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OUR 88 CEST CO-UMJi. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, eau be inserted three weeks for 35 cents. WANTED. WANTED-Two good horscs in exchange for organ or piano. Also good wood, hay and grain in exchauge for Sewing Machines. Alvin Wilsey, 28 S. Fourth-st. 6a WANTED- A place for boy to work for his board and lodgiug and ko to school ; after Sept. 1. Enqnire at 48 VVashteuaw-ave. 6o WAXTED- A boy who wishes to learn shorthand and type-writing and pay his tuition by doing office work. He can have a permanent position as soon as competent. A good chance tor the right boy. Enquire of S. A. Moran, ReuEBTBB Office. WANTED- An nnfurnished suite of rooms, permanently. Ko cooking. Address G. Q. C, this office. FOB SAI.-. FOR SALE. CHEAP- New house of six rooms; hard and soft water, good cellar; smaUpayment down. No. I Brook-st., opposite 69 Miller Ave. - HOUSE FOR SALE- 67i E. Washington. Will be 8Old cheap, if sold by Sept. lst, '69. 67 FOR SALE. CHEAP- Good carriage horse. Is also a first-claís faddle horse. Enquire at office A.A.Oas Co. __ _ FOR SALE-Curbing stone at reasonable rates. Address Box 1238. City. _ BARGAIN- S150 will buy our family horse, bussy and harness. The horse is perfectly safe for anyone to drive. E. B. Hall. 67__ F OH SALE- Gasoline stove, good as new, with all the latest improvements. Parties that called while we were away will now had us at home, 26 N. Thayer. Geo. W. Millen. 66_ Í1OR SALE OR RENT- Good brick house, furnished; wilh good well. barns, etc, and ■V, acres of land. Etiquire on premises, No. S Fuller-Bt., or of G. Hthodes, 12 FOR A young Mocking Bird from Florida. A singer. Address R. L . McColley, Tontagany, Ohlo. br Í?OR SALE- A Jersey buil calf. John Love, ' Baldwin-ave. off Wash tena w-ave. 66_ 170R SALE - Modern House, with fnrnace, centrally located. For partiuulars cali at No. 11 Maynard st. FOR SALE- A Knabe Piano, in good conditlon. Also some gas fixtures; hall lantern, center and side fixiures. No. 9 Monore-st. A few pairs of beauti ful fantail doves for sale, A cheap Eugene Phillips Hall, Hill-st. FOR SALE.- Thiity acres of land one mile from Court House, also ten acres in the city and house and lot In the city. Address i. U Loom is, 32 Ann-st. . FOR SALE.- Srrall house on Jetterson-st, one block from Unlveraity. Enquire ot W. W Whedon. . FOR SALE -Building lots, fronting west side Mann-st; extra view; sizes to suit; long Urne for fympn__J_T. Duncan. 76 Miller-ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE FOR FARM - Honse and 24 City Lots.-Apply 48 South Main St.. Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- 15 acre fruit farm, fine buildings, cholee joung peach orchard in beanng. good apple orchard, also pears. grapes and berries. Soil excellent. Situated one mfle south of Dmversity, lust outside of city limits. Il more and is desired will sell 121 (. acres adjoining. Wul exchange for city property, or farm well located B. E. Nlchols. bn" . FOK KENT. I" üRNISHED- and unfumished rooms for rent, 1 No. 7 E. Ann-st. __. 1?OR BENT- Honae and barn, 41 Madison-st. 1 Ipquire of B. E. Nichols, Boxjg. _ fOR RENT-Two large houses near the Uni1 versity, in excellent repair, and well adapted for boarding and renting rooms. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sesslons, Office No. 5 N. Maln-st. 6' FOR KENT- Several Houses in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from $130 toSSO. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and Keal EstateAgtNoJi.lIain ins '■:■.!. m;oi . LOST- On Tuesday, July Uth, in business part of town, in some store, or betweeu town and Lawrence-st. ladies' gold cuff button and cují. Reward if left at Brown's Drug Store or at No. 11 Lawrence-st. ' MAGAZINES AND PAPERS below pnblishei's prices Harpers' Weekly. Ï3 65 Harpers Bazar, 83.65. Harpers1 Magazine. S3.Í0. Lippencott's, 12.60. St. Louis, Í1.25. Forum, .&. VV A. Duncan, 6 Jefferson-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. 67 IHAVE a large track of timber land In the northen part of this state Ihat I would like to exchange for a house and lot in Ann Arbr. . s. Blitz. . _A_ MAGAZINES and Papers below publisher's price. Send stomp for circular. . Duncan, 6 Jetlerfon -st.. Ann Arbor, Mieh. o_ morning school for little children will open onJuly22nd. Hours from 9- 12. Kindergarten occupations. Terms Í.50 per week. For fnrther iniormation address Miss Wire, No. 30 Maynard. 1)ARTIF.S haviDg money to loan : I have applications for money every day, secured fully b tirst mortgage on Real Estáte at not less than 6 per cent. Address B. F. Boylan, cor. Pine and 2nd-sts., Seattle, Washington. FOR EXCHANGE- For small farm near Ann Arbor. 120-acre rarm, near railroad, nmbered with maple and other hard wood, soil firstcass, 30 acres cleared, good house and barn, 2 vellsAlso house and lot in Grayling. Will pay (liffer. ence in cash, or assume a morteage. Address Box 1S4, Grayllng, Crawford Co., Mich. 67


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Ann Arbor Register