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A Grent Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Balsum for the Thron' and Lungs, the great guaranteed remeilv. Would you beüeve that it is sold on i ca merits and that any druggist is authonzed by the proprietor of this wonderful reraedy to give you a sample bottle free ? It never feils to cure acute or chornv: coughs. All druggists stil Kemp's Bilsam. Large Bottle9 50 cents aud $1. The man that guesses at protabilities often overreachs the man that waits for the trulh. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath ecured, by Shiloh's Uatnrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal I: j ctor free. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Trusts are combinations of men and corporations that cannot trust one another. "YrvvO. trine witli any Throat or AJ Vï %v v Lung Disease. If you have a Congh or Cold, or the children are threatened with Crou p or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedyand prevent further tronble. It is a positivo cure,' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c Johw Moore. Druggist, Some men dicipline themselves to death. HORSE AILMENTS. Keponsct, 111., vL May 2Ü, 1888. fcMy mare eaught Bri l[5ï5 c0''i' result: swelled jEEteC Êtt Hmbs; lump betweeu SijBi : i V''? fore-legs and inflam3jjKÊi ' ?A matioh. Curedher LsKut X I with Jacotis 01W...JWJf L. O. GARDXEK. 'V4 a? borse was hurt iz on Iilnd leg ; suffered 10 months; was cured by St. Jacobs Oil; cure has remained permanent. W. J. CLIN'E. JOS. CA.IRN SIMPSON, Esq., Sec. Pacific Coast Blood-Horse Assoclation, saya : "Being familiar with the remarkable efticacy of St. Jacobs Oil, I cheerfully and heartily indorsa this valuable speciflc for painful ailments." Hon. ODEN' BOWIE, Ex-Goyernor of Marrland, Jockey Club, Prest. City Pass. Railway Co., says : "Va. my family and my stables I have used St. Jacobs Oil with satisfactory results, and believe it the best remedy for the painful ailments of man and beast." AT DRUGGIST3 AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Ballimor. Md. FIRST You shouldread The I DJAT GO Dailv News because I r vw ƒ ranee is expensive. You must read some paper. . Probably you've always had a wcekly - you can now afford a daily. The Chicago Daily News costs but one cent per copy - it's so cheap you can't aiford to lose time waiting for a weekly. You ought to know about things when they happen - not a week later. You live in the nineteenth century, in the greatese section of the greatest country on the earth, and you can't afford to be lelt behind, Rememier- -lts circulation is 250,000 a day- over a million a week- and it costs by mail 25 ets. a month.four momhs$i.oo,- onecentaday. LOOSE'S EXTRACT fLOYER DLOSSOM L TRAOS MARK ■ IT CUÜE9 Caneare, Humors, Soreí, Ulcera, Sweilinge. Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Erysipelas, Rhcumatism, and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Prick, $1 per Pint Bottle. or 6 Bottles for 4 1 Ib. can Solid Extract $2.50 r J. M. LOOSE KED CLOVER CO.. Detroit, Uien. si!l by Eberbach A Son. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OV A. W. HAMILTO Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Flooi Hamilton Blook. Partles deairing to buy or sell Real Estáte wt flnd It to thelr advant&ge tocall on me. I rep esent the following first-clafi Fire lusurauuc t .. ■ . pnlefi, havlng an aggreg&tti capital or qthi 8,100.000: The rund Rnpttln Flre Ins. Co., TIip Oblo Farmer'a Ins. Co., iiism only tl wt-llliiKTN The ioriiiuii t'ire Ina. Co., The OiKorillii Flre Ins. Co., The Citizen' Flre In. Co., The Wertchester Flre In. Co., The Milwaukee Hechanlc's Mutiinl Flre Ina. Co., The New lliiiiipsliire Flre Ins. Co., The Amazon Flre Iiin. Co. Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and oromptly paid. I also ibsue Life and Inveatment Policiet In tht Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aiets Í56,000,000. Persou leslrmg Accident u anee, can have yearïy Poilcien wrltten for iben; ti Travelert Coupon Insurance Ticket isKueü " Low Raten in the Standard Accident Imánate CompanT ofNorth America. Mouey to Luau i Cnrrenï Ratefl. Office hours from 8 a. m. to li'M and 2 to . h. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton BI' ck ", By ANDRUS BROWh WdilffiO of Peru. TheRichest """" man in South Ama erica. Send name and address with 2-cent stampforfull ■ijif ■ particulars to W ITfi I JAMES BROWN. f Wil Cl P.O.ScrlCSCIevelandlo ■%, PENNYROYAL WAFERS TZ rft successfully used mnthly by over 10.QÍXI XX Ladles. Are Safe. Bffectu&l and Fleatant f 1 í"jer box by muil, or Ht drnggtets. SeaUd l'ui ■ W iiculars -'! etamps. Addres-s ' THl KrilKKA ('HKMICAL COMI'.IVV. Fisher Bluck. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlcb. Sold by JOHN MOORE, JtHTTQ H ÜT7TJ mar tv ronnrt n me at Grt. 1JUO riXrXjJX KBoweU&Ck'nNeW8papef idTertistnKBureaudüSprnceSt.vwheroiulvcrtlsrnjl untrocu may lie ola tur inJISElV tVBb


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