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Adrice to Mother. Mrs. Wicelow'g Sot thing Syrup hould always used for chúdren teething. It soothes üi cbild, 8 rt'ientf i he gums, alia) s all pain, cures wind eolio, nd is the best Íremedy tor diarrl.oea. Twenty-tive cents bottle. __________ A fummt-r botel laeu&hip usually ends with the Blasón. DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning when he has Eheumatismor Neuralgia. The pain ia simply awftil. No torture in the ancien t times was more painful thau these twin diseases. But-oughta't a man to be blamed if, having Kheumatism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have sufFered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds ofter physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The skiB of flve phyrioian conld not cure me of Eheumat isra which bul settlud in the hipa, neck and shoulders. So intense was thepain that sleep was almost impossible. The first dose of Athlophoros gave me relief , and the third enabted me to eleep for foor and & half hours without waldng. I continued ita use. and aro now well." Rev. S. H. TROYER, New Albany, Ind. 49Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored pieture, " Moccish Maiden." THEATHL0PH0POSC0. 112 Wall St. N.Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney t Law. WU1 practlce in both State and United Statos Courts Office Rooms, one and two, lst fioor oí the new brick block. comer of Hurón and Fouita Btreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoürs: 10:30 to 12 ic and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Can be reached atresidence, West Hurón -st., a the "Prof. Nichol place "; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. p E. WILLIAMS, Attorney at law, Milán, Mlcli. Money loaned for outslde parties. AU legal business given prompt attention. 0. E. G0DPEEY TO DO YOI It DRATING, Freight work, Furniture and Piano movlng, oí ,1 anything else that you need done. He has all the 7 latest appliances, largest drays and best forcé of ' men. Kesidenee, 46 N. 4th-st. Teleptaone S3 WM. W. NICH0LS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor I Biier And all klmls of work In connectlon i I li the aboye proniptly exenleu. &■ Shop Cor. of Cliurch-st and Univereity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grapevines a Specialty. öyrups and Home-Made "Wines. Syrup of Raspberry ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandellon and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs forLiver and Kidney troubles ; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Wines, especially prepared lor Invalida. Order Trees and PJants early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseries eatt K. UAIK. West lliiiciii SI. FOUND AT MRS. HOYT'S, NO. 7 E. ANN ST., North side of Court House, a fine line SPRING MIILLNRY AND HAIE GOODS, A large line of Embroidering Material. Do your own stamping by using Kennerley & Oreighton's transfer desiarns. C-A-ILjXj OU G. H. WILD BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR A Fine Dress SuitI ïf you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. K. 8 Washington St. EIHSÏY & S1AB0LT lírO3. 6 .A-ETID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo) , Michigan. Save always on hand a complete Stock of evei J tUnglntu 6R0CERY LINE! Teas, Codees and Sugars All prime Articles bougkt for Cahú and can ae 1 atlow figures. Our frequent large involees o: Teas Is a sure sign that we give bargalna In QUALITY AND PRIOE. Wero&etour own coffees every week, alwaji fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ven best of Bread, Cakes and cracners. Cali and Ece ns. TU IC nDCD'soümLmPhIlaileI?hl I SUS fSLSÏÏtlslngAgency ot Meesrn. M. W. AV ER 80N. our authorized ageaU


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