocka and Tents. Lawn Tennis, Croqnet Sets and all out-door BtIIO games. Also. hundreds of hll I Im you oeed la hot weather. 1 IWlï 1 8 STATE 8TUEET, CHICAGO, LXm


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