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A Tremendons Sensntlon would have been created one hundred rears ago by the sight of one of our modern expresa train wbirlicg alone &t the rale of sixty miles an hour. Just think íow our grandfathers would have etared at such a spectacle ! It takes a good deal to astonish people now-a-days, but some of the tnarvelou? cures oí consumption wrought by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DÍ8covery, have created wide-spread amszement. Consumptiun is at last actnowledged curable. The " Golden Medical Discovery'1 is the onlv known remedy :or it. If taken at the right time - which, oear in mind, is not when the lungg are neaily gone - it will go right to tbe seat of the disease and accomphsh its woik as cothing ehe in the world can. Corneille, in his lolty flights, was often brought to a standstill for want of a word, which wag commonly supplied by bis brother Thomas. A Oreat Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free ? It never fsils to cure acute or chornic coughs. All druggista sell Kemp's Bilsam. Large Boules 50 cents and $1. _____ Ko.'seau wrotn his works earlv in the mirning; LeSage at midday; Bvron t midnight. Arittoile woke early and worked till he slept. FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. BBfejÈMwF chicken cholera IfclHBr3?L-i'% witl1 Kreat suc" f' 'mrrW the disease waa [ recommend it as a sure cure. It has saved me many dollars. H. A. KUENNE. Breeder of Fino Fowls. Bakersfield, Cal., Oct. 13, 1888. I have used St. Jacobs Oil for eorehead of chickeus with prompt, permanent cure. Ona bottle will cure 10 to 15 chickens ; 2 to 3 drops cures Wheezes. JAS. BETHAL. GENERAL DIRECTIONS.-MÍX apültf bread or dough salurated with St. Jacobs OU. I] the fowl cannot swallow farce il dovm the Uiroat. Mix tome corn meal dough vrith the OU. Oivt nothing ti.e. They wülfinally tal and be cured. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Biltimor. Ui. LODSE'S EXTRACT fLOVER DLOSSOM III fil KV al í C3 J ' TRADE MARK a ÏT CTIBSS Cancers, Humors, Sorel, Ulcers, Swelllngrs, Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum. Catarrh, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Discases. Pkick, $1 per Pint Bottle, or 6 Bottles ior 5. 1 Ib. can Solid Extract $2.50 r i. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CO.. Detroit, Mica. Solil 1 Eberbacta A Son. íWlCÓÍl! TEST1CURA EXTERNCSUM gALBERTg 3 'ior the cure of Seminal ] w g: ness. Impotency, Nocturnal -c Emissions, and Stunted o o velopment. creare (v-l oy absorption. Applied direct to O 53 ihe Parts. No nauaeous drugs that SO Sí rain the stomach }uaranteej J "ö g- Wpure or inoney refunded. BentS -9 f- to any part of the U. S. se-r g curely packed free tromjr g X.obüervation upoD SC receipt of X ADDRESS THE ALBERT MEDICAL CO. CLEVELAND, O. j (BTx PENNYROYAL WAFERS HF", Are surcossfully uscd uvtbly byover 10.1 ■ Hl,;lri. Are Sae, Kffeel u,d and PUasaM H ilff íper x by muil, or at drugglsts. Smfcii ftirW V ticuii' 2 postase stamps. Address f Tin: hVllKKA CHKMIOAt COMPJST. { Flilmr lüijck. 1S1 Woodward ave., Detroit, Hlcb. S..NI l.y JOHN 7IOOKK. liax 1 1 Ey aÏÏdRUBROWN1 Vyani@fl of Peru. TheRichest WVailKSU man jn South America. Send name a and address with 2-cent stamp for f uil ■f 'L ■ particufars to Wifa r james brown, "■ P.O. BoilCSCIeveland.O COMPLETE OUTFITS _Z.. - „.■ Our stock of RcliJfflSRhiWQRSMAiïO et. Neta. Markera. fflTTVt compriaee everyW ffiLkSfWV N tblDg modern. ycMI S" CROQUET SETS A„? 0-".ehVbtertUmakt.8anoeTperri?en.J.OTment ' TENTS and HAMMOCKS And everythinu you want for camping or aoüd comfort at home. CUNS AND ACCOUTREWENTS, BOATS AND FISHINC TACKLE. At absolutely less than manufacturers' cost. COME or SEND for CATALOGUE. JENNEY & GRAHAM GUN GO. 53 State St., Chicago -trtTTO T h "OW may tw on rm t Gn. J.XlIB p. BoweUfeCoNempapff i .Ivcrtlslnt! liurpau ,'0Sprace3i. wh.-rjiidv,TtiiTg


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